The power of IR - Amazing

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Loki, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Finding your roots episode about Wanda Sykes, her 9th Great Grandma was a White woman from Scotland who was an indentured servant and had "relations" with a Black slave that resulted in a baby, can you imagine the bravery that the two of them had to have to be together in those times...incredible.

    Here she is joking about it on Conan


    Here is the full episode, the part about her 9th Great Grandma starts at 43:45
  2. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Absolutely incredible. The power of love is truly amazing. :heart:
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Wow that's interesting. That would be a great story to write about or make into a film. I didn't know the condition of the mother is what made you free. Kind of explains Thomas Jefferson and his slave kids.
  4. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Good post.
  5. ArmyRanger

    ArmyRanger Member

    Actually, it was more common than you think.

    Benjamin Banneker's mother -

    However, some biographers contend that Banneker's mother was the child of Molly Welsh, a white indentured servant, and an African slave named Banneka.[2] The first published description of Molly Welsh was based on interviews with her descendents that took place after 1836, long after the deaths of both Molly and Benjamin.[2]

    Molly may have purchased Banneka to help establish a farm located near what eventually became Ellicott's Mills, Maryland, west of Baltimore.[4] One biographer has suggested that Banneka may have been a member of the Dogon tribe that were reported to have knowledge of astronomy.[5] Molly supposedly freed and married Banneka, who may have shared his knowledge of astronomy with her.[1] Although born after Banneka's death, Benjamin may have acquired some knowledge of astronomy from Molly.[5]

    A white women purchased her a slave, freed him and then married him ..... DAMN !!!! White women was the shiit even back then.
  6. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

  7. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    White women could buy slaves

    That's that ole bullshit

    at least that one was freeing mothafuckas...even if you did have to marry her
  8. ArmyRanger

    ArmyRanger Member

    I thought the EXACT same thing.

    However, according to court documents, this country was different than is lead to believe before the civil war and Jim Crow laws. This was before all of the land purchases and the Native Americans were the majority people. When the United States consisted of mainly the 13 colonies and a few other states on the east coast.

    It was when the United States started expanding is what we hear about in history. Laws being changed to favor the white man. There was even a time when you had black indentured servants, slaves who purchased their own freedom and then would purchase their families freedom.

    Congress did a study back in the 1930's about former slaves. Many of them were getting old so they wanted first hand accounts about slavery and how it really was. On the Library of Congress website there is a section called "Bullwhip Days". These are all testimonials from former slaves themselves.

    I was blown away. Quite a bit about American history you never hear of or is slanted for political reasons.
  9. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    No surprise there....
  10. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Yes,White women had relations with Black men in the early part of the 17th Century. Desires and passions does not stop such couples in spite of racial repression. Sadly,the ones who are caught,punished,or killed made it on the public records. The few who lived happily are not recorded much.
  11. Stumper

    Stumper New Member

    Thank you to that white scottish woman and that slave for ultimately producing the most annoying sounding woman to ever exist.

    Someone had to say it.

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