Fox News says that things like this just don't happen

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Young Herschel, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Ok maybe I should have clarified that my post was largely in response to the post you had recently made in the other thread, the one Loki responded to; however your post in this thread seems to be somewhat related. As you already know there are a few people here that feel the the riots speak to what they see as hypocrisy in the black community. They are clearly saying that there is no difference between a cop killing a bm vs another bm ( ordinary citizen ) killing a bm. They even go as far as to say that black people only care about the murder of a black person when a non black person kills them. (Clearly the belief of panerio)I know you were being sarcastic about the riots, but I am not sure if or how it reflects your overall opinion on the matter.
  2. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Thanks fam
  3. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    you know he told the truth...those Black cops don't give a rat's about us.
  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I'm not familiar with OK, being an East Coaster. You might be right in your deduction then. The story doesn't tell us they shot him because of race, and the DM almost always hone in on that when it's racially motivated. Time will tell when more is revealed in the details. Regardless, this bright teen is dead, and it's stories like this that makes me think, 'if only he never met her, and thus her father, he'd be alive today". His family must me devastated. :(
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I was indeed being sarcastic in the death of an unarmed man over a chicken wing thread, because the DOJ sent 40 agents to Ferguson, but don't ever send any to my city to investigate the murders of victims. This whole thing reeks of politics. The numbers don't lie, and it's disingenuous to infer that this killing is more important than what has been occurring for more than 20 years.

    You wrote, "If you remove race from the equation of black on black crime, you simply have criminals in Chicago killing each other as criminals are expected to do." of which I can't co-sign, because we had a 3yr-old shot and killed here last week while playing outside with her mom, by 2 guys having a shoot out.
    Now you can be more outraged that a cop in particular killed Brown, that is your choice, but to me, if a cop unjustly kills a civilian, he is a criminal too and no different than gun-totting criminals in Chicago or anywhere else. In the end, the victims all lose their life, regardless of who took it or what power they invoke by wearing a uniform. If a thug/rogue cop is giving you orders, it's no different than a criminal giving you orders. As a victim, you lose all your power and do what they say or they will shoot you. In fact, criminals shoot you AND rob you, so take that for what it's worth (no pun intended). Therefore, I will continue to speak out on the inequity of attention, the lack of respect of time, resources and megaphoning that opportunist (ie: Sharpton, Holder, Obama, and most politicians) rarely deliver, unless it is inter-race in nature.
  7. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Black conservatives never question the oppressors of Black males. They just go quiet and say nothing unless it directly happens to them. Listen to any talk radio show national or local and it is supporting that cop and bash the Black male.
  8. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    Oh the irony...
  9. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    At the rate that crime happens in this country, it is understandable that it will no longer be news when a criminal does criminal shit. However, when someone is sworn into duty to serve and protect everybody equally and is paid with tax payer money to do so does criminal shit, it certainly should be news.

    On the note of what is newsworthy and what is not, you will never hear about the megaphoning opportunists work in Chicago. You will never hear about Sharpton MOVING to Chicago to help address the black on black violence. You will never hear about Obama's work on the Chicago South Side. You probably did hear about Michelle Obama attending the funeral of the girl gunned down in Chicago, but it's convenient to forget.

    Make no mistake, I am no fan of Obama and I am not really a fan of Sharpton. I'm certainly not a fan of selective journalism.

    And yeah, 50 years of "equality" after hundreds of years of being treated less than shit. We have every right to get a teensy bit miffed at racially motivated occurrences like this.
  10. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Well said. Im curious as to why you are not a fan of President Obama.
  11. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    I know you are embarrassed from the many times I have exposed you as the completely mis/uninformed political neophyte that you are, but to characterize my sources as liberal is just plain oblivious. Funny how you can never refute any information I post regarding the President, but have no problems taking asinine pot shots at him time and time again, and ad hominem attacks for those who point out his many MANY successes in the face of historic challenges.

    Now, go away and let the adults have an intelligent debate on the Presidents performance.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Paniro like most conservatives are married to their way of thinking no matter what information comes in. I know the same can be said about liberals when it comes to things like gun control but at least their thinking comes from a place of trying to save lives (even though its baseless most times) vs the hateful ideologies constantly being pushed by the right.

    As to why so many people dislike Obama, it's because they weren't aware of how the world worked before he got there. Yes he's done a lot of good things but he's also helped to maintain the status quo which a lot of people are upset about. Although I may not agree with a lot of the policies he's signed in, it became very clear when he took office that a president doesn't have the power they once had. This is no longer the time of Roosevelt where a single man could make sweeping decisions, we are living in the age of the corporate government where so much has to be done from a corporate pov, not to be confused with a capitalist pov. I'd actually be happier if it were more capitalistic, but it's not. We are moving/moved into the age of the stark Oligarchy. Want a glimpse of the US in the 25 years look no further than Russia.
  13. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    That is very ugly. I am just as disgusted as anyone else. It's also ugly when a policeman intentionally kills an unarmed father of a young child. One is likely to pay for his crime, the other is not. That is the difference.

    It's different to me because the criminal can expect some hot lead in return. A murderous cop pretends that he is going to arrest a suspect, the suspect surrenders, then the cop kills him. It is no different than asking a suspect to surrender, handcuff them, and while they think they are on the way to jail the cop shoots them in the backseat of the car while they are handcuffed. That's about as cowardly and despicable as it gets, but we can agree to disagree.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fuck that there is clear right and wrong and its incredibly annoying when others fail to see it. We don't pay criminals to protect and serve, we don't teach our kids to trust and respect criminals to later have them treat you like dirt, we don't hold fundraisers for criminals etc.
    It's the same thing as a bank stealing from you vs a crook. One has the public trust the other doesn't and that's why it's so hard to deal with for most of us
  15. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    I have not and likely no time soon will be a supporter of any candidate that comes from the two parties. I can appreciate Obama from a historical perspective, but he is just another run-of-the-mill politician when it comes to the issues that matter to me. I cannot overlook his politics just based on his skin color.

    Also, he has become a racial equality red herring in this country. I've heard so many times how we've been given a black president in conversations about equality in this country. He has not improved the conditions for blacks in this country, which I never expected him to do but I know that a lot of blacks that voted for him did.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What was he expected to do for blacks, did he promise things to us specifically?
    And what can they do without support from the right?

    Also Paniro he's often called the welfare president so wouldn't that be something he's done for "blacks"?
  17. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    With the massive amounts of gridlock in congress the last 5-6 years, I can understand your views on the two parties very well. To me President Obama has done all anyone in his position could possibly do to make progress working with congress and now that he is using the few limited powers of the office to go around congress, they are suing him for it. The ultimate irony is that the focal point of the lawsuit by Boehner is that the President delayed implementing parts of the ACA, which the GOP fought tooth and nail to defeat, but I digress.

    As far as working to improve the lives of minorities, his recent initiative, "My Brother's Keeper" is historic and unprecedented per the link below..

    "Those already working to better the lives of young minority men called Thursday's announcement an "unprecedented moment," to have the White House publicly allied with their cause.
    "The president of the United States has never taken a stand suggesting that our nation mobilize its resources to improve opportunity for this population," said Gail C. Christopher, vice president of program strategy at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, which focuses its resources on vulnerable children who face poverty and discrimination."

    To me the cure to many ills that face minorities is not enough access to the tools that can improve their lives, education, and economic opportunities. The President has taken proven steps to address this as well.
    Increase minority access to capital

    "Strengthen Small Business Administration programs that provide capital to minority-owned businesses, support outreach programs that help minority business owners apply for loans, and work to encourage the growth and capacity of minority firms."

    Lastly, given the economic wasteland that was the US is 2009, his leadership on this issue has been excellent per below.
    Economically, Obama could Be America's Best President
  18. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    There used to be a joke about the white guy, the Jewish guy and the black guy meeting God in Heaven.
    The white guy asks, "Will you still bless the USA?"
    God relies, " Yes."
    The Jewish man asks, " Will Israel still be a strong nation?"
    God replies, " Yes."
    The black man asks, " Will their be a black American president?"
    God replies, " Not in my lifetime."

    President Obama is the first bi-racial president(although he is considered black by the "one drop rule") this country has elected. He smashed the belief that a person of color could ever be elected president fairly. He won twice. He achieved a lot of great things. He wants to help in any way that he can through his office and his cabinet. He wants to make a difference in this country and the world. But an elected leader is human and has faults. This president has a lot going for him and even greater things against him. He is trying to be fair and diplomatic. And because Washington , D.C. politics has changed little since the beginning of the 21st century, and the needs of the American people are increasing, he has to be realistic and optimistic even in the face of adversity from within and without. Should these things deter a person of color from running for president? If that man or woman is intelligent, astute in the fact that he/she is signing up to serve all Americans and not a few, and address issues affecting the country, it CAN be done.

    I hold out hope that the USA and the rest of the world move forward toward peace. That the world moves away from the deception, greed, fear, anger, hatred and the suffering. There are and will be challenges and conflicts in every generation. There is no guarantee that these challenges and conflicts will vanish forever. The only thing left for humanity to do is to put aside politics and ideology and work together to find better solutions. If not, it will not be good for anyone on this planet.
  19. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    G,months back relatives from Obama's mother's side had found out that one of her ancestors passed for White. That relative was a former slave me meaning Obama is 3/4 Black not biracial. Things can be done but,not without help. One person can't do it alone in spite of conservatives thinking he's a "emperor". P187,mention of ignorant conservatives is laughable since he supports those clowns. Talk radio right wingers get their news from Fox,Brieitbart,Daily Caller,The Blaze,Drudge,and many more. It is the White male news media who downgrades the Black male.
  20. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I remember when Obama was elected in 08, he said to everyone that change isn't going to happen overnight and it will take all of us to move the country forward to affect change, so he was being realistic in that respect. I didn't think that he would ever face as much as he is facing now. I hear and read things from people against Obama like, " Pretender And Chief" "Hitler" "Dictator In Charge" and other monikers. He was very right. Change is not going to happen overnight and this country has a long way to go. Obama is on vacation and the detractors are on the warpath. I am sure Obama had something in place before he went back on vacation. I am sure he has secrets while being transparent. The critics a dogs barking at a passing train.

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