be warned because this is messy. [YOUTUBE]NKN7zmtK9-s[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]WGzEgXoOyGY[/YOUTUBE] 1. Ever wonder how hard it is to be a man? women are let go. the men get shot at. 2. I got to give that woman her props. She was the only one to try and stop the man and the rest of the men did nothing when she tried to stop this. 3. I like the chair. He tried to save lives at the risk of his own but had poor negotiating skills. When living in Florida, stay away from the north. That's where we keep our crazy people.
I didn't watch the video but I read the lady came back and whacked him with her purse and for that she almost got shot.
damn, I saw the vid on CNN and the showed about most of it . they stopped before he capped himself. times are getting hard and people are going fucking going crazy when you fuck with their money
v you have other people(the so-called decision makers)out here taking or robbing people of their lives and the man snapped off what do people expect when a person is use to living a certain way and his wife was fired,layed off or whatever and his whole life will be affected by the decision of someone else so he just snapped, by any means i am not condoning his actions a man with a stronger mentality would have re-evaluated his life and situation and adjusted to it ...we as blk men been doing it for years/ centuries.(That's was just one we heard about..This shit is crucial out here...They should stop :smt018fucking with people money)
I have yet to meet a manager/"decision maker" that actually enjoys firing or laying off an employee. Maybe there's some who do it for sport but the goal of most managers is simply to have great employees and run a successful business. When an employee is fired or layed off there's usually a little more to the story than a manager was "robbing people of their lives." Can you tell I'm a manager?
Exactly, Veema. As a fellow manager, I can say that you're 100% on point with this post. I HATE to fire/lay off employees. I don't even enjoy firing those who deserve it. I do my best to hire the best employees possible for my stores, but sometimes it doesn't work out. I have never fired/layed off anyone without good reason. Yes, I can tell you're a manager & a smart one at that.
you must be a good manager the companies i have work for micro manage their employees to the point where they just give up,and even one of the companies fires people at will as if it was a sport and each company are successful busineses,95% of the time there are grounds to be fired but some companies choose to flex their decision making muscle and rob people of the livihood and get a kick out of it.This man's case i don't know why his wife was fired i did not completely follow the story but some companies do it.when the a person's last name is on the building's banner they do what the hell they want to do.