Bill Cosby Rape Accusations

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Ra, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  2. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Only if sean hannity did it
  3. hellified

    hellified Active Member

    The problem I have is now people are demanding that Cosby prove his innocence rather than the accusers proving his guilt.

    If Cosby did these crimes then its sad all the way around and not something people should want to do a "I told you he was no good" end zone football dance about. I mean come on if youre under 50 you grew up on Cosby. The cartoon, the tv shows, the stand up, the blaxploitation holy trilogy Uptown Saturday Night, Lets Do It Again and A Piece Of The Action..All that stuff is gold and my conflict is all that stuff has become tainted, besmirched because of his alleged private actions.

    I now have a better understanding of how the students at Penn State must have felt about Joe Paterno (altho I aint flipping over cars and rioting over it) Heres a guy who helped and mentored many students and people over his career there but turned a blind eye to child molestation by his friend. As a result they tore down statues and renamed all the shit dedicated to him on that campus..essentially they struck out his legacy. And Cosby is going thru the same thing. All that stuff I mentioned now has a dark shadow over it becuz from the way it sounds this dude was a predator and all that stuff is a part of my childhood. To watch him in an old stand up or movie and wonder while I'm looking at dr jekyll when did mr hyde show up.

    Thats why seeing people dog pile other things that have nothing to do with it angers me because being a rapist is bad enough whats the point of bringing up that he was a bully in the 3rd grade. All that non-criminal stuff has nothing to do with raping unconscious women.
  4. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Why are you angry? Do you know Bill Cosby personally? If not then why are you so upset about what he's going through like it's you going through it?

    Yeah, I get you may have enjoyed being entertained by him & respected him for his accomplishments & career (most us clearly do) but damn......
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Why is it you tell everyone else to use the ignore button, but don't yourself?

    You think you make clear arguments on race? Please. You're biased, rude, crude and false on half the shit you say.
    GL is correct, THIS IS NOT ABOUT RACE. For once, just drop the race blaming crap and LISTEN to the subject that these victims are trying to make you aware of.
  6. hellified

    hellified Active Member

    don't read too deeply into the doesn't anger me like the hulk it makes me feel some kind of way that the people (particularly black people) who are all told you he was an asshole! seem more self righteous about cosby's hypocrisy than the fact that he may be a serial rapist. Hannibal Buress's bit is predicated on this premise. He prefaces his punchline with the point that cosby "talked down" to black youth but is a rapist. As if had cosby not made his poundcake rant theyre anger at him would be different. How dare cosby talk down to poor blacks and on top of that he's a rapist. Those two things shouldn't be in the same sentence. Rapist trumps hypocrite every time.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2014
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Who is race blaming all I said was given the racial climate of this country and the fact black men, even those with power, are rarely if ever given the benefit of the doubt it makes it very hard to believe. Like hellified said they have burn down cities in retaliation for alleged rapes and Bill Cosby is a serial rapist and they just sit on their hands? Sounds weird.
    I have no need for the ignore button because you I don't NEED you people to agree with me. I don't get bent out of shape and complain when you don't see my pov. I'm not the one who gets emotional over anyone's post. So if you have the problem with me then IGNORE and forever hold your peace.
  8. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    So you don't like the fact that black folks are always in an endless cycle of finger pointing at each other in some form or another? Because basically that's what's going on.
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Certainly, this country affords you the right of innocent until proven guilty, but since he paid off a woman to stay quiet, then he has some explaining to do. Remember that this country also affords you the right to confront your accusers. He hasn't done that, so naturally people question it.

    No one should take away his contributions to the TV and movie world.
    However, keep in mind that his contribution is what got him a pass to begin with. So in one respect, he gained and lost by the same medium.

    It's not unlike Paula Deen. 35 years ago she said she used a word and people shunned her cooking shows, restaurant, books were taken off the shelf, etc...why? because it boded to her REAL character. Same thing with Donald Sterling... he was stripped of his team...because it boded to his real self. And these are actual people, not characters I just cited... Bill didn't play Bill on TV, he played characters. I could still watch his stuff, just like I still listen to R-Kelly, and kept using my EXPENSIVE Paula Deen griddle (because I paid too damn much for it), and I watched the Clippers.

    The point is, Bill's body of work in the ARTS that we love doesn't absolve him of his crimes as a person IRL. It did for a LOOONG time, but your past usually always catches up to you. He won't pay for his crimes, but he has to live with them.

    *One more thing... comparing Paterno to (Bill's legacy) as if he raped the boys, makes no sense. I can see comparing Sandusky to Bill, who was stripped of his charity for boys where he gave A LOT of money, which is more akin to your argument of sympathy for Bill.
  10. hellified

    hellified Active Member

    but thats the thing legally he doesn't have to answer it. A settlement isn't an admission of guilt. And by the same token if the victim is raped and has 13 witnesses willing to testify to the character of that man then why settle..isn't that putting a price tag on your crime? Same thing with MJ when he settled his 93 case. The parents taking money pretty much said okay for 20 million I'll give you a pass for fucking my kid.

    paterno knew of the crime and was a part of the conspiracy to cover it up. Also he's the biggest name by far on that campus.
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You can't even find a clinical psychological definition of why men do it, but it's out there under the umbrella of rape. (women tend to do it to rob a man).

    I remember the well publicized crime and trial of the white, rich and privileged Heir to cosmetic giant MAX FACTOR, who drugged and then raped several women.

    He got 124 years for 86 counts of rape, reduced to 50 years, on a technicality.


    This ain't a Black thing. Individuals who drug others in order to rape them, come from all creeds and walks of life. Hopefully it will sink in one day.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And what gave the impression that is?
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    People saying that he is being railroaded because he is Black, and because he did good things for the Black community. Don't play dumb. In fact, you even posted a link saying pretty much that.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    No I wanted to be clear on what you said before I responded to your bs. And no one said he's being railroaded because he's black, at least I didn't, I clearly said shit didn't add up because he was black. Would you deny that black people are/were treated differently especially during the Jim Crow era? If you don't tell me how a black man skates, without so much as an arrest, on rape allegations during a time when looking at a white woman too long would get you lynched.
    I'm advocating for his innocence I'm just saying it doesn't make sense.
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    WTF is your problem, what I said was not BS. Have you even been online the last 2 weeks? Have you listened to and read ANYTHING? GTFOH with your denial that his race hasn't been alluded to, or outright been mentioned. :roll:

    His first accuser noted 1969 as the date. So not only was it post Jim Crow, neither of them resided in the South, ok? Again, he was a superstar on a level that paralleled his co-star who was white on I SPY, ok?

    For the upteenth time, women back then, and still today, were put on trial when it came to rape, and date rape, DRUG RAPE was not something you reported, especially in the drug era of the 70's, ok? I'd like to see you get raped in those days by drugging, by a SUPERSTAR, and watch you run to the cops and see what happens.

    These women couldn't even fight back, so you try to physically prove it to authorities. Forensic DNA wasn't implemented in rape kits until the late 1980's, so before that, sperm wasn't even allocated to an individual male, ok? You could not tie a rape to a man by sperm before then.

    And skate he did..women DID try to report him and were met with rejection...

    1, On January 28, 2000, Lachele Covington alleged in a police report filed on February 1 that Cosby groped her in his apartment.

    2. In January 2004, Andrea Constand, a former Temple University employee, accused him of drugging and fondling her. In February 2005, authorities announced they would not charge Cosby over the allegations because of "insufficient credible and admissible evidence," Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce Castor said in a statement in February 2005.[49]....

    3. On hearing that the prosecutor was unlikely to pursue charges in relation to Andrea Constand's accusation, in February 2005, California lawyer Tamara Lucier Green came forward with allegations that Cosby had drugged and assaulted her in 1969.

    4. In a July 2005 interview with the Philadelphia Daily News, Beth Ferrier alleged that in 1984, Cosby drugged her coffee, she felt woozy, passed out and woke up with her clothes partially removed.
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    If you think 1969 was post Jim Crow you are beyonder woefully out of a touch. Making something a law doesn't make it illegal. Seriously read a book on black studies you need to.
    Women were denied belief when the perp was white but when the dude was black all they needed was their word
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    LOL, conveniently ignore the proof that women did try to report him.

    FYI, I did a whole elective college course on African American History, thanks. I was the only White student in my class. Read many books, too. My professor was (and likely still is) an esteemed leading professor from Temple University on Black Studies. He opened my eyes to so much, and he pulled no punches.
    So tell me, how many Women's Studies courses have you taken?

    FTR, Hollywood was way more progressive than the South. So you're saying these women are lying? You're trying to tell me that in the 70's Superstar Bill didn't have privileged and a pass, but was living a life in LA as if under Jim Crowe Laws? K.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2014
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I actually took several Women's Studies courses including Gender and Power (it's the first time I was exposed to Ain't I Woman totally changed my perspective on race and gender), I took Global Women's Studies, and I know I'm probably forgetting a few but I was a political science major it was part of the curriculum.
    I didn't conveniently ignore your proof I just thought it might be a little ancillary to add on to what Hellified posted but for one some of these allegations were alleged sexual assaults not rape with no evidence other than someone just said so.
    I never said he or any black person was living under Jim Crow laws but the Jim Crow era which is different. Like I said just because it's a law doesn't make something illegal. Things didn't just stop because a law was ratified (which says even more that such a thing needed to be written into law in the first place), attitudes and long held values about black people didn't just cease. So someone who was weary of black men and felt like it was their responsibility to protect white women from black men like first wave Klansmen wasn't going to just let all that go. And you act like Hollywood has always been this great paradise of tolerance. They use to treat black talent like the garbage they thought they were because the opinions of the nation didn't disapate at Hollywood hills.
    And I'm not saying these women are lying I'm saying this shit doesn't sound right, something is weird.
  20. JamahlSharif

    JamahlSharif Well-Known Member


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