Amanda? She's aggressively conservative and very cute. I haven't seen her post in a long time, though.
If you dare to question ANY liberal talking point, you're labeled a Conservative. Don't you know that Liberals are the saving grace of everyone? :roll: Welcome to the Independent Thinkers Club. I'm apparently the President and CEO. LOL.
LOL and I'm always glad when you ladies express yourselves. Place would be dullsville if everyone thought the same about things. Given the chance to kick Democrats or Republicans into an open volcano pit, I would gladly kick both of those corporate beholden, lobbyist special interest bought flunkies into the fire.
I agree. I'm farther to the left of either and they are nearly identical except on some social issues, because they are both there to do the bidding of the wealthy. Michael sam washes out of canadian football due to mental health.
If you really break down how our political system works, we have one of the most corrupt governments in the world. The amount of naked bribes that are passed off as campaign donations, cushy jobs after leaving office, politicians who work as lobbyists after leaving office, etc., it's disgusting how many legislators are in the pocket and wholly owned by deep pocket donors. That's part of the appeal of Trump, he's rich enough and arrogant enough that no one can really buy him.