Sandra Fluke Vs Rush Limbaugh(Women's Health)

Discussion in 'In the News' started by archangel, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member

    The reason I put it like that is because it's really easy for you to sit on one side of the fence. I'm not trying to say you are an trying to say that you will never feel the fear of being pregnant with a child you don't want. It isn't always a case of...practice self control. I got pregnant with my third a marriage...when we hadn't planned on it or even discussed it. I was scheduled to go into consult for a sterilization two weeks after i found out i had gotten hapai. After almost 2 years of having unprotected sex and not getting pregnant.

    You know the consequences, yes. But we ended up with a baby anyway. Im glad he's here and I would never wish him away. But it isn't always a cut n dried case of "self control".

    maybe college kids partying on the weekend.

    not in my marriage.
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Males have not right to tell women what to do with their bodies. And most of them either don't have children or have the guts to adopt a child from a woman who does not want to abort her fetus. It seems so easy to have a control trip on women's lives than to take resposibility. Rush Limbaugh,Bill O'Reilly and other men of their ilk are just blowing smoke over this matter. Those crazy conservatives try to include Ed Schulz even though he really apologized to Laura Ingraham on TV. Schulz set them streight yesterday on the difference between him and Limbaugh.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    once what you do with your body starts affecting my pockets, i have all the right in the world to put my .02 cents in

    what kind of politics are you studying?

  4. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

    IMO, the elite have done what they intended to do by proof of the direction this thread's discussion has taken...

    The "they" have thrown a piece of meat into the pit full of hungry dogs, who then turn on each other rather than jump the fence and find sources of meat for themselves...

    Limburger's comments would have gotten any other company's employee fired if not suspended... but that's all a smoke screen for the underlying truths...

    "We", as humans, citizens, voters, and tax payers, argue for the nickels and dimes, fight for raises and benefits, and try to defend what we believe are entitlements and rights as "they" continue to slice, dice or erode if not totally eradicate them. While pocket money disappears, they tell us about rising costs, recessions, and the fears of all systems breaking down without drastic measures... And they laugh all the way to the banks, their banks.... and pay their senior staffs handsome bonuses...

    As the devil's advocate, let's say we scrub subsidized contraceptive programs and let the worse happen. Or take Limburger's aspirin solution... Forgetting the other values contraceptives may have for women's health, one can expect pharmaceuticals to benefit at the detriment of thousands upon thousands unwanted children, born because that's the force fed alternative.... In one way or another, a future burden on taxpayers if it's only to build another orphanage/prison to house them...

    The most vilified segment of American society is the most forgotten... the uneducated, unemployed, unskilled poor. Represented in the media and the minds or the general public as "welfare kings and queens", they resort to "old school" for fun, recreation, and commerce... In case you haven't checked, they're still having children, with or without birth control and those children will be a burden one way or another... And forget the stereotype of them all being black... That's the media image....

    Instead of being offered viable solutions, we've been constantly fed the King Solomon solution... cut the baby in half.... All or nothing solutions that tend to be one way bitter pills...

    The "We" needs to ask more questions and hold more people accountable rather accept the "meat" being tossed for us to fight each other over....
  5. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    uh huh finally seeing it my way!


    in this case though she is saying the insurer should pay for it and insurance companies should offer it so I agree with her.

    If government is paying for it, I agree with you 100%
  6. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Powerful post!

  7. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    The contraception is the responsibility of both parties. And if you don't think so then you are going to be singing along with Kanye West to Goldigger. 18 years...18 years... :(

    It takes care of unwanted children. We aren't cave people littering the earth with children we can't feed. You want women to have a career but if she is pregnant constantly then she won't what do men want??

    Amen soul. Republicans need to get out of womens bodies and talk about things that count.
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    why should employers pay for womens maternity leave, why should we pay for viagra, why should we pay for wars that i dont agree with and found out we shouldnt have been there in the first place, why should I pay for a sporting arena that has no real economic value, why should we spend tax payers money on the olympics for one time use.
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  10. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    lmao at some of the fools on here getting all butthurt over what Rush has to say. He is a SHOCK JOCK Radio guy. You guys are too sensitive.
  11. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Rush is emblematic of the crybaby, chatterbox, please look at me I'm angry, white redneck types that cry incessantly about affirmative action, women's rights, abortion, feminism, homosexuality and anything that doesn't fit their world views.

    If you come across folks of that ilk, they will incessantly whine about how they are the victims today.

    It is so unfair and hard to be an old fashioned God fearing, misogynist, bigoted, intolerant, good ole boy white male hyprocrite today. These guys are just merely pining for the days of yester-year when when women were in the kitchen and blacks rode the back of the bus. :D

    Anything else leaves them in a state of complete social misery. I mean social progress, bleh, who needs that when they can just reminisce and circle jerk about the bygone days and cry about how unfair it is for them today to be prevented from being Grade A pricks to others. A Frat boy mentality is hard to overcome in some of these jokers when dealing with others who don't share their similar sentiments.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2012
  12. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Excellent posts.
  13. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    If you stopped the subsidies than people, would simply purchase them. They are real cheap to begin with. A bit of an exaggerated point from your side.
  14. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

  15. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  16. nocturnalmission

    nocturnalmission New Member

  17. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    Who apparently has enough influence to dictate the actions and reactions of prominent players in the Republican Party.
  18. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    You aren't going to get through to that one. He's a loyal Black Dittohead. Limbaugh can do no wrong in his eyes.
  19. Alinoa

    Alinoa New Member


    That is so awesomely awesome.

    I understand that these are important issues that need to be dealt with.

    IMO however, effectively, the right is taking the focus off of what needs to be taken care of first. Our failing country as a whole.
    People can say it's stupid to push back like's a waste of time and energy and most especially tax payer money to have to fight the War on Women with a War on Men. But so be it. If the Tea Party and the extreme right weren't kicking this up in the first place, the counter-attack wouldn't need to be waged.

    Still, it's a shame. That time SHOULD be focused on how to get americans back to work. Or building a stronger economy. But the Far Right insists on doing these really stupid distractions from whats really important.

    *Lol at rectal exams for viagra*
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2012
  20. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    He's a conservative political commentator. The Shock Jock stuff is left to people who actually do say...Howard Stern? If he was a shock jock, then he wouldn't get interviews from the likes of John Boehner, Newt Gingrich, and other key political figures.

    He knows how to cater to a base full of ignoramuses. Do your homework, or just shut the fuck up.


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