Prayer Requests

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by Tamstrong, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks, Ches. I'm doing okay. It was tough not being able to make it to the funeral because it was too far away, but I'm very thankful I saw him & his family back in July. He's going to be greatly missed.

    Thanks, TC; I appreciate that. He is definitely home now, & I'm thankful he's not suffering any more. God bless you & your, too.
  2. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Oh Tam I am so sorry and I am sorry I missed this.

    he must have been fab if he had a friend like you. Friendship is wonderful for many reasons but it tells other people who you are and what you stand for,

    He must have been wonderful xo
  3. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks, Nilla. I appreciate you thinking that about me. He was definitely a wonderful person. I especially admired his love & devotion to God & to his wife & sons. His faith was strong & never wavered, & he always had a great attitude. He always had the determination to be the best person he could possibly be, & he was an awesome inspiration & blessing for those of us who had the privilege of knowing him.
  4. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Prayer Requests,......................................... .........

    dear tamstrong,

    i too am sorry for your loss. having suffered so many in my life already i fully understand much of what you are dealing with. it's never easy, and never happens at a, " good time ". God bless you for being a friend to that person during their life.

    i shall pray for the comforts of their family as well yours so that peace for all can be everpresent, and continuous. we cannot, and should not ever carry the burdens of life by ourselves for our lives have been meant to share all along. i believe this you know quite well as evidenced much in many of your words.

    may peace reign, and love grow, always.

    most sincerely,
  5. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i'm so sorry tam. much love
  6. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Prayer Requests,......................................... .........

    i originally came here this evening because earlier today i received a call from my Grandmother that my mom's long time bf Ronan suffered a serious heart attack this morning. then i came here, and began reading the many posts, and am overcome now with sadness for everyone knowing of the pain that is being felt here. life can be so tough sometimes, and seemingly so unfair also.

    he has been a wonderful father to me, and all of my sisters as well my deceased brother when he was alive. my daddy was killed in a plane crash when i was six years old, and Mr. Ronan came into our lives about two years later so he pretty much is the only father i can remember very much. he is a wonderful, very giving, and selfless man of great caring, and love.

    i have been in touch with my mom, and she is with him in a hospital right now down in South America where they have been for about two weeks. she said that it was a real bad situation, and that it's possible he won't make it.

    my sister athena, and my other sister sabra are already on their way down there, and i'm supposed to go with my Grandmother at some point tomorrow. i'm a little freaked out about it all, and kind of scared about stuff too.

    i just don't know what to do. so i have been praying alot today, and have been calling mom alot but several times the reception kept cutting off so that's been kind of frustrating. i know for sure that you all don't know me, and may not even care about me but your prayers for this wonderful man of whom has touched so many lifes is wanted, please k?

    thank you for having a thread like this please, thank you so much.

    sincerely love,
  7. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i'm sorry to hear this alexi. my positive thoughts go to you, your step father, mother and sisters
  8. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Prayer Requests,......................................... .........

    thank you very much Ms. Tarshi for your positive thoughts. it is a pretty scary time for us, and i am really stressed, and worried for my mom alot so your kindness is truly felt, thank you please.

  9. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    I am praying for you and your family, Alexis. Please keep us updated as you learn more information. God be with you.

  10. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Prayer Requests,......................................... .........

    dear chesbaygrl,

    thank you so much for your kindness, it is so very appreciated. my Grandmother, and i were supposed to take off earlier today to head down south to the hopsital where He is at but she became ill{my Grandmother}, and i took her to the doctor instead.

    she is going to alright though, and it's nothing serious but at her age we have to be super careful. the doctors told us to not fly because of some medications she has so now we are waiting for his clearance to go see my step daddy, and my mom.

    i've been on the sat phone here most of the day with my mom, Mr. Ronan is a tough man, and he's hanging on my mom said. so your prayers, and hopes are super nice of you please. this is so stressing, and i'm so worried about my mom, and thankful that my sisters are finally there with her. thanks so much! hugs to you,


    TCFLORIDAGIRL Well-Known Member

    All my thoughts and prayers for you and your family Alexis....
  12. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Aww, alexis, I'm so sorry that you weren't able to go be with your stepdad! But I'm glad to hear that he is hanging in there & that your grandmother will be ok. I will cintinue to pray. Cast your cares on the Lord and praise Him for his answers.
  13. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Prayer Requests,......................................... .........


    hi, you are so nice please. i am grateful to you for such kindnesses. your thoughts, and your prayers as well those of others i believe tells God that we care about each other.

    i think this makes God see the goodness in us that he created. my heart while so heavy of care, and love is a worried one alot. but please dear lady know it is the heart beating forever in hope.

    i thank you so much, and may God shine his blessings upon you and those you love throughout your time.

  14. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Prayer Requests,......................................... .........

    Ms. chesbaygrl,

    i must show respect to you here maam please. you are so nice to me. i have read more posts this night from you. they are ones spoken of the other threads but those all carry fairness, those all carry positivities, and those carry the underlying message of love. you are a special lady i am thinking.

    so it is this night while i am waiting with the phone here that i am moved so much by the care you exhibit, and the hope you bring in kindness. yes maam, i am touched by this please so i am thankful my eyes can see your words.

    Grandmother yes, she is alright here maam thank you. she is a strong woman who can do anything of the world. she had the, " spell ", earlier, and this made her dizzy she says. so our doctor made her come so he could see her.

    he told me that she only has an allergy reaction so now i am not scared. my mom says that Mr. Ronan has not had changes since being in the hospital. she was scared too i think. my sisters are with them there now so this is so good. my big sister athena has special touch about her. she is so loving. she rests her hands on Mr. Ronan's body today my mom told me. they prayed to God like this.

    i am with best hope that Grandmother, and i can leave tomorrow but she says that she wants me to go there if she cannot so i may leave but am not sure. this is really hard, and i have too much emotion inside of me maam.

    i will speak with God this night when i lay down here about you, and the other kind lady Ms. tcfloridagirl. i will pray to him to bring comforts, and the best love to you both maam. i will pray for Ms. tamstrong to not feel pain, and only hope, and love.

    we need so much help in this world maam, it is my heart is so heavy i must cry now please. thank you so much,

  15. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thank you, Alexis. That's very sweet of you.

    Thanks, Tarsh. Love you, too.

    I'm so sorry, Alexis. I will definitely keep you & your family in my thoughts & prayers. Hopefully your step-dad will make a speedy recovery & your grandmother, too. I hope you are able to make the trip to be with your family. God bless you & yours.
  16. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Prayer Requests,......................................... .........

    Ms. tamstrong,

    hi maam, how are you doing? i hope that you are not alone please. i hope you are with, and near those that love you on this night. i am grateful so much for your thoughts, and prayers. when we lose one we love here of this earth, it is a piece of us that leaves too. our time here then, we are not complete is why i think we should love each other maam so i do please.

    you are one of the kind ladies i see, and i thank you much for that. your prayers for my step daddy will help him lots i am thinking. my Grandmother the doctor says is alright now maam. she had the allergy reaction when i went to her home to get her for flying to see my step daddy.

    the doctor said she should not fly then so i stayed with her at her home. she is alright now i believe but he said to not let her do much like she always does. i may have to fly down there tomorrow to meet my mom and my two sisters of whom are with my step daddy now.

    i don't know what i am going to do cause this is lots of hurting inside of me maam. he is a great great man so i am scared alot cause i can't lose him now i can't please. my sister athena spoke to me just a few minutes before i came back to here. she said my mom is upset so much. my mom has lost her loves so much so many times.

    this allows me i think to understand your hurt maam. it gives me eyes to see your sadness but it brings me the great sight of your heart too. this is the privelege found in care.

    so thank you Ms. tamstrong so much but please know there are ones loving you, and ones of whom are speaking to God of you. please bathe in the peace of love, and the hope of care each day maam. God is blessing you maam, he is.

  17. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Prayer Requests,......................................... .........

    there is a beautiful lady of the site named TreePixie. this lady is one of great vision for she has shown to each of us this. her heart is a good one, her care of so many here is ominous. her sharp sight always provides clarities for lots here. she is a voice of reason. she is kind too please.

    i read this night in a post but i cannot remember where i saw it that her body was hurting from the MS. if i am correct, this is the debilitating condition of Multiple Sclerosis. this truly gets in her way i think. it hinders her abilities to move through her days, her nights with ease.

    she is not one of whom cries much i don't think. she is simply one of whom continues on with her visible care of others. she is a wonderful lady of whom touches many here. please extend your praying this night, and each night for this kind, and loving lady so that she can move through her life free of these pains.

    so that she no longer breathes the airs of labored movement or the numbness anywhere in her body please. i speak with God about her, and i ask him for his love in touching her. thank you so much,

  18. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    Prayer Requests,......................................... .........

    my step daddy Mr. Ronan, he went with God now. he was my third daddy in the life of me. he was mom's third love too. thank you for your prayers, your care so much please, i stay honored of it so much. care of each other please do not ever stop that, k? please don't stop it! i fly in one hour now to go be with my mom and my sisters cause i really need them lots now. i do. this world hurts me cause every time i love so much my heart has pieces taken from it. is smaller one now cause of this, is hurting one so much. i cry today. i thank God for him too but i cry. must go now, must fly there k? thank you lots now, bye.

    loving is good k?
  19. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Alexis, thank you for your very kind words in an earlier post, which I just found. They really touched me. If there is any good in me, it is because of the Lord in me.

    I am terribly sorry for the loss of your stepfather. I know you and your family are suffering greatly. Please know that you are all in my prayers. I pray that God will give you comfort and peace beyond measure.
  20. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I'm so very sorry for your loss, Alexis. You & your family are in my prayers & thoughts. I pray that God will ease the pain you're all feeling. Your step-daddy was a very blessed man to have a family who loved him so much & it sounds like he was a great blessing in your lives as well. God bless you all. :smt056

    BTW, thank you for the kind things you said about me in your previous post. I appreciate it very much.

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