Are you willing to negotiate monogam

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Ymra, May 19, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ladies this is only a minute please watch

  2. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    but some of us females DO want variety. I will admit monogamy is VERY HARD for me. It wasn't when I was married for 20 and younger, but now HELL yes it is. What keeps me faithful is that this is now the third time around with my BF and we decided together we are happier together than apart. I was unfaithful and he forgave me. However, the temptation is still there when a hot guy hits on me. It took a while to get back together, and it is still a work in progress. When I was not with him, my rule of thumb was unless we have the talk and agree we are both free agents. Now, I know that I love him and know the pain I caused and will never do that again. I will agree with Tam that it was selfish, but not completely. I had moved on too fast and still had feelings for an ex and that is who I cheated with.

    I also grey area cheated in my marriage. My ex husband was deployed for 18 months and cheated. I asked for a divorce when he returned and got busy with someone else. We were apart, but still legally bound and he broke the vow first. I consider that grey area was he broke the bonds of matrimony first.
  3. Annabel

    Annabel Member

    I get what is being said here and to some extent agree with it.However we live with a certain social structure and the question men need to ask themselves is "would they be ok with their woman seeking sexual variety?" if the answer is yes well all right.If not then there is the age old double standard operating.
  4. Annabel

    Annabel Member

    Lol so true! In my marriage though I was Eddie Murphy.The roles were reversed.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thats why I said generally. I know some women feel that way but it seems like more often than not most women are content with just one man especially if everything like family and work are going ok. The world could be as right as rain but most men want variety.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I would be ok I just wouldnt want to see it my ego can't take it.
  7. Athena

    Athena New Member

    If he loses interest and can't regain it, then we have a serious issue and need to discuss options then. But I won't stay married and look for an open relationship. Just not my thing. I'd rather be completely free.

    TCFLORIDAGIRL Well-Known Member

    This is called the sanctity of marriage....and I agree 100% with you Tam...there are no values anymore with so many couples, which is very sad, but I know I want to be ready for eternity and for me, part of that means monogamy in my marriage...
  9. RRoyce55

    RRoyce55 Active Member

    I really believe that a lot of people won't even allow themselves to consider the possibility that it's not a lack of maturity, but a simple disapproval and resentment of what marriage and monogamy asks of the human race. Yet they feel forced into the situation as it is what is expected of us as people in order to conform to modern society; another requirement of higher social status.

    Personally I'm really starting to resent how in our society people will try to make you feel like an outcast for wanting things out of life that go against the grain. This is nothing new of course, it's the way society has evolved. We all have these rules that we are SUPPOSED to follow, but if you want something else, well then your the oddball. This isn't necessarily related to the topic at hand, though it does apply.
    Last edited: May 21, 2011
  10. RRoyce55

    RRoyce55 Active Member

    Whiks post is exactly what I'm talking about, though more specifically pointed at Polyamory. Like how people have these really odd views of mormons who live their lives by the true principle of their religion. In a country where one of our founding laws was the freedom of religion, its completely illegal to follow the principle (plural marriage) in all 50 states???
  11. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    I have to spread rep around, but this is exactly what I was getting at. There's so much harsh judgement on people who dare to challenge social norms, but if you really stop and think about it, is it REALLY bad, or is it just that you're conditioned to believe it's bad?
  12. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member


    Whiks, I'll rep him for you...cause I'm totally with you.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Really? I said the same exact thing. You people disgust me lol
  14. RRoyce55

    RRoyce55 Active Member

    Well then, I would say you really wouldn't be ok with it, just from your own words, "my ego can't take it." You just contradicted yourself. It's ok, I wouldn't be ok with it either. We should just admit the ladies have a point with that one.

    I guess I never really consider the possibility of hitting that point in a serious relationship. If that was ever the case, well the only true resolution would be to consider going your separate ways. How could I stay married to someone you don't still go ga-ga over. I can't even imagine.

    Like I said before, if that situation comes around, for all parties involved, I would think that's the beginning of the end of a marriage.

    Andrae did make a great point about women using sex as a weapon. Straight truth. Your post kind of reinforces that idea, doesn't it?
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I think you misunderstood me fam. I just don't want to see it but I think I would be ok with it. Sex in my opinion gets way too much credit in a relationship. What keeps couples together for decades has far more to do with trust and companionship which can something totally seperate from sex. I'm not a swinger so I'm not cool with the visual of someone having sex with my woman but i'm ok with the knowledge of it. Our desires can't be ignored and I don't want being with me to be restrictive for the person I'm with. Like I said before we only get this one life and it should be lived to it's fullest as long as it doesn't effect your ability to provide for your family.
  16. z

    z Well-Known Member

  17. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

    Clearly you weren't as eloquent. Work on that, KID :cool:
  18. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Keep it up smart ass. I'm as eloquent as they come Aussie ya dig.
  20. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    See, and this is why we're falling behind the rest of the world in literacy. ;)

    If you're eloquent, then I'm Catherine the Great. ;)

    Kidding, Drae. Kidding. lol xoxoxoxo

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