Weekly Workout Progress

Discussion in 'Health, Fitness and Fashion' started by babybro, Apr 23, 2011.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    yeah that debt is no joke

    in that respect, it's best to go to a state school....

    some of the private schools may have stronger names in whatever market you're looking at, but that comes with a price

    as for the arts...one school around here throws everything in...mma, muay thai, bjj,no-gi, etc, etc..for a flat 180 or something.. they're pretty notable, as they have managed to get kenny florian and his bro, along with frankie edgar to come down and give clinics. they also send guys to bellator/ufc and have a packed stable of gracie blacks, browns and purples, so that 180/month for everything seems like a good deal

    whereas another school i know of..it's only 180 for bjj...

    judo...mma..all that shit is extra..lol??
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah I need a reputable name for my field so I'm stuck. Kind of thought about going back to accounting since the field is broader and even though most programs are a bit pricey they have good ones for a bit cheaper. Like City University of NY has on of the top programs in the country for accounting and its only 7k a year to NY residents the only problem its insanely competitive. They only 11% of qualified applicants into their Phd program. I could get a Phd for a little more than 20k from a top program. Try that shit at Wharton and you're looking at 150k in debt. But at this point I'll do whatever. Need to stack that money.

    What's your regimen like?
  3. Nebula J

    Nebula J New Member

    welp, time for a six-month fitness reorientation
  4. Salmon23

    Salmon23 New Member

    I've been doing burpees with weights. 50 pounds dumbells in each hand, Killer work out three time a week. I play ultimate frisbee twice a week, and run stairs on the remaining days. Today is weighted burpee day.

    6'3 240 about

    7/8 % body fat.

    Bench press? Don't know

    Goal is to get an adonis belt or love lines, people call them. Pretty simple, though eating has been quite bad lately. not impressed :confused:
  5. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    Finally I know the name of this body part/muscle. I never knew.
    I should tell Sin Mari, she dindt know either.
    Learned something knew today, thank you!
  6. Salmon23

    Salmon23 New Member

    Also known as:

    reverse love handles

    apollo's belt (FROM THE STATUE)

    But I think the anatomically correct name is inguinal fold or inguinal crest, or inguinal ligament. to be precise. i want it.
  7. Unique4ever

    Unique4ever Well-Known Member

    LOL, I dont blame you. Its does look hot.
    I always thought you either have it or not. I never knew you can actually develop that.
    Maybe some people have it already, it's just hidden under bellyfat.
    Just like abs, you can have them but they wont show until you lose enough bodyfat.
  8. Salmon23

    Salmon23 New Member

    Yep gotta lose that fat. I'm down to 8 percent. Gotta hit 6 . Same. As abs. .
  9. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member


    Progress: Diet has gone to complete shit the past week. Just eating whatever. Man I smashed 24 Fruity Pebbles cereal bars this one day lol. Had a pretty good day at the gym after a long night of work and still in work clothes lol.


    Here's a vid of me doing 500x4 on the dip machine this morning, I later did 530x1
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You've def thickened up for the last pics you posted, which was I think in the boxers n briefs thread.
    You were cut but much leaner. Keep it up, you look really strong/good.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Figured I'd throw my hat in with some advanced workout routines, for lifters with a good base. If you are new to lifting, this may be too much.

    Height - 6'2"
    Body Weight - 225lbs

    Bench Press max reps: 225lbs x 24 reps / 1RM unknown
    Squat and Deadlift maxes: unknown

    *First number is sets, second number is reps


    Flat Bench - 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6, 2 sets with heavier weight, low reps (3-5)
    Decline - 3x10
    Incline - 3x10

    Total Body
    Deadlift - 1x8 (warmup),4x5
    Power Clean (without deep squat start position) - 5x5

    Shoulder Press - 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6
    Side Plate Extensions - 3x10

    Side Ab Extensions - 3x15

    Tuesday (bjj conditioning - 1 complete set - body laying supine position on floor - 100 reps of each)

    Crunches with Knees raised@90 degree angle (touch feet with hands)
    Neck Raise
    Head Twist
    Head Side to Side (ears to shoulder)
    Regular Crunches

    15-25mins recumbent bike (alternating resistance levels, 4-5 minutes sprint variations)


    Reverse-Grip Pullups - 5 sets to failure

    Total Body
    Deadlift - 1x8 (warmup), 2x8

    Bent Over Barbell Rows - 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6
    Barbell Upright Shrugs - 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6
    Barbell Upright Rows - 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6

    Dumbbell Triceps Extension - 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6
    Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks - 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6

    Side Ab Extensions - 3x15

    Thursday (bjj conditioning - 1 complete set - body laying supine position on floor - 100 reps of each)

    Crunches with Knees raised@90 degree angle (touch feet with hands)
    Neck Raise
    Head Twist
    Head Side to Side (ears to shoulders)
    Regular Crunches

    15-25mins recumbent bike (alternating resistance levels, 4-5 minutes sprint variations)

    Friday (grappling conditioning circuit with weight plate - keep weight gripped with both hands - 4 rounds with decreasing reps of each exercise per round 15/14/13/12)

    round start
    Bicep Curls
    Military Press
    Alternating Shoulder Throw Over (keep the weight in your hands tho:eek:)
    Around the World (move plate in semi-circle motion from right side of waist, over the head, left side waist, then reverse)
    Bent over row
    Tricep Extension
    Alternating Wrestler's Lunge
    round end


    Reverse-grip Pullups - 5 sets to failure

    Lower Body
    Regular Squat - 1x10 (warmup), 3x10
    Split Squat - 3x10
    Standing Calf Raise - 3x10

    Total Body
    Stiff-Legged Deadlifts/Romanian Deadlift - 1x10 (warmup), 2x10

    Bicep Curl (with forearm twist motion) - 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6
    Preacher Curl - 1x12, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6

    Side-Ab Extensions - 3x15

    This is a routine that I followed for a while which I think helped me increase strength gains and endurance. Note that I train for a blend of strength/muscle endurance and not just pure size or strength, which is why I included the max bench reps.
    Last edited: May 29, 2012
  12. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    lol I'm fat. I am not cut up like I used to be but thanks.

    Good shit, I'll give this a try when I run into a rut.
  13. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    After the long lay off due to 2 injuries, I started up about 6 weeks ago, slowly upping the workout. Somehow that layoff was detrimental to my body fat %. (my diet went to shit and my usual clean eating went to in and out etc haha). I have in 6 weeks lowered my body fat % from 27 % to 23 % , keeping the same weight (I am stunned myself). Apparently my body remembers. LOL.
    I do 2 MMA style work-outs/2 weight lifting/2-3 spinning classes per week.
    Still have issues with keeping up with my metabolism but looking at those numbers, I understand why. I have added pre-work-out powder and dring my isolated whey protein directly after. Am in the conditioning phase and will start my buidling phase in 2 weeks and add isopure and designer carbs if I need.

    Last time I went to my MMA gym, I actually ran/pulled 2 large fire-hoses connected together (I believe that is 100 feet. I am the only woman at the gym that as done that so far (tooting my own horn).

    Last edited: May 29, 2012
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    i only started doing this because I noticed I was actually losing strength, when doing an older routine that i've done for years.

    after doing this routine for some time, I increased my max reps with 225lbs to 15. I kept hitting between 15-16 whenever testing myself for max reps, so I switched my flat bench workout to 225lbs 3x10, 255lbs 1x7 or 8, 275lbs 1x5 or 6, then 285lbs to failure just for shits and giggles. After working out like this for a bit, I was able to hit my current@24 reps. My goal is to hit 30+ without necessarily going up in body weight or bulk (doesnt look good when you cant wash your own back :smt022).

    My pre-workout snack before was just a protein shake..

    then I starting adding granola bars+caffeine. The caffeine may have something to do with the sudden output in reps.:drinkers:

    anyway football season is around the corner, and being the oldman@30 that I am, I still try to put my numbers against what other guys put up at the nfl combine, just for gp. That gives me one reason to keep at it.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    How does it help with your bjj. Me and my girl signed up for a spot in the city that does bjj, mma, boxing, and Muay Thai. The boxing is for us to do together so we don't sit around all in love and eating up a storm. But you talk about bjj so damn much I decided to give it a try. I could use the technique.
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    it's safe to say that 'gracie' jiu jitsu is designed for anyone. you hear that a lot, but it truly is. it's more about technique than strength, so many times you will use leverage and moves designed to throw someone off-balance. The flower sweep for instance, just requires you to pull your opponent towards you, while using your legs to sweep someone onto their back. Strength comes into play when you need other options. Sometimes when you have two guys with the same level of knowledge, the one that's able to bring something extra to the table comes out on top (besides when you are new, using strength to cover holes in your game may help survival).

    I was trained in a more competitive manner, rolling for set rounds, so conditioning was a must. It's easy to gas yourself out trying to get a submission before a match ends, so muscle endurance plays a huge factor. You need to be able to match the pace of your opponent, so if they're still coming at you and you're tired, chances are you're going to lose.

    Upper and lower body strength comes into play with take downs, base, and posturing up. If you like to shoot in for wrestling-type take downs, you need to be able to force your will. When your opponent is trying to take you down, you need to have a strong base. If you find that your opponent is trying to go for an arm submission from the bottom, you need to create distance by pulling away and straightening your back through posturing-up. These are just a few examples in which you may actually need some raw strength, unless you're very technical and like working off your back.

    Muscle endurance also comes in handy with submissions also. Whether you realize it or not, most people are pretty resistant when you try to bend an arm in an unnatural manner (lol). This resistance to your attack takes a toll on you, so you need strength and endurance in the arms.

    A few noob tips tho..

    1 - Always close your guard! :p (I guarantee during your initial training, you'll get corrected by not doing this)
    2 - don't be cocky
    3 - you're training, so don't overdo it or you may injure yourself or someone else
    4 - Never lie flat on your back. If you find yourself mounted, always try to stay on the side of your body. That nullifies a few submissions such as the Americana and armbars.
    5 - Shrimp, and shrimp often (google it)
    6 - regardless of what Bliss says, PLEASE wash your gi and belt after use. ringworm and grappling are like bread and butter, and you do NOT want to be that guy....:eek:
  17. Nebula J

    Nebula J New Member


  18. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Wash the belt? Wow we never did that in karate
  20. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    you never spent 1 hour with someone's dirty sweaty body on you either (sex doesn't count)

    if you think i'm bullshitting, just ask whoever teaches the jiu jitsu

    like i mentioned before, ringworm is so popular with grappling arts, that trainers and students take hygiene pretty seriously. if you have ringworm, you can't train and that's a waste of money. If you're promoting ringworm and dirty habits by having a stinky ass belt, you won't find people willing to roll with u. in fact, you may get sent out.

    it's simple science tho...all that rubbing and grinding on the skin, makes it more susceptible to infections. make sure they wipe their mats and clean their showers frequently also. that's the first thing I did before training.

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