Do you believe in the Afterlife?

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by Morning Star, Oct 10, 2012.


Do you believe in the afterlife?

  1. Yes, it's real.

    25 vote(s)
  2. No.

    9 vote(s)
  3. I cannot say. I'll know for sure once I cease to function.

    7 vote(s)
  1. satyr

    satyr New Member

    This topic is tangential to the subject of the thread, but you're not looking closely enough at the rate of success for psychics in the solving of crimes. A survey of fifty police departments in America's largest cities revealed that two-thirds of them never use psychic investigators. There have been at least three studies that show no difference in the ability of psychics to solve a case from regular investigators.

    If psychics were so reliable in solving murders, rapes, robberies and what have you, don't you think that every major city would have a psychic detective division? I guarantee that the chiefs of police in Detroit, New Orleans, and other cities with relatively higher murder rates would get it done.

  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

  3. justmel

    justmel New Member

    I guess I just look at the world differently. I think just because something may not make complete sense to my mind does not make it false necessarily. I don't think it is beyond the realm of possibilities for some people to simply know things for some unknown reason..
  4. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member


    We tend to explore simplicity or even an easy explanation, but sometimes, never one to really look at the logistics behind such things.

  5. justmel

    justmel New Member

    I prefer to keep my ideas of magic, angels, visions, psychics, and dreamers. I also know that I have had times when I could not go on and for no reason a sense of calm comes over me or someone calls that hasn't in a long time and I just have this sense of peace as if all of the cruelness in the world would one day be okay and that there is a reason for all things..
  6. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Well that's fair enough. :smt109

  7. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    The prospect of an Afterlife or more significantly an eternal life is nothing we mortals can ever be certain of on this side of consciousness. ........A life after this life is a proposition strictly wrapped in faith with the giver of life.
    When you consider the sheer vastness of the universe,.... it's innumerably galaxies, stars and planets in their perfect order of spaced revolutions.....when you consider the perfectly formed human body and the fact that something unseen is animating its flesh, .....It is all too much to surmise and rationalize that this is not all a part of some greater plan in place with direction . I don't think that when our bodies age and die, that what ever animates our flesh also dies .......In that regard, I will leave it at that and conclude that there is an afterlife..........
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2012
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Youre right everything can be explained but who says we have the current knowledge and technology to explain the things we find to be unexplainable. Science doesnt know all.
    I present my age old question once again. How do you explain radiowaves to a person a thousand years ago? It existed but there wasnt anyway to prove it at that point
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Or we live in a cynical world where if you did have such a division that they'd just wait for you to fail once before dismantling it.
  10. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You're comparing apples to oranges once again. That's based on speculation through careful studying of the electromagnetic fields and eventually, with the proper tools, given a few hundred some years, would provide such findings. God isn't a property. It's a concept based on spirituality and dualism. That's not evidence based nor scientific. You simply cannot compare the two.

    You're correct that science doesn't have all the proper tools to discover everything, but it continues to evolve and we discover more and more as the world moves forward.

    The day we see empirical evidence of ghosts and spirits would be the day we can explore the concepts of supernatural and no longer pass them of as superstition and paranormal nonsense. But, the idea of paranormal activity has been pretty much debunked a while ago.

  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    We're not talking about God we're talking about the after life. Consciousness beyond the body. Paranormal activity has been debunked with current technology. Maybe we need instruments sensutive enough to pick up vibrations on a submolecular level? I dont know the answer but in 1899 the US Patent office released a statement saying everything that hadcould ever be invented had been invented. There will always those among us who are short sighted and those who have vision.
  12. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Anything pertaining to the supernatural or human made concepts based on that, afterlife include, would be considered junk and the comparisons don't match at all.

    The popularity of dualism. It's ingrained in modern human thinking, and it'll never go away as long as people continue to dream up of supernatural ideas.

  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You keep going back to the supernatural and Im talking about consciousness. Youre the one who keeps bringing up God not me fam. I have no clue why you keep going there
  14. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I'm referring to dualism, but somehow you're fixated on god. Dualism is the idea that mind and body are separate from one another. I wasn't referring to god in my previous post. I'm strictly referring to those very ideas of the mind, nee consciousness, is independent and to me, it's junk mysticism.

    You're dead and that's it. Why press on to think of immortality and you'll retain some memories of your defunct existence?


  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ok forgot you knew all my bad. Athiest like you lol. Carry on I'm tapping out
  16. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    If I had breasts, white, and a pussy, you'd be arguing like there's no tomorrow. But thanks for the reminder on why selective reading works well for the individual, but to the rest of the community, it just makes you seem cannot argue back all too well.

    And yet, you claim to be a man who loves science. Haha. :smt108

  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    BBW what is the point of all these threads trying to "debunk" everything you disagree with. You don't believe in God and the afterlife we are well aware. So what exactly are you trying to prove?
    I gave you viable logic but you dismiss so where does that leave us?
    If what you believe is the absolute unbeatable truth then why the need for debate?
    You say that God and the afterlife do not exist. There is no way to empirically back it up so we should just leave it alone. Point made now what?
    You aren't willing to explore any other forms of thought, its your way or no way. Which is fine, you're entitled to your beliefs but there's need to impose them on the forum every single chance you get.

    And btw I do believe in science, but I also acknowledge history and one thing I know about man is once we feel we have it all figured out something comes along to prove how ignorant we truly are. I can't say the afterlife exists with certainty, I've died yet and neither have you.
    All I know is if someone had told other people cells exist and someone else said prove it. Without a microscope the person insisting that cells exist would look like a fool because they had no way to show someone that existed. I just allow for the possibility of everything.
    I think you need to get out of the bible belt. They got you so anti-christian that anything that sounds remotely like faith has you tight.
  18. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Here is something you've failed to realize:

    1. When you respond to any my posts, you're not going to get a pandering response to appease a party. I speak my mind the way I see fit. When I respond, I don't hold back on anything.

    2. You constantly throw the word "believe" interchangeably, which is all the more insulting to anyone of the scientific academia or people who are remotely interested in science. A belief is simply a position not based on empirical findings (faith). Science isn't a belief. It's a set of principals to prove something to be factual. You're trying to mesh belief and science into the same level of thought and that's disingenuous.

    3. I'm not anti-Christian, nor anti-religion. I'm critical of the institutionalized structures that interject into politics and preventing any levels of progress. If I was anti-religion, I'd support making the practice of religion illegal. Get it right.

    4. Did you not say that you were going to "leave it at that" and discontinued this discussion? You always go back on your word like you have something to prove.

  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    No I just wanted to clarify which I didn't think I did earlier. Well on that note good day to you and good luck
  20. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I'm wondering if you're Mitt.


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