What the Skinny think about the fat...It's ok to be fat!!

Discussion in 'In the News' started by chocolatecream4u, May 31, 2012.

  1. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    Very true.
  2. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Same goes for fast food places...genius;)
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Apples to oranges. Show me where somebody died from eating fast food.

  4. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    man, you know i was just thinking to myself the other day...

    we need another thread about fat people vs skinny people (like a foxtrotting hole in our head) :smt021
  5. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    lol we can not forget to add pictures of a very very obese lady that almost can not walk to prove a point
    and on the other side add an anorexic picture that almost can not walk because bone left only and prove a point

    how fun :p
  6. curleyblonde

    curleyblonde New Member

    Came in here,,,,,,,,,, leaving with my head down thinking,,,,,,,,, geeee really.... :(
  7. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Or pick a hundred skinny (height weight proportioned not anorexic) and a hundred anorexic (35lbs or more under weight) at random.
    No extremes are healthy.

  8. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    It really depends on why they're obese. There are reasons other than just being lazy and eating too much. Gaining weight (and, consequently, obesity) can be the result of other medical problems, including mental health problems and even medication they're given to help some medical problems. So, I don't think people should instantly assume that a fat or obese person is just lazy and eats too much (although this is more often the case, I'm sure).

    Anyhoo...If it's going to have money thrown at it, it needs to be done on a case by case basis. We also have to remember that just because someone is fat or obese, doesn't mean they don't work, make money or pay taxes. This idea that it's everyone else paying for them, and their health problems, is ridiculous.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You people are literally crazy on this topic. Being under weight not a health issue crushing this country being overweight, being obese is. The numbers are right in front of our faces. 2/3 overweight and with in that 2/3 a 1/3 are obese.
    Hate to break it to you anti fat shaming people(which I dont agree with) but being underweight isnt a problem in this country. If you want to fight that battle feel free to fly over to Ethiopia.
    I get we have jacked up body images here but I wish people would stop pretending this is some media ploy to shame and hurt fat people. Kfc and McDonalds already has the market cornered on that front.
  10. Stheno

    Stheno New Member

    been a long time i had KFC and some McDonalds too

    now much lunch don't sound very nice to eat .. will be having a sandwich :D
  11. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member


    Just what we need.............again. It always ends the same way.
  12. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Normally, it's just a lack of taking care of oneself. And then if you want to speak on individual situations, everyone has different metabolism rates, where some are slower than others.

    But still, picking up a single burger and munching on it won't cause a person to die.

  13. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Because more people in our country are overweight doesn't make being overweight unhealthier than being underweight.
    And I didn't click on the link, but I think the OP is not talking about America, but about how fat people and skinny people feel about themselves and each other and the fact that someone overweight can be healthier than someone not overweight.
    I just responded because I thought if you were going to compare skinny vs fat then you should have compared both extremes to healthy weighted people, not just healthy weight vs obese. Because no shit the obese people will have more health problems than people at healthy weights, and so will underweight folks, and so will people at "healthy" weights who don't eat healthy or exercise.
    As far as fat people go. I realize it is unhealthy and I'm sure fat people know it too. I know it's a choice someone makes, but I still love a lot of them and know a lot of them that love themselves too.
    If you hate someone because they're fat, I lean towards thinking that there's more wrong with that person than the person with a weight problem.

    I don't think you should attempt to control another person's lifestyle or ridicule them for it because it's not a lifestyle you'd choose for yourself or would agree with because you are ashamed that the rest of the world is laughing at anything about the country you live in.

    Because attractive skinny people smoke too, probably. No matter what anyone says, it's not about health, it's about people not wanting to deal with seeing unpleasant looking bodies.
  14. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    I don't consider 35lbs over or under-weight to be extreme. I dated a guy who could easily stand to lose 35 lbs, as I can myself, and I thought he looked fine - he ate decently and walked a lot. He was tall with an athletic football player's body... heck, he could probably even stand to lose 50 lbs, but because of underlying muscle-tone and overall health, he carried himself well.

    I know I have far more muscle, flexibility, and endurance than a lot of thin people. Plus my blood pressure is normally on the lower side. Even under levels of great stress, it will read as normal.

    The greatest problem with gaining weight in this country as far as I'm concerned (in addition to access to processed food), is the way that our jobs have become more sedentary and our transportation systems are way too efficient. On some main drags, there aren't even any sidewalks! If I had it my way, I'd work in an environment where I got to walk a lot, and live close enough to home where I could walk to work. Unfortunately, my skill sets have me at a desk job at least 20 minutes' drive away from my house. GLUED to the seat - I can't leave my seat without getting in trouble.

    I planned on taking a walk this evening when I got home, but it is storming out. :( Try again tomorrow... and I do love to walk, especially in the evening...
  15. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    *takes a deep breath, leaves thread*
  16. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    And lucky us, not only did we get one new thread, this time we got two...oh yay! :rolleyes:

  17. Athlone McGinnis

    Athlone McGinnis New Member

    I'm not Dark Knight so I won't claim to know exactly what he was thinking, but my impression here is that he wasn't factoring in two extremes when he made that statement. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems you may have read his use of the term "skinny" (height/weight proportional) as a reference to the opposite of the obese, whereas he may indeed have meant it only with regards to fairly healthy, fit people who are relatively "skinny" compared to the overweight (who are the majority in the USA). He isn't talking about the folks who are afraid to eat an extra pea. He is comparing "obese" to "normal".

    This could obviously create some confusion. This is just my interpretation, however.

    I'd say that is far from the case-if anything, the problems posed by obesity don't really get enough attention and have not yet been fixated on at the rate necessary to solve any problems. Obesity impacts a third of our population-anorexia less than 1% of it. We do not have a skinny people problem in this country, our issue is overwhelmingly one of overly high body-fat. If you focus on obesity, you may not be focusing on "the whole" of the American body-health issue, but you are hitting 90% of it. Apply that focus to the opposite end of the extreme for the anorexics among us, and you're dealing with maybe .5% of the problem.

    I do not think there is really a logical way around this conclusion-these are not equal concerns here. One is hitting us much harder and much faster than the other.

    True. A couple of problems, though.

    1. I don't think anybody here tried to claim that anorexia (the opposite end of the extreme that is obesity) was healthy. You may be fighting a strawman here. The Dark knight, who you're responding to here, most certainly didn't.

    2. Both extremes are indeed unhealthy, as you said. The issue, however, is that one extreme is much more common than the other. To use an example, obesity impacts about 33% of the American male and female population, and hits over 20% in the rest of the Anglosphere (Australia, Canada, the UK, etc). Anorexia, on the other hand, hits only about .5% of the American female populace (male rates are almost negligible at just 5-15% of all anorexia cases). We can go to about 2-3% if we include other disorders like bulimia.

    In other words, we are speaking as though both extremes are equally heavy issues in our time, when in actuality one carries much greater weight (no pun intended) than the other. Obesity is the real issue, and thus it can quite convincingly be argued that it deserves the lion's share of the attention.

    Anorexia is in no position to drag down average American life expectancy within coming years. Obesity is.

    Again, this was never claimed.

    And yes, while you can try to argue that both extremes (obesity and anorexia) should be compared, there actually isn't any comparison between the magnitude of each problem. Anorexia is rare in our society-obesity has become almost normalized. One hits a third of us, the other less than 1% of us.

    It isn't unreasonable to give one more attention than the other given these realities. We can't pretend there is equality where there isn't.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the forum my fair minded friend:smt023
  19. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Had you been around to see the many other threads on this topic from which Britty's assertions came, you'd understand.

    People. Stop arguing about this. If you're happy with yourself, be happy. If you're not, make changes. If you're not happy seeing other people who are overweight, look at your feet when you walk. Such is life. Get over yourselves.
  20. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    What she said. And I have a pretty good feeling that any women who are over 35 lbs their supposed "normal" weight on this forum are sexy as hell...how couldn't you be if you love to date black men?

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