the article speaks and now its your turn. do you believe he had a right as self defense or a crime of passion
No, and probably no. His right to self-defense never existed; if he had already had sex with her then there was no imminent threat. It would be akin to lethally shooting a home invader after the invader began to flee the scene. Unless a person is in immediate danger, the right to use lethal force in self-defense generally doesn't exist. As far as the whole crime of passion defense, I don't know enough about Texas criminal law to have any kind of valid opinion. I'm not sure if I'd put that issue to a jury, especially since having sex with someone who is HIV positive doesn't always result in the transmission of the virus.
last time I checked, willingly giving someone an STD was a crime how it's treated is dependent on where you live (was treated as felonious assault in the Davis Case), but if you don't tell people what you have and willingly transmit it..especially something like AIDS, you deserve to be punished accordingly. Considering AIDS is nothing but a death sentence (and a horrific one at that), his case could go either way IMO. He may do time, but it won't be full-blown life sentence or whatever.