Very nicely written article on IR love,
If any of you all wish to show some extra support and love for her, check out and Like her Facebook page.
Thanks for posting this article. The entire piece is just beautiful, and the comment section is very welcoming compared to the ones I have seen.
Strange how she couldn't bring herself to call Al "black" except for the title. All the way through the article he was "brown."
Strange that even when a white woman is married to a black man there are always wanna be IR dating black dudes focusing on & sniveling about the dumbest shit possible. No wonder it's so hard out there for all you pimps in the IR dating world.....
They looked like a lovely couple and it was a decent blog. Not like some that make your eyes bleed because they're so badly written. Bit sugary for my taste, but still very endearing.
Strange how there are always e-knights in shining armor on message boards trying to pump up their e-chests. Thank God for real e-men like you I'm sure the lady fonts appreciate it
Strange how there are ego stroking negroes on the internet always trying to pass themselves off as educated, sophisticated & together, but always show themselves for the the little ghetto minded fools they really are. Go sit your jumped up spoiled & entitled black ass in the corner somewhere until you actually have something that's of substance to say in regards to BM/WW relationships other than how WM, BW & society in general is making it hard for your special ass to date.
LOL. You never had that convo with a White girl before, 'why do you call yourselves Black when your skin really isn't??':smt005:smt103 She's just being literal and noticing the true hue of her man's skin. It wasn't a political or racial statement on her part.
BW say it too, right? And BM. Songs use 'brown' all the time, lyrics and titles. Nothing racist to say 'beautiful brown skin......" or dark, light, chocolate, caramel.... ok I want dessert now.
The fact that everyone else who has read the piece from the link and obviously understood that bit of logic, speaks volumes.