like i said u mad. they dont hype him up no more than anyone else in a news cycle. you can always change the channel. any old excuse to hate will do. get your poms poms hoping he would fail.
LOL. You act like Michael Sam MADE ESPN put those cameras in his crib. They had no idea when he was going to be drafted, if at all. The man was SEC defensive player of the year. It was newsworthy to follow his draft journey and see when and where he was going to be drafted. You can't blame Sam for kissing his boo(yuck!...sorry)but you can question why ESPN kept re-playing that kiss over and over. Don't worry. Watching two gay men kiss won't make you gay. No homosexual.:smt100
yeah, i believe he is trying to fight the urge. he wanted to kiss sam. it pissed him off. no wonder he is so upset.
I don't really watch sports or care about atheletes' personal or professional life much,but I do believe you shouldn't have to hide your sexuality.
Nice deflection you did there. You're putting words in my mouth and making a mountain out of a crumb. Nice job. "Let's imply that she hates gays", yeah that's what I'll do. You're trying with the misdirection, but it won't work. I've never stated directly or indirectly that I don't like gays. In fact, I support their fight for equal rights. Nice try, though.
nice try with equal rights step. when u start making pull out ur ass statements as "name a 7 rnd pick that should garner this attention" then your ass is deflecting and belong in the asshole hater pile. we know at that point you have nothing to defend but ur hatred
That wasn't me, asshole. As an aside, fighting hatred with hatred gets people/society/culture nowhere. I will reiterate again, I have never expressed hatred for gays anywhere in my life. But again, thanks for deflecting.
if you werent the one my bad however, u love putting yourself as the one who said it....we know it was numbers. also no one deflected we rebutted all dumbass points he put out. it seems you are trying to justify his position but want to put urself out there as oh i dont have a prob with him and the news coverage stop fronting....
Seriously dude, I'd be the first one to call someone out on their bullshit words/ways but no where in any of Bookworms posts has she come across as discriminatory or hateful. You keep coming at her, pointing the finger as if she's done something wrong and you end up looking like a fool who's just trying to incite an argument. She stated her opinion (which from what I read was really simple frustration at how the media was harping on his sexual orientation). Might be time to step back because you're fighting a battle that didn't exist to begin with.
Thank you. That's ALL I was saying. I appreciate you getting my posts and coming to my defense. Rep added. :smt023
2 points 1) i apolgized in the last post....go back and said it was for numbers...1449225. it in summation for someone with so much hate for gays...has the gay urges. 2) having opposing opinions does nt mean you are caming at someone. its funny if she opposes my position isnt she coming at me. would you say that? nope. did you look at ALL the posts before u said i was coming at her? nope.
if you go back and look andrebba and i was referring to numbers.....go back and read. how did you figure i was talking bout you? as a matter of fact andrebba and i was tee-ing numbers (1449225) saying hes arguing so hard about sam on tv...he will not become how is that a bash on you?
You quoted my post right here:
both of you need to work on ur reading comprehension. go read andrebba's and my post then u will figure it out we are fucking with him. YOU took it personal and no one was talking to you.
What?!? You know what, never mind. You brought me into this argument seemingly by mistake and instead of just apologizing for the error, you're going to just make up shit about my post. Whatever. Go right ahead. I'm done with this thread. Good God.
you cant read and be mature with a big dose of inability to self correct. i said "im sorry" the apology Then i go on to say "but it come across as......" the reson. You however refused to acknowledge your doings and practise reflection by rereading you post and seeing it on how it comes off to others. Very double standard in many ways. Richard incognito, sterling or jay-solange you didnt say im tired of those stories. you want people to self reflect and come to the table but yourself.....naw.