Cornel west on Barack

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, May 18, 2011.


    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    instead of bashing the man, why don't you look him up instead of coming off so flipped.

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member


    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    outside of shelby steele, those other ppl are social activists. they have been fighting these battles for decades....obama wouldn't exist without their work.
    you call them "race pimps", like white supremacy is a figment of the imagination and obama magically ended all the problems of black ppl by taking the oath of office.

    you compare rappers to to a world leader....needless to say their are varying levels of importance. tavis talks about world events. rappers are irrelevant to the most important issues.
  4. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    You could have revived MLK jr and then had him run. People would still ask if he is black enough! Dr. West is one of those people that will ruin any attempts of any black person becoming president because he loves to air dirty laundry.
    Last edited: May 30, 2011
  5. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    talked? because that always solves the problem. All these years he has had to write up bills to solve the problems... Where are the bills? Talk is cheap. Where's the bill? Obama got more money into the hbcu's through the health care bill. Talk won't stop the discrimination. That requires laws.
    Last edited: May 30, 2011
  6. z

    z Well-Known Member


    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    and what laws has bo passed?
    talk is how we got the emacipation proclamation(fredrick douglas),civil rights(mlk), and obama(jessie), so i wouldn't down it.....elections mean nothing without substantative policy.
  8. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Spoken like a true ass grabbing nigga who see himself in a mirror.
  9. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    There was a section of the Health care bill that sent money to the HBCU's. What bill or section of bill did West write up or help get passed?
  10. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I would not be surprised if West is mad at Obama for choosing Al Sharpton and giving him some juice. Plus West and the others had to realize there would not be another brother in the Oval Office in their lifetimes. I thought a White Woman,Jew,or a ethnic White person like a Italian or Greek would be President since all of those groups ran as either President or Vice President between 1968 to 2008. Now,there is a brother in the chair who speaks for every American. Has anyone read the book The Man by Irving Wallace or seen the movie based on the book starring James Earl Jones? It is interresting.
  11. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    At least I can look in a mirror you dickwatching bitch.

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    many i'm sure. as an activist, you speak on all issues, bringing public attention and pressure to issues. besides that, sum chump change is gonna really alter the inequalities in education?

    TERRASTAR18 Well-Known Member

    how did he ruin his run for the presidency? what dirty laundry did he air?
  14. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    The chump change is better than nothing. all talk and no walk. I have never ever heard of a single bill that he has written or he has passed. You have to be able to change the laws so that they can stop the inequalities. West has yet to do that.
  15. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    On the Black Agenda, he blamed so much of the issues on Barack when most of the issues were not Barack's fault but the Fault of congress not passing equality bills to laws.
  16. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Dr. West loves blks and poor folks of any color from the bottom of his heart & he will continue to fight for them till the day he dies. He is a modern day civil right activist. He better be careful talking about all these corporatists, plutocrats, & oligarchs, they might send someone after him.

    BO is a smooth poltician groomed from get go, I don't see anyone beating him in 2012, I know it is early but don't see any serious contender. Call him black puppet, the new world order leader, the Illuminati, the deceptor. The man is a smooth operator & has been palying his card very smart from the start and will throw anyone under the bus including his pastor, mentor, professor, even grandma that will cause an obstacle to his success. He has put his name in history book. The son of a kenyan goat herder becoming the 1st BM senator for IL and 1st blk prez of the super power country before the age of 50, BAM.
    Last edited: May 31, 2011
  17. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    All truth. Agreed.

    Sadly, Dr. West's expectations of the first Black POTUS may exceed the reality of his position. Don't really know because Barack isn't willing to push the people's( ALL PEOPLE) struggle from the Oval Office.

    If BHO would only take a stand for union rights, etc., he really would have nothing to worry about in 2012.

    He's too damn cautious at times, IMO.
  18. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    The guy is fucking you in the ass for the Banks and you love it.

    "He smoooth"
    "we done made history"

    When Bush had his dick in were pissed Obama is reaming you out AND YOU LOVE IT.:smt057

    Obama as president is like the Titanic naming a Black captain while the ship is halfway underwater.:smt039

    A CORRUPT Black puppet in the White House is NOTHING to be proud of.

    We deserve so much more than that.
  19. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Who said I am loving it? whether it is a repub or a dem they are being led by the same folks from wall street, in a sense they are playing for the same team but different uniform. I know we deserve better but it is politics and you know it is dirrrrrrrrrty, so you got to take what you can. It is what it is.
  20. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    "Making history" sure is important to you.

    All they have to do is wave a Black puppet in your face and you revert back to a chattel slave:

    "Lawd we done made histry...we done showed 'dem.."

    Meanwhile NOTHING has changed...

    Obama is running the same white man's game on's OK....He's the 1st Black POTUS:rolleyes:

    Help him Jesus...

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