Attraction to Black Men = Perversion?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by whikle, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I've had that happen to me too. The forum actually does sound a little fetishistic, but it's the only spot I've found where there is actually a supportive attitude taken toward IR.
  2. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    It's used to bother me a little to find out a WW had a specific preference for BM because I thought it was just about color, but generally when a WW says she prefers BM she's talking about a bundle of physical and personal characteristics, many of which reflect what she wants in an IDEAL partner wrapped up in the package of a Black man.

    No big deal.:freehug:

    Most women have their vision of an ideal partner in their head and IMO it should be flattering to discover a woman who hopes to find those traits in you.

    I don't know of too many women, or people in general, who stay in a fucked up relationship that long just because they find the person physically attractive.

    Women even less so.

    When I was younger I 'took' my White GF's virginity and she'd never been with a BM before, or any man at

    When we broke up after a couple years, she dated mainly White guys but I'd heard she was very much interested in finding another BM to be in a relationship with simply because she enjoyed her experience with me.

    She's not exclusive IR but she was positively open to it.

    IMO that's normal.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2014
  3. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    I don't exclusively date BM (pretty hard to do so in Aus, but that's beside the point). Since my last relationship with a black man, I've dated white and Indian guys. I am most physically attracted to black men, but there's also a whole lot more that I can't even for sure put my finger on that's attractive about BM.

    I guess the forum topic can be easily avoided, at least until I get to know someone better.
  4. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    That's exactly right.

    I love your response. Thank you :freehug:
  5. meeghan50

    meeghan50 New Member

    I got the same reaction from my friends and family at first. Once i explained to my daughters the attraction is more than just physical,they understood.
    As for my friends,the ones that understood are still my friends. The others,no great loss. Its all about the whole person,and ive seen good and bad in all colors. I dont like stereotyping of any kind,so when people say something ignorant about me dating black men, im quick to set them straight.:freehug:
  6. fantasyfangrl

    fantasyfangrl New Member

    AMEN!!! (If I could rep you again I would but I must share the love first)
  7. interim

    interim New Member

    how can attraction to some physical features can be perversion? when man like blondes with big boobs, nobody says anything.. but if girl likes black man, then its starts.. its so stupid.. i have preference for black skin, because i just like it (no matter woman or man, i find them nice).. of course then you choose partner, you take all packaging: personality and looks.. but if somebody dont like my preferences, what can i say.. fu.. them :smt071b:smt080 i dont care :)
  8. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

    I get what you're saying. I have always been more attracted to black men. Never thought of it as a "fetish" or "perversion". As you said, it's an attraction like any other. There have been wm I've been attracted to, but generally speaking, I feel more chemistry with bm. Not just because I like the contrast of black and white skin, but it's the MAN. USUALLY, I find them to be attractive. Love the feel of their skin, the way they look at me, how they speak to me, and YES, the way they MOVE!!
  9. interim

    interim New Member

    i dated WM, just because in my country there no other options , i had just movies and internet :) but now then i can choose its much better :smt080 and i think that BM are more self confident when WM, or it just looks for me like this :)
  10. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

    I agree once again. In my experience, black men seem more confident.
  11. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Its about the language that is used. I cant tell you how many times I've met a wm that finds bw attractive, but all they talk about is "how chocolatey their skin is and bubble butt this or fuller body that". When I hear shit like that that sounds like someone being sexually objectified. If a ww likes bm then like us (hell even compliment us), but the way some people talk about others ethnicities sounds overly fetishsized. If a non black chick likes me then im cool with being called handsome etc. But when a chick starts going on and on about my peanut butter skin and full lips it does start to sound a little fetishy. When you throw in the hypersexualization of the black race then I think its best to compliment us as people and not our obvious difference in phenotype.
  12. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I'm just curious...where are you from originally? I know you currently live in Kent, but where's your heritage and such?

  13. interim

    interim New Member

    i think much depends, on place where you live.. in my country there is not so much black people .. some woman are mad about our black basketball player.. black man are like exotics , so they all want to try that sweet fruit :D but in normal countries, where a lot of different people live together, where woman has more contacts , they choose because they just like, not because its fetish...

    im from Lithuania.. its east european country :) not russia :D
  14. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Yeah..I noticed you posted some stuff back in 2012, and mentioned that you're not from the UK. But glad to have you around. :)

    And I know your primary language is Lithuanian, but I assumed that everyone also knows Russian or a little bit of it.

  15. interim

    interim New Member

    just some people have no idea where it is lithuania, and think its still part of russia :D
    yes i know russian, have bacis knowledge of polish.. trying to improve my english and want to learn spanish :D
  16. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    but.. but.. your peanut butter-y skin and full lips are sexy! :smt007
  17. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    LOL. It's funny because a BW can say the same thing about a BM and it has no baggage whatsoever.

    I've had both BW and WW say I looked like I was dipped in chocolate and they wanted a BITE!!:smt025

    But it was just a compliment expressing they liked what they saw. People like the way people LOOK. What's wrong with that??

    If a significant other starts treating you like that's your entire worth, your appearance, then that's a problem. But I've never had that happen.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2014
  18. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    You hit the nail on the head. Physical characteristics common to black men turn me the hell on. I don't see why I wouldn't express that. But any man I'm with knows it goes deeper than that, so it's not an issue!
  19. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Totally agree.
  20. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Lmao... gracias chica. Yo se.

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