What part of NY are you from again? and no one even came remotely close to saying Trixie wasn't cute or that all the women on here need to be 22 year old bombshells. All that was pointed out was a certain consistancy in thinking and behavior. For the most part as far as this site goes the American women open to dating/settling down with a bm are far removed from their prime and/or already have kids. Where as many of the under 30 crowd who frequent this site who are on point and in shape are either European Austrailian or Canadian. Not criticizing just observing and before anyone cares to comment. Keep in mind if I said all the women were beautiful and intelligent there wouldn't be a peep even though some have proven not be. Just saying...
Exactly! And most of these girls aren't coming to sites like "white women black men .com," because for them it's not a fetish or a weird thing that needs to be discussed under the table, just something that happens. I have several friends that fit that description. Even I fit that description until I moved away and had fewer people to talk to. I think more American women are willing to date black men than you realize, it's just that we often don't make a big deal of it, go on dating websites looking only for black men, etc. If you're looking to be treated as just another guy -- not better or worse because you happen to be black -- then I think lots of American women are available to you. If you're looking for women who exclusively date black men or think of black men as superior, then yes, I think the pool of women who feel that way is pretty small.
This is the one that got my blood boiling: I think that's pretty mean spirited, Fantastic. I think it's best if we just put this discussion behind us. If we all agree that there are American white women out there willing to date black men -- millions of them! -- but also agree that racism still exists -- it definitely does, more so in particular areas of the country -- then let's just move on.
Unrealistic standard? This is the type of shit that I'm talking about. Y'all act like it's completely insane for a young, decent looking and fit brother who's in his prime to want to date a WW that is his equal. Any time a young brother talks about slim pickings in his age group here, he gets accused of only wanted to date super models. It's like we got to settle for broads 10-20 years older and/or 50+ pounds overweight. And who the fuck said anything about black dicks? But since you brought it up, I do see plenty of broads chasing after a BM with a "big bulge," but they're usually middle-aged or older and looking to spice things up after their marriage (to a non-BM) has ended.
You're making me blush. Thank you. It is tough for a woman over 40 in our society to get any respect.
On online porn sites, maybe. Reality? By the time a woman is 40, she's usually well aware that penises come in all sizes, shapes and colors. Unless she's an idiot. And if you're hanging around with idiots....I just don't know what to tell you, dear.
And to believe the two aren't linked shows how out of touch you truly are my friend. To put it in simple terms we all grow up wanting our Cinderellas and prince charmings it's hard to see Tyrone that way if he's never depicted that and when he is depicted he either has a ball in his hand or looks like a guy just as likely to rob a liquor store as he is to write a rap album. How you're socially thought of shapes how you're thought of romantically. I can't recall one Muslim heart throb and I'm sure there's a lot of good looking Middle Easterners out there.
Ahem. Omar Sharif ring a bell, MrF?? Most women are intelligent enough not to judge the people they meet by media portrayals of stereotypes.
Really? Another huge eye roll moment. Youth period gets more attention it's not just women who feel it. You're no where near as persecuted as you pretend to be at least not for being a woman.
Men over 40 are portrayed in our world as powerful exciting and sexy. With rate exceptions, that's not true of women. It's getting a bit more true, until the woman turns 50, then she's "a grandma"
No they're not. Someone get her cymbal crash because she's telling great jokes over here lol. If I had a nickel for everytime a ww clutched her purse or locked her car door when me and my friends walked by I'd be able to fly you out to NY so you could do your routine at Caroline's. Omg I'm actually tearing up.
That's only if a man has money. Truthfully from what I've seen after 35 a mans desirability is proportionate to his success. It's even harder to find a woman if your money isn't straight. A six pack and big dick just don't cut it unless your young. So please stop pretending women are the only ones who have to deal with age. Smh
I did not pretend that women are the only ones who have to deal with age. I said "women" because I cannot speak to the experience of being a man. Media portrayals of women, however, are a lot more age-specific as to what is acceptable. It's hard to find a man if your money isn't straight, either. Most men aren't going to want to take on an unemployed, debt ridden partner either.