Class sizes on average are still around 25 kids. The guy in the video said he has between 23-28 kids per class. The key phrase you said was "the teachers have NO one wants to learn". That's what Romney is trying to help solve. Under his plan, when your kid comes home and tells you that kids are crazy in class you can pull him and put him in a better school. You don't have to be stuck there because it's your district. Having 15 crazy kids in class or 25 crazy kids in class doesn't really matter if they're all crazy. It's not the's the people.
the problem is that those students will still be left there. when will the parents be held accountable?
I agree. It's unfortunate that some parents just don't care. There's only so much legislation can help. But people have to take advantage of these opportunities.
Well, that's up for debate isn't it? I've watched Maury..I know they are testing at least 8 men to figure out which sperm won. Ew. *shudders*
I'm mostly referring to the fact that there are so many parents today relying on the school system to "raise" their child for them. It's unfair to the teachers, the schools, and the other kids in the school. If you want to be a parent, then you need to step up and take responsibility for raising your child to know right from wrong, etc.
typical nonthinking right winger. scenerio: you see a child playing in the you: A) call rush limbaugh and state that child must be a family of welfare recipents b) dont call Dept of human resources because it would be socialistic and the govt should not get involved in private affairs and keep walking c) start a company that would patrol the streets to make sure children are safe then go save the child damn its a trick question because the mofos cant read and they on the tea party to go protest the child for playing. yeah most people believe fathers are needed but only just want the child support so they can sing the song of the strong single mother anthem. when i grew up and i was fucking up down the street. the neighbor would put me in my place and then call my parents so i can get my ass spanked.
paniro says "damn liberal should have minded his own business"
Conservatives had done nothing for Blacks. Sorry the Conservatives supported slavery and enabled slave holders. They did the same for South Africa saying "sanctions hurt the Black People". There was no conservative marching with Dr.King or gave money to him. The conservatives did not support the rights of Black-Americans saying their enpowerment is "commumistic". They support charter schools but not allow a Black Child into "their" schools. Romney if elected would bring bad things for the US. As I repeat conservatives never kick upstairs a major Black Republican to a major political office.
Well, the GOP is trying to take the voting rights from Blacks and conservative Whites defected to the GOP making a reality of their own image. Where is Gerry Franks? Nowhere. Also the GOP should stop hiding behind the liberal Republicans since they kicked them out years ago.
I don't even know where to start with this post. Conservatives have done nothing for blacks and enabled slave holders?? You do realize that a conservative is responsible for freeing the slaves right. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Conservatives did not support MLK Jr.? MLK Jr. was a conservative himself. King was registered as a Republican. His father was a Republican and both were Baptist ministers. He decided not to publicly claim a party allegiance because he wanted the movement at the forefront. Civil Rights legislation was passed by a coalition of Republicans and northern Democrats. President Eisenhower pushed for voting rights for blacks and eventually signed a weak set of civil rights measures (weakened by Congressional Democrats and Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Baines Johnson). Senator John F. Kennedy's support for Martin Luther King, Jr. helped change the trend of increasing black support for the Democratic Party, capped off by the civil rights acts passed under President Johnson. Obama has done nothing for African Americans in four years and has laid out no plan for the next four years. While Romney is breaking down the barriers of educational segregation for African Americans, is providing funding for tutoring for low income parents, supports traditional marriage, and plans to address the almost 15% unemployment for African Americans.
What are you talking about? The GOP is not trying to take voting rights from Blacks. And if the GOP licked out liberal Republicans then why is Mitt Romney the presidential nominee? His label is the "Massachusetts Moderate" Republican.
So now you want to say Romney is some far right Republican when everybody for the past year has called him a "moderate"? P.S.- I don't care if chicken mcnuggets aren't 100% all white meat, they're still delicious
Romney flip-floped like it was no tomorrow. Also, King went Democratic after Kennedy got him out of jail in 1960. It convinced his dad who was a Republican to switch to Democratic. With Voter ID the GOP is trying hard to take those voting rights from Black people. Also,as I said before Romney is nothing like his dad who supported Civil Rights even as HUD Secretary in the 70's.