True Arch, however reducing the deficit and reducing the overall debt is very important to the longterm stability of our economy, and ..."In any case, the facts on the deficit contradict the widely held notion that the Obama administration is crazily out of control when it comes to the nation's finances. In order to have a rational discussion about the economy, government programs, and the level of government spending, voters need to have a better idea of what the deficit actually is."
Lets see...... the Dow Jones is up so the investors are happy including everyone that has a 401k or pension plan. The housing market has made a rebound which means that home owners are becoming more wealthy and will have more disposable income to further boost the economy. Unemployment is down which means good news for job seekers and of course the newly employed, the bigger job market also gives more options to many people that have been working. Did I forget anyone? :smt029
Well explained,.... I salute you for representing for all Americans in your piece,.... I thought at first you were making the case that Black Americans primarily had thrived and prospered economically under Obama....
I think the plan coverage is better overall, but the prices people have to pay to get coverage is, in general, going up and from what I've read, WAY up. My employer's plan meets both the criteria mandated so I didn't need to go to the marketplace, but our premium was projected to go up by 40-60%. That's not good news for any of us. We got around that this year by renewing our insurance a month early. Who knows what we'll face next year. I wish more people with a positive experience would take to social media (or maybe they have and I just haven't seen it). I've read all the horror stories - you know how it is - people tend to broadcast that before they praise the good stuff.
Pretty informative link below, regarding the premiums increases and decreases.
Loki, (For all to see)... This is the rough draft of what is going into next your reputation remark: "Rep to you my brother (A true gentleman) for always making his arguments with persuasive documentation, diplomacy, patience and class"..... ~Arch
He's truly a class act. I think it takes a very special man to be able to educate others in a way that doesn't put people on the defensive. He's one of those men IMO.
thank you for setting an example by demonstrating the ability to put partisanship aside and view a topic objectively. Rep Coming
a gentle voice of reason and diplomacy...great information...good to know we as a nation are headed in the right direction...having said that we have a very long way to go...
I think the extreme demonization of the current president and, dare I say it - latent, unadmitted, barely expressed, racial animus on the part of a significant share of the population - make facts largely irrelevant to the discourse. That segment of the population sees the changing demographics as an existential threat and cannot or will not accept reason.
Thank you Arch (and Raider, Lippy, Beasty, and Soulthinker) for the kind words. I do think we are here to help each other and learn from each other, and I value the collective wisdom we have here in our little corner of IR cyberspace, even when I don't agree with what is being posted.
Always a pleasure Loki, Great info! "Repped for a fine demonstration of class, objectivity and independent thought!" ~Beasty
Deficit explanation The Republicans uses smoker and mirrors. They point to TOTAL spending and how it has increased but don't 1. Note that tax revenues also increase, thus, enabling shrinkage in the deficit. 2. Don't speak to the fact that spending has increased but so has the total U.S. population. So on a per-capita basis, its not much worse. 3. They point to the Federal Reserve printing money but so does every OTHER central bank in the world. And get this, many other central banks like those of Mexico and Brazil had their debts forgiven by foreign countries (like the U.S.). So its money created then vanishes in thin air!