Would you rather just ignore the problem and pretend everything is all good? This shit is an epidemic.
No doubt. This is the kind of shit that should be protested as well by the community. Unacceptable. http://homicides.redeyechicago.com/ If you go down that list its primarily young black males "DEAD" That shit is not cool by any stretch. Something is fucked up when you have morgues filling up in a city with one demographic and gender each and every day. I remember asking myself how is it the Hispanic population has bypassed the Black American population and it is because the black population is not growing. There is a social control going on via this kind of b.s. we read about in Chicago. New York City used to have 2000+ homicides a year at its awful period of the crack epidemic in the 80's through the early 90's. Now it is down to about 500 and declining year after year in a city of 8 million people, the largest in America and one of the largest in the world. No reason why Chicago can't get on top of this situation they are facing, given their population is 2.5 million, just over a quarter that of NYC. Al Sharpton is talking about protesting stop and frisk in New York City. Nah dude, fuck that, take your protest to Chicago Al. They could use it obviously. I never want to see the days again when NYC had thousands of murders per year.
LOL, true. Here is an idea of what New York City was like. That is what you call getting murder under control. Tougher gun laws and policing. As you see Brooklyn and the Bronx used to be bleeding red, not so much now.
Chicago has the highest murder rate in the country now. They need to take a meeting with the NY officials and take notes.
Yeah, never a title you want to have. I recall a story where there were officials saying that the nature of the Gangs in Chicago makes it that much tougher than in New York City to control the violence or words to that effect. Chicago Gangs are pretty much patch worked and close together geographically. These turf obsessed fools can drift into and out of each others "territory" from one corner to the next, which means random acts of violence can pop off at any given moment. This is crazy when you can keep a running score of the murder rate like a sporting event.
The only way this will get protests and riots would be if white officers did it.....but ah well, who cares. http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-chicago-gun-violence-20140823-story.html
Who do you want people to riot? Drug dealers and criminals who don't care about the law to begin with?
And when said drug dealers and criminals are shot by white cops, "boooo unfair, they had to feed their families" (I have actually seen you post something like this) Always excuses for lowlifes with you, man Is anybody accountable for their actions, in your worldview?
I've never sided against cops doing their jobs and simply saying they were shooting criminals doesn't make it ok to me. Why does the aggression level have to go to a different level for black criminals vs white ones? That's what I basically come to because as we've seen they drop the criminal part and just aggressively ostracize blacks and browns. And I don't care what color the cops are I'm far more interested in the race of the suspect because we aren't being treated fairly under the law that we are suppose to be held accountable to.
I don't care about the color, sex and other things about the officer when they are doing their job, too. When I was in the academy, one of my instructors told us that non-white people are treated differently than white people. But this is taught to the rookie officer by experienced veterans on the force. A veteran's experience varies, however. Not all experienced veterans are hard to the point of being extreme racists. These people have experienced things that they cannot forget. I had once discussed this issue with a Miami-Dade police officer. He told me that every officer is different. He sort of told me that he, as a fellow officer, will not betray the sanctity of the Blue Wall of Silence. As an officer, he has to work with the best and the worst and his life is dependent on them both. These cops have seen it all. They are now aware of technology and have to act like a camera is on them all the time. But sometimes they forget, even in the heat of the moment. I think that every LEO is accountable for their actions and they have to answer to the community. Not just to their peers but everyone from the city, county, state and the community they serve. They are also accountable to the people they detain and arrest because these people are watching them, too. They are even accountable to the offenders they use force(even deadly force) against.
I woke up to crime seen tape and 20 cops on my block...a bit too close for comfort...first thing I did was check my sons room...thankfully he was sound asleep
The difference is the shootings in Chicago will be investigated appropriately and when the perpetrators are caught they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Justice, though slow, will be done. Contrast that with the Brown murder where you have eyewitness accounts and forensic evidence that calls the shooters claims into question yet nothing was being done to investigate the murder until the citizenry began to protest. Let us not forget, the Furgeson PD should be accountable to the people of Furgeson. Not the other way around. It's the peoples' money that pays Wilson's, and every other officer's, wages. They are paid to protect them not oppress them. And when any police department feels they can gun down it's citizens without concern for the proccess of law, they them selves have sworn to uphold, then the only recourse a people have is protest. In short, while the shooting may have been the catalyst for the events in Furgeson, the protest are about the abuse of power and the lack of any real investigation into the murder of Micheal Brown by officer Wilson. The shootings in Chicago and the protests in Furgeson are unrelated events. We must make sure we don't fall for the diversionary tactic of conflating the two. That's how poloticians trick everyday people into voting against their own best interest.
Chicago's gang culture is so pervasive I wouldn't know where to begin with a solution. It's so entrenched, I wonder how much can be addressed with better education and job opportunities.
None overnight. That is a process that will take several generations. It is a part of Chicago's DNA at this point.