Question? Why do ww women like black men when they get older

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Rocket, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. rhinoblake

    rhinoblake New Member

    This is very rare...I not sure why you are debating this point. People have said virtually the same thing that I am saying throughout this thread. The original question was implying that mostly older white women that are deemed less attractive flock towards black men.

    Here's a test: look up "Fat white women black men" or "unattractive white woman black men" on Google...There are many asking the same questions that I am.

    This topic has perplexed me for years; I enjoy the beauty of white women and I have dated white woman all over the country. One constant that I have seen, is that white woman with their act together rarely date black men. The reason that I have stated above are the answers that many white female friends have told me candidly. They go one to say that white women laugh at black men who assume that the majority or white woman are attracted to black men. As a black man, this is troubling...but it is truth nonetheless.
  2. rhinoblake

    rhinoblake New Member

    I wish that this were not true. I wish that people were judged by the content of their character and not their appearance. However, there is no area where this concept is disregarded more than in the dating realm. As with many aspects of society, in the dating realm white people are given more grace than black people. I hate that so much racism exists in dating
  3. rhinoblake

    rhinoblake New Member

    Again, I wish that this were not true. I wish that people were judged by the content of their character and not their appearance. However, there is no area where this concept is disregarded more than in the dating realm. As with many aspects of society, in the dating realm white people are given more grace than black people. I hate that so much racism exists in dating
  4. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Why are you here?? Looking for a sub-par ww? Someone you think you are above? I doubt you date ww w that shitty attitude towards them. Are you here just to stir shit?

    You are buying into wm propaganda...... If you start breaking what you say down, you realize that it makes NO sense at all. If what you say is true, all wm has to be younger, skinnier and better looking than ww. We know that is not so, wm are not younger, better looking than ww. silly man.
    In fact, wm have a larger obesity rate than ww. Look it up.

    It does not matter what shape or age a ww is, there will always be wm in her age range and weight etc.

    But wm thank you for falling into this trap, it makes their small egos rationalize why they are getting passed over for bm.

    Good for you, being on their side (sarcasm). smh.

    And thank you to POJ and DK for the love, I truly appreciate it a lot!!!.
    I cant rep either of you.

    Edit: We also have Athena on here a ww MD that is engaged to a man from Guayna... That's 2 docs on here, plus all the other skinny, good looking ww on here that have excellent degrees and careers - I dont think this place have more of that than real life... its just a cross cut...
    Some people just get so focused on that red car that all they see is red cars. Besides, I want to point out that focusing on a degree is silly - how many on here, have fantastic careers and are great catches without degrees. Focusing on silly letters behind peoples names are just plain arrogant, it does not automatically make a person a better catch.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2011
  5. rhinoblake

    rhinoblake New Member

    "if you start breaking what you say down, you realize that it makes NO sense at all. If what you say is true, all wm has to be younger, skinnier and better looking than ww. We know that is not so, wm are not younger, better looking than ww." That's actually my point...white women tend to date white men that are less attractive and/or make less money before they would date a black man that is compatible. They sometimes are with white men who make very little money (Mr. Mom scenario). This doesn't happen too often black men...the decent white women will date white Joe who works at the car lot, but at times refuses to date Black Joe who owns that car lot.

    I would also add; simply because a position is politically correct doesn't mean that it is accurate. The idea that a large amount of decent white women would be willing to date black men in racist America is simply a fantasy some chose to believe. This is a totally illogical idea and is not based on an accurate assessment of reality.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    1. You shitty friends plain and simple.

    2. attractive people are usually drawn to attractive people despite race.

    3. We live in a country of mostly white people so its no big sock that white women normally end up with white men.
  7. rhinoblake

    rhinoblake New Member

    LOL I've actually done several in depth studies on the subject and the ideas that I have were taken from actual white woman who spoke frankly about the subject.

    Also, degrees are much more than letters behind a name. Because of my degree I can provide very well for my child.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude don't tell us show us
  9. rhinoblake

    rhinoblake New Member

    Ah, yes...white are the majority in America, that's why we are called "minorities". However, I think you missed the point...I would encourage you to look at this a little deeper.
  10. rhinoblake

    rhinoblake New Member

    If you live in America, it's right in front of you.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I have looked a lot deeper and while it is true that given the choice most ww would take a good looking wm over a good looking bm (women on this forum included) there are plenty of women who are just open to finding a good man that they're attracted to. It's a new era. A lot of the women I've dated under 25 in fact prefer bm. Not the thugged out ones or sports star just regular college educated bm with a good head on their shoulders. They find the look attractive the same way many women find the latin look attractive. You may in fact know people who feel that way but you don't know everyone playboy.
    All though I agree there is something off about a woman who has never dated a black man all of a sudden dating them exclusively, I have to also say you can't speak for all circumstances. Some lame dudes actually like fat women, some lame ww like lame bm, but to act as if all ww feel the same exact way about a given topic is like saying all bm feel the same way about a given topic. There's no way of knowing.
  12. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I am soooo sure that your "in depth" studies are very unbiased. That's just a funny statement, you fool nobody here. The stuff you said about women saying they would only date bm when they are old or fat is just very telling. First off, I actually don't believe you (besides the fact that your statement about this, reflects more on YOU than ww in general).

    Second, WHO did you ask? A wide normalized sample? Doubt it, it doesn't reflect at all on the reality, just yours (see above).
    As I said, if you are only looking for red cars, you will only see red cars and will ignore all other cars. If you conduct "research" and have the answer in mind first, its not valid.

    The cross cut of ww on wwbm tells completely different story, but I am sure you will ignore that, because it does not jive with your reality and thus, you will reject it.

    You are a troll and I choose to report you and ignore you from now on, you don't date ww so why are you here. Or as I asked before, are you dating ww that you think are below you??? In that case, you need a shrink.

    Good luck, Mr, buying-into-wm-propaganda - they thank you.
  13. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

    This thread has been moved to "Stereotypes and Myths."
  14. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

    Maybe not as a whole but you certainly do put down individuals on this site. I've read through some of this thread and see it myself-- on top of previously reported posts. You have to move on from this because it's obviously becoming an issue.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Look through other threads and see how often I am insulted unprovoked. You start dealing out justice equally I'll consider dialing it back sir :smt023

    Like I've said on numerous occasions people who have such a huge problem with me Ches, SA, JC, Lippy etc just hit the ignore button. That's what its there for right?
  16. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Do you think you are the boss on this forum?
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Apparently you do:cool:
  18. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Honestly, DK - you have never been insulted unprovoked. You do provoke on a daily basis, and eventually it catches up with you.
    You may have been provoked by someone on occasion you did not insult directly at times, but those times, it was glaringly clear what people you insulted so you got it back.
    You actually have escaped justice for quite some time, you have gotten away with more than most on here.
    There is nobody on here that so frequently insult people on the board with very smug remarks that you know are intentional insults and get away with it. Nobody.
    I do hope that this will make you evaluate your behavior, it is just not ok and in the end, it hurts you more than any other being.
    To question webbs is just silly, I think he has shown his impartialism consistently.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Like I said those who are offended simply put me on ignore. It costs nothing
  20. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Half this site would have you on ignore. Does that not register with you? You spew hate 24/7.

    I agree with the person who said you are missing the button in your head to tell you not to do inappropriate things. Like above "telling" the webmaster how it's going to be. This isn't your site. It's for the enjoyment of all not just you. :smt085

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