Why is it okay for black comedians to be racist?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bhayes, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    Just found some links

    Apparently the comedian Pauly Shore made some remarks a year ago about black american comedians.


    and other black comedians responded in anger.


    And also this documetnary here tries to analyze why and how and why the comedy industry is the way it is today.


    but its a good question. When we think about it Jewish Americans come second only to African-Americans when it comes to the whole comedy industry. Woody Allen is an example but other names like Eddie Murphy, Eddie Griffin, Chris Rock and Paul Mooney come to mind.

    and it must be weird for a person who is not from the U.S.A who doesn't understand racial tensions in this country.

    And i guess my question is for all of us, why is it okay? I mean now that i'm starting to have a world view of things, certain black comedians offend me now. But as a child i laughed my butt off at the very racist things black comedians would say.

    And it seems like its okay to beat down, and make fun of any and everything that is different from black america.

    The only black comedian i can think of who can get his comedy point across without using racial slurs or profanity, or being offensive is the comedian sinbad. he mainly talks about women and family but he is funny.



    So many of us feel forced to revert to the N Word, and every other kind of curse word known in the english language in their comedic story telling and jokes .

    i know that lots of comedians have become successful because of the the opportunities available for a comedian if he is actually funny. But as a Black person i think we need to try and look in the mirror.

    This documentary here goes thru all genres and history comedy

    Make em Laugh PBS special

  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The reason the socially oppressed can make racist jokes is because they are the coially oppressed and don't have a history of objectifying others. If white people were to do that it comes across as mocking and let's be real no matter what we say or do none of our words will ever be as offensive as being called a nigger or any other racial slur because there's no history of oppression for white people here.
  3. MissWacy

    MissWacy New Member

    lol who said it was okay? some people who complain about it are usualy too chicken shit to say whats on their mind, or they fail to understand
  4. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    This is a clip from Chris Rock's Kill the Messenger stand-up. It's about fat girls vs. skinny girls, but you can take that and put in into black vs. white. The whole point of that is...the more prospects you have, the less you can talk about people. The less you have, the more you can talk and vent. That's how it works. And to be quite honest, it does "balance" things out.

  5. TILLY

    TILLY New Member


    Can't forget Michael Richards outburst a few years back.
  6. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    i agree with you. and at the end of the day there is something wrong with everything, even black comedy. so this is not an attack of all things black and i acknowledge that its a complex issue.

    we all have choices in life, and i feel kinda bad because now that i'm learning towards leaving the U.S.A - and now that i try to think the way others think, i feel aweful about certain things that just aren't right.

    the way chris tucker's character in rush hour acts towards jackie chan is a good example.

    i loved these films when they came out but now i look at it, and i feel angry at myself for ever liking these films. chris tucker's character in these films is a poor excuse for a human being.




    there must be other ways to be funny and reach out to others.



    this clip below talks about how white america gets victimized by black anger about racism. but its not necessarily white america. Its anybody or anything that is different from the black angle of black comedy that i'm starting to dislike. its all confusion.


    but hey maybe there isn't.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  7. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    You are correct.
  8. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Those black comedians are not racist. Don Rickles and more recently chelsea handler and lisa lampenelli tell black jokes. Who the hell takes
    Pauley Shore seriously?
  9. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    let me correct myself. maybe i should say "why is it okay for black comedians to say racist things" and "tear other types of people down"

    don't get me wrong some comedians are truly briliant in that they can be funny without going overboard with profanity and the N word.

    black comedy almost creates a situation where we as black people feel EMPOWERED to dis or make fun of other types of people for being different from us.

    its not right!

    don't get me wrong, i used to be apart of the problem. I'm guilty of having a superior attitude when i now realize how bad i once was. i was once a bad person.

    i'm actually afraid to laugh at some black jokes now. because i ask myself "now that was alittle too much"

    and as for paul mooney. i feel that sometimes he looses his rhythm and he just not telling jokes but letting out racist rants that aren't even funny.

    Because now we have other types of comedians coming into the picture


    Russell Peters is good in that his comedy is more of a funny commentary as opposed to being insulting.

    i feel aweful but one black comedian called Arabs "sand niggers" and it really hurts me now to hear this now.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  10. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    You just made too much sense. I am going to need you to cut that shit out.
  11. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I don't think they or their jokes are racist either. As for Pauley Shore, everyone should've known he was up to something goofy. I heard about the crazy video & his stupid publicity stunt a while back.
  12. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I saw the mockumentary. It was funny as hell! I think think about Bruno and adopting O.J., his "gayby".
  13. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    accepting that one can particularize "black comedy" without acknowledging the distinctions among comedians and eras; I find as much, if not more self deprecation in "Black Comedy" than any racist discussion of white people. You have to factor in the entire discourse instead of an aspect of it as representing part of a group of oppressed people, or what have you.

    Nigger is a prime example of this, it cuts both ways, To call oneself a nigger and then to talk against white people without reprisal because your words don't carry enough weight to offend, both confirms something similar.

    The only routine that I felt this sort of abject discourse was with Kat Williams, but that's only once or twicw, most of the time I find him hilarious.
    Paul Mooney? Dude seems gay to me..and a lot of the bitterness that comes through could be that, but he's a classic no holds barred comedian.
  14. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    good points. thanks for educating me.

    thanks for reminding me about history too. the Era and time and so on is importnat to remember.

    somebody like Red Foxx was really the first really mainstream black stand up comedian. and he was RAW. so i agree about the ERA and History.

    but we can't escape this aspect of Black American Comedy



    while i feel like Pauly Shore shouldn't have let his rant get out on the net like he did. He really did make some valid points. he is somewhat correct.
  15. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    What kind of sorry-ass bullshit is this..????

    C'mon man.

    George Lopez called Blacks every kind of nigger and monkey in the book...and not a PEEP from the media.

  16. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Pauly Shore is just not fucking funny. And all those cats he named are funny as hell! He has to pick a reason for why this dude isn't funny.

    Russell Peters, George Carlin, Jerry Seinfeld, Dan Cook, Mike Ward, Mich Hedberg, Robin Williams.

    Some of the funniest mutha fukka ever. Jim Carey, Steve Carell, (the funniest mutha fukka ever!)

    I NEVER thought Pauly Shore was funny..................ever.
  17. Bhayes

    Bhayes New Member

    Really? didn't know that he did that. well it just goes to show that other comedians are doing it too.

    Latin Americans have adopted the N Word in their culture too. The N Word is the word of the oppressed.


    So if lopez did it, it doesn't suprise me. That doesn't make it right. But then again what is the right thing?

    I think that pauly shore is a used-to-be funny actor from the 90's. He is not a good stand up guy. And yes he is angry that he is struggling. But he was correct about SOME of what he said.

    i think steve harvey mentioned once that

    "black people can talk about race white people can't"

    so that makes it okay but then again it doesn't.
  18. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    I can't think of a single Black comedian with the power to stop a white person from voting...living where they want with whom they want...ect ect.

    People in positions of priviledge act like they don't know what racism really is.

    Racism and talking shit are two different things.
  19. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Latin americans haven't adopted shit.

    They call us chango and mayate..the worst words in their language.

    Now.....show me a Black comedian calling mexicans wetbacks and cockroaches...

    I'll be waiting.
  20. Kushton Slater

    Kushton Slater New Member

    Its ok for the same reason its ok for fat girls to talk shit about skinny girls or poor people talk shit about rich people.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011

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