This artist's concept shows the super-Earth planet 55 Cancri e. It's a toasty world 41 light-years from Earth that rushes around its star every 18 hours.
Thank you for sharing bliss. Interesting. Nebula there was a pic of the day on Nasa of your namesake, a bit ago. Very cool pic. M57: The Ring Nebula Credit: Composite Image Data - Subaru Telescope (NAOJ), Hubble Legacy Archive; Processing and additional imaging - Robert Gendler Explanation: Except for the rings of Saturn, the Ring Nebula (M57) is probably the most famous celestial band. Its classic appearance is understood to be due to perspective - our view from planet Earth looks down the center of a roughly barrel-shaped cloud of glowing gas. But expansive looping structures are seen to extend far beyond the Ring Nebula's familiar central regions in this intriguing composite of ground based and Hubble Space Telescope images with narrowband image data from Subaru. Of course, in this well-studied example of a planetary nebula, the glowing material does not come from planets. Instead, the gaseous shroud represents outer layers expelled from the dying, once sun-like star at the nebula's center. Intense ultraviolet light from the hot central star ionizes atoms in the gas. Ionized oxygen atoms produce the characteristic greenish glow and ionized hydrogen the prominent red emission. The central ring of the Ring Nebula is about one light-year across and 2,000 light-years away. To accompany tonight's shooting stars it shines in the northern constellation Lyra.
OH WOW! What a beautiful Nebula! Such stunning colors. This is screensaver worthy! LOVE IT, Jordan!! :smt060
Just to think....... The distances between any 2 of these stars is so great that it must be measured in Lightyears......And to imagine 1-Light year is the distance light (which has a speed of 186,000 miles per second) will travel in one solar year ......Approximately 5.88 trillion miles. Every time you look up at the stars, particularly outside our galaxy, you are looking back in time ....the stars you see might not even exist anymore because what you see is a snapshot in time of at least 800 years ago... And that is because it has taken the light from those stars at least 800 years to reach earth.......Trying to grasp the physics in space can be intimidating...
Ms. Bliss. Can you make this your signature thread like Ms. Tamstrong has done on the nature pictures. Can you provide in the future more photos and insights into the universe. This subject area is fascinating to me. I'm particularly interested in planetary sciences.
To add... More (in)significance of our planet compared to others.... Puts our pettiness and divisiveness in perspective, once again. NASA Image of Earth from Beyond Saturn Taken by Cassini | July 19, 2013