That's so sad, Huntress. I hate seeing the racist comments on these websites too - such a reality check, as if we needed one, but people say what they really think on the internet sometimes. As for the black woman, she is perpetuating a scary and false stereotype - sad for her - but she's probably trying to scare WW away from getting with BM - sounds like a rather selfish agenda to me. As far as the suburbs are concerned, I completely agree. Which is why I live downtown in the thick of it. Much less hypocrisy and covert racism here.
Speaking of racism in Buffalo. I just ran across this gem: [YOUTUBE]v3q9OAqxFbE[/YOUTUBE] And of course, most of the Youtube commenters agree with this guy. Remind me to stay away from upstate New York.
Lost man. His apathetic attitude was disheartening. Will there ever be real National dialogue in an attempt to understand the other? Do people even want it? Too sad.
Yeah, unfortunately, the suburbs of Buffalo are pretty redneck- not gonna lie. Pretty much why I didn't date much after I got back here from Charlotte almost 6 years ago - my ex wasn't from here, he was from out of state and was a transplant. It's pretty appalling that people I went to high school with are the ones who talk about shotgun raffles for local fire halls, want to vote for Romney, throw the N word around like nothing, and just generally behave like they should have been cast in Deliverance. I'm ashamed of my area.
It's sad that a lot of people feel this way. I can't comprehend their way of thinking. I can't even say that they want things, especially in his case, separate, but equal. More like only separate...smh
Its a feeling of entitlement, she no longer wants to be with him and he can't handle the rejection. The world is full of characters like this who see people as objects they can control and when they no longer can they respond in this degenerate manner. Its all about control. I despise dudes like this fool that have a personality complex about themselves and cannot deal with being rejected. A woman doesn't want you move on, plenty out in the world. Shit, SMDH.
These people simply want blacks to stay in their "place" Understanding is not part of the thought process. Truth be told if all you saw were negative images of blacks, black criminals, black dope dealers, black violence, you would be left with the same worldview as well if you are not open minded about the nature of things. What these folks do is associate blacks with negatives so there lies their formulated viewpoints. Its like keep the animals away from us. As he opined there are many who feel that way but just don't say it vocally as he did.