White Women Are "Easy"?

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Zen_Disciple, Oct 20, 2002.

  1. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    black women have used the victim status created to make whites feel guilty, and make black men feel like they at fault for all the black womans problems. But I know the truth is that lots of black women dont care about black men, but they are either jealous or so messed up that they lash out with mental health issues.

    I pray for them and try to help the ones that want the help. there are some messed up brothas out there too, but black women often blame all black men for what ONE or TWO loser black men did to them.

    these same black women will tell you they want a hip hop brothers and they dont care for a GOOD BROTHER who might have a university degree, a professional job and is a regular guy--they want thugg, or prison break brotha, or crack head brotha or yo yo , I got 5 wimins brothas, but they hate the clarence thomas, larry elder, conservative brotha,

    so they get what they ask for--trash
  2. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    To Cris and tucker,

    You both have my empathy, as do other brothas in here.
  3. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    <<But I know the truth is that lots of black women dont care about black men, but they are either jealous or so messed up that they lash out with mental health issues. >>

  4. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    I wish!! they are not easy where i come from
  5. Katie

    Katie New Member

    I do not think WW are easy. I think BW in America are very domineering and outrageously unreasonable if there could be such a thing.

    Try to date an pure African woman and you will find her the same as a white woman in America. That is humble, obedient etc. Of course that is a generalization and there are exceptions but this will largely be the case.
  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    WW in UK

    Katie,I also don't think the WW in the UK are easy. They are just hospitable to the BM they fancy. I liked their boldness whom I wished some WW in the US have. I treat WW with respect and not like you say in the UK: slappers.
  7. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    From what I've seen and experienced...BW and WW are the same in terms of "easiness." It just seems that BW tend to get "easy" with the worst kinds of guys and end up getting dogged out (disrespected) while still hanging on to these trifling men. WW may be easy for a guy if all she is interested in is sex but rarely do they get caught with their pants down (pun intended) around crappy men. BW let their guard down for the smooth playas yet complain about the good men (huh?). Mad at the good guys but don't complain about the bad (still I ask huh?).

    BW are up front with you though.....WW are always thought to be sweeter but the BW I talk to are always more comfortable talking even if they are not interested. WW aren't always good at telling you that they are not in to you so you have to be able to read the signs. BW will not hesitate to set up the boundaries....this saves time but often costs the BW because many of our sistas have grown up without men in the house so they don't have a good radar for spotting the jewels....WW tend to come up with diamonds while BW get a lot of fool's gold.

    Society has used and abused BW in ways that none of us can imagine....they've been touted as sex objects and whores but told they're unattractive and undesirable to anyone (can we say conflict). BW have been almost masculinzed in some ways due to the U.S.'s attempts to destroy the black family and make BW feel that they can survive w/out men.....in the process making BM feel that they cannot take care of a BW.
    When people come at you trying to tear you down from both sides...the tendency is to become defensive. WW that experience this will probably act more like BW. Society objectifies WW but doesn't necessarily through them away like an overused toy.

    BW are definitely bossy and domineering but when so many of them have to be mother AND father......that can happen. Blacks here in the U.S. raise our kids in a fashion that's different from most other groups. Some of our spouse-less mothers train their daughters to be tough, intelligent, no-bull, stand on your own two feet type women. These same mothers love their sons to death. They buy him the latest sneakers, clothes etc. but don't put enough into his brain....consequently we have women who are prepared to be independent but not equipped to cooperate with an equally well raised man. While too many of our men are not even capable of offering these women anything of value other than their problems. :smt066
  8. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I somewhat agree with your analysis.
  9. diamondlife

    diamondlife New Member

    Personally, I believe that 98% of all women are "easy" to somebody. There are women who would make a guy who she has just a mild attraction to wait 2 weeks to a month before she has sex with him. Then there's the guy who's aura is oozing sexual energy who will have sex with her the same day they meet. So, when I hear women speak of respecting herself by not being "easy" I tend to not take them seriously. All women have these romantic fantasies about a/some particular kinds of guys who would sweep her off her feet and have the best sex ever. Women have already seduced themselves, all men have to do is just be THAT GUY(the one in her fantasies) and then she is easy. I've had gorgeous women come on to me out of the blue and flirt like there's no tomorrow and then there were women that were not as pretty that didn't give me too much play and later on I find out that some other guy got it on the first night.

    I've learned to just focus on the women that are attracted to me. But occasionally there are the "Too good to pass up, I at least gotta try" types.
  10. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I find YOUR analysis very interesting. I think it's mostly true.
  11. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    I don't know about other women, but I'm incredibly easy.

  12. bigbaps1981

    bigbaps1981 New Member

    hi ya everyone

    i am a single ww in the uk and i must comment on the fact that we are so called "easy" i have to say some are very easy but some are not so easy and as said before it depends on the person and on the situation were not lemmings who copy each other everyone of us is different
  13. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    nice mistress real nice 8)
  14. 1faith

    1faith New Member

    are white women easy?

    Good topic Zen. I am new to this so bare with me. I agree with most of your views regarding relations between Black Men and Black Women. The one concern that I do have is being Misunderstood! I am married to a Latino Woman in which we both grew up in a predominately Black,Latino community. I have not experienced negative criticism from Black women at all - at least not to my face. Now, I don't know if Black Women fill that Latino Women are some what in line with them or not. I do want to say to the Black Women as the son of a Black Woman, that I do understand. I respect all Women regardless of their color. I have a Question. What is the definition of A " Strong Black Woman"? I'll give you mine. This is a Woman that is a least 50 years old, a Woman who has endure the Jim Crow years and the Civil Rights movement, a woman who was on the front lines fighting for our freedoms. I feel that any Black Women under the age of 50 years does not have the right to ridicule White Women, or any other race. For to days Black Women to criticize a Black man for dating or marrying outside their race you need to be at least 50 years old. You just have not earn that right. Why? because you have just as much Beauty, Smarts, opportunity to date anyone that you choose. Stop waiting for that Black Man and just settle for a Man
  15. nativerunner

    nativerunner New Member

    Racism Still Exists Among White Women

    When I was at Notre Dame, there were many racist, white women. The "Interracial" relationships could still be found, but many white women definitely preferred white men. The stereotype was that minority men are too dangerous, scary, and less intelligent than "white men." I know the racist, white women in the Midwest also have a nickname for a white woman who chooses to date a black man. As a Native American, Notre Dame was really miserable. A lot of minorities left before they graduated. But now in Florida, I am in graduate school and have been approached by white women at the gym. There definitely is less racism here. It can still be found, but not as bad as Notre Dame. Colorado also has had racial tension where racist, white women can still be found who prefer white men. It looks like it depends on the part of the country. San Francisco is also very open. I watched "Black and White," the documentary about people switching color-complexions to explore racism. I think they should have chosen Georgia or Alabama instead of California to prove that racism still exists. Or they could put a hidden camera/microphone by a group of Notre Dame women when a minority guy walks by at night. I wish I could have had a digital voice recorder when I was there.
  16. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    why are white women called "Easy"?? what makes them easy? I have never met a white woman who is any more easy than black or latina women. black women have 70% out of wedlock births, far more than white women do. Why arent black women considered easy? That is the central mark to being easy, laying up with a guy and getting knocked up
  17. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    1. This has GOT to be the OLDEST running thread in the forums right now. :lol:

    2. Tuck, what you have been saying is why this thread was placed in the appropriate forum.
  18. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

  19. Silvercosma

    Silvercosma New Member

    "Fifty-two percent of U.S. women obtaining abortions are younger than 25: Women aged 20–24 obtain 33% of all abortions, and teenagers obtain 19%. Black women are almost four times as likely as white women to have an abortion, and Hispanic women are 2.5 times as likely." 1

    "Several years ago, when 17,000 aborted babies were found in a dumpster outside a pathology laboratory in Los, Angeles, California, some 12-15,000 were observed to be black." [Erma Clardy Craven, Social Worker and Civil Rights Leader]

    You don't need to be Einstein to realize that

    unprotected sex is an at-risk behavior and the leading cause of unintended pregnancies terminated through abortion

    unprotected sex is an at-risk behavior and the most common cause of unintended pregnancies which lead to out-of-wedlock births

    unprotected sex is an at-risk behavior and the leading cause for increasing infection rates.

    Nobody is responsible for your own body but you. If you happíly spread your legs for unprotected sex then it's nobodies fault but yours.
  20. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Everyone who is bickering back and forth in here has made this thread a complete waste of time, and stupid too.

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