To the Canadian women: Welcome to the forums

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by SardonicGenie, Apr 17, 2006.

  1. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member

    Thanks Girl!! :smt061
  2. astorbryan

    astorbryan New Member

    I'm sorry I have to disagree with your broad generalization. Maybe this is true with the type of Canadian ladies you tend to meet. I've found Canadian women to be the most tolerant of all North American women for interacial relationships. I personally love those French Canadian women in Montreal.

  3. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member

  4. TorontoGirl

    TorontoGirl New Member


    Please do not take this as an attack on you.I love to play the "devils advocate".

    Where in Canada do you live Jerome?

    A pipe dream? Maybe,but one a lot of us hold near and dear.

    Are you implying that a WW chased you down the street to call you ugly?

    The only white women,actually girls,I have heard use the N word were those trying hard to emulate the gangsta girls they see in Rap video's. As abhorrent as I find this language,I attribute this behaviour to their desire to fit in. Are you familiar with the adage "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"?

    There is nothing genetic about hate,it is a learned behaviour. Hopefully
    one day, parents, both White and Black.... will stop teaching their children to hate.

    Please don't tell this to all the Canadians who have emmigrated here from the Caribbean,West Indies,Africa,Asia,Southeast Asia etc in the last 30yrs.I'd hate to see Canada revert to what it was in the 60's;vanilla,boring and bland!

    Usher and Denzel are OK. My young BM more closely resembles Mike Jones,love a man with some meat on his bones!

    Again,you state that WW are going out of their way to insult Can you give us an example? This just doesn't seem plausible to me,sorry.

    This last paragraph sound's a bit racist to me. :shock: Are you suggesting that BM and WW should not date/marry? :lol: Guess it's time to join a convent ;)
  5. TorontoGirl

    TorontoGirl New Member

    Only you can answer this question ;) *LOL*

    Thanks for the welcome PearlGirl ;)
  6. Crystal

    Crystal New Member

    You know an crowded elevator is a classic place to pickpocket a woman's purse.

    I ALWAYS grab my purse when going into a crowded elevator, so noone will try to pick my purse and so I don't dig anybody with the edges accidently. My mother taught me that. It's kind of common woman knowledge, almost every woman will do it.

    Um...and I probably look at whoever is in front of me when the elevator opens because they front.

    Just a thought. 8)
  7. Kid Rasta

    Kid Rasta Restricted

  8. hellspawn72

    hellspawn72 Member

    I actually tried to stay away from this topic simply because I've never been to Canada. But for what it's worth, I met a couple of girls from Canada while I was going to school a few years back and they were nothing if not nice. They were at school playing on the Tennis team. Now, I didn't see alot of their social circle, but they tended to hang together. But if black people would approach them, specifically black guys, they would at least talk with them. Unfortunately, I never did bother to ask any of them that I talked to what it's like in Canada, mainly because I generally focus on the individual. Regardless though, I got a good experience meeting both the guys and the girls.

    I guess what I'm saying is every person isn't the same. Canandians are no more or no less prejudice than the next one. Yes, they have received a bit of a reputation of being "open minded," but they can harbor prejudices as well. So lets deal with that folks. It could be worse. We could all be living back in the 1950s in this country.
  9. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i love Canada, lived up there a spell in my 20s. Great fishing, skiing, night life great food and nice folks. I loved Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Moncton, PEI, victoria , Calgary, Ottawa. I hope to go across it again one day soon
  10. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member

    Pardon me??
    Are you really saying that ALL white canadian women act scared when they see a black man???
    Oh NO!!! I sooooooooo did not get the memo that we are ALL supposed to act that way. Pfffff... there goes my dating life!!
  11. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member

    My thoughts EXACTLY!

    I would definitely look at a handsome black man in a suit... and I would certainly not be scared!! :roll:
  12. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    hamilton ontario is hottie land
  13. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    It is??? Then I MUST visit it. :D
  14. Genuine

    Genuine Guest

    Canada is not as nearly bad as you think

    I believe that Canada is one of the world's best places to live for black people, though it's far from perfect. Toronto, where I live, is the most multicultural city on the planet. My friends, who get along well with each other, cover many colours, cultures, ages and backgrounds. It would be harder for me to find and keep these friendships in many other parts of the world.

    As a young black man, I can relate to part of your comments. However, I wouldn't blame that type of behaviour on just white women. I found many black women to be equally guilty of it at least. Usually I've the noticed that most women who behave that way should spend all that energy criticizing on improving their own sorry looks. So, consider the source before even listening to their comments.

    Unfortunately, too many people easily accept what TV and popular culture dictate is acceptable and beautiful.

    I think that you hit the hammer on the nail. Just because you date outside your colour doesn't mean you should accept garbage. Have you ever considered that maybe they call you ugly because it looks like you're about to reject them or you're not giving them the attention they want? I noticed that people tend to like others who like them back.

    Also, some (but definitely not all) non-black women feel that black men are on-call 24 - 7, if you know what mean. They act as if any black man will drop whatever he's doing (even another woman) at the snap of a finger just to be with them.

    Don't ever put yourself down. Too much of the world is already trying its best to do it. So bro, lift yourself up. But, don't ignore all white women because of a few knucklehards you met. If you look hard enough, you can treasure and trash in every colour, culture and age.
  15. maggie

    maggie New Member

    "Open minded"

    I would like to reply to this quote:

    "So as i said...Canada is not remotely open minded. White women are alright as long as you're a copy of usher or denzel washington, but if you're an average looking black male, you can forget about it. In fact the very reason you often see the most ugly ,FAT white women hunting for HOT black dick at clubs and shit is because they know NO hot white men would even look at them......but these same white women would go out of their way to call an average looking black guy ugly or whatever....... "

    I don't even know where to begin. Seriously now... like your one to talk about being "open minded". Your talking about how white women will not think about black men unless they look like denzel washington or usher and then go on to say "the most ugly, FAT white women".

    whatever... obviously you've had bad experiences ... maybe you should stop looking for someone in the clubs.

    anyway! coming from a canadian white woman who just started dating an amazing black man... I truely believe canada is amazing because of its multiculturalism. I'm blessed to have such a diverse community (canadian, black, chinese, east indian, spanish, phillepeno and even hungarian), it is so great. I don't see people for the color of their skin.
  16. bmanz

    bmanz Member

    I live near Windsor and I recently began going there a few months ago to hang out. It seems pretty cool but I am still getting a feel for how the IR scene is over there. In that light, I would like to say whats up to anyone on here that lives near or knows more about the scene in Windsor...

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