should he get a 2nd chance and if so will he be an asset ?
He served his time (a lot of time). I have know idea how good he will be. If he goes to a team that has a good quarterback and another good receiver across from him he could be a factor still.
Of course he should, what kind of dumb question is that? WM has ample of opportunities and chances in this country, so the fucker should get another chance as well.
Yeah, he did his time and now he's out looking for employment. Playing football is his livelihood and neither I or anyone else should really hold him back from pursuing that. If he's in good enough shape to continue playing ball like Vick ended up doing, why should I care or try to stop him???
It doesn't really matter whether we think he should get a second chance or not, the decision rests with the owners of those NFL teams looking for whatever advantages they can get over their rivals via talented players. Plex is probably luckier than most people in a parallel situation. Had he not been an NFL star and went down for the weapons possession charge, he would be hard pressed to find another well paying job as a convicted felon, unless he was a broker on wall street. If the verdict comes back in his favor, he, like Michael Vick will face a continuously hostile press, who will continually remind anyone and everyone listening, reading, or otherwise involved in the game, that Plexico was convicted and has a criminal past. The Haters will never forgive him because it's not in their hearts to forgive until the shoe is on the other foot.
LOL. Of course he should. The man shot himself, one of the lamest, funny, and saddest story I have heard. He did not go into the club with the intent of harming any other person. There has been worse stories than his. Rather him than Tiki Barber.
If Plax can still play, he'll get the chance once the lockout is lifted.By serving this prison time, he's eluded Justice ala Goodell, maybe a positive in terms of employability. Nothing's really changed in this regard for Burress; he already had the "bad boy" rep to which he's added "knucklehead." But if he can still make plays on the field, some team and its fans will be willing to call him OUR bad boy knucklehead. Sometimes this requires a little PR work. In the NFL (all competitive sports probably), Talent Will Out -- Until It Wears Out! (which might be why God invented slow-pitch softball).