SOOOOOO. I didn't know where to put this. But since most of y'all probably don't know I have a youtube...Here's a video of my trip to LA back in August. There's more videos there to enjoy ^-^; [YOUTUBE]K5BCt9ZjVmY[/YOUTUBE]
hahaha. sadly she's not of the black men persuasion..she likes her big white beefy cowboy men lol. but she's a heck of a lot of fun.
lol satyr - I was my own tour guide actually...i pretty much just called people when I was there & in the area & that was it...I just video what I can & blog it after..I have some from last year as well, where I did do actual city tours but blah. I didn't wanna do that this time LOL. [YOUTUBE]y92w8XPThS4[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]ozMqGjPCVNY[/YOUTUBE]