articles that disses black men or does it

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by goodlove, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  2. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    The article reads like it was written by someone talking out their ass.
    Not only does does the author talk in generalizations & streotypes, it's obvious she doesn't know what the hell she's talking about.

    All this article does is perpetuate all the bullshit our soceity crams down our throats. When people continually throw this bullshit around, it does nothing but harm and it hinders positive change in our society.

    Not only is she dissing all black men (including her own husband), she's also putting all white men on a pedestal.

    This is most damaging to the young people in our society because it doesn't truthfully teach them where a person's value lies. The young girls will look for something to fulfill them that doesn't really exist & young boys will be inclined to view themselves the way society does. It's an ugly cycle, and personally I'm sick of it!

    There are good & bad men of all races & each man should be evaluated on his own individual merits. Nothing more & nothing less.
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Im assuming her hubby is white so Im gonna ask why you think she was dissing her hubby
  4. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    She said in the article she was married to a black man.
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    did she ? I didnt see it. if so ....wooooow. I just jumped to the countdown.
  6. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    She said it in the first lin eof her article. Scary huh?
  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yeah really. I may need to go back and read it. We the bro have a theory and it does like this...(I will keep it as terse as possible) we believe that bw have absolutely no respect for black men because they look at us as losers because we are perceived in the media as losers no matter how much we succeed or what hinders our progress. BW want to dominate bm instead of being our partners. BM want women to love us like we love them ..... we date ww because of various reasons but one common thread is that we are searching for peace and love.
  8. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    It's a shame that some women (of all races) don't want to take responsibility for their own happiness and want to blame their lack of it on men. There are a lot of bitter, man-hating women in this world who are never satisfied. They have unrealistic views & expectations of men, so they sabotage their relationships with them. Then they wonder why things don't work out with these men. It's another ugly cycle.

    Not all bw have this negative quality though. I've known many bw who love & appreciate bm, as well as many who don't. For those that don't, it's their loss.

    WW also want someone to love us the way we love them, & it's also been my experience that we find it more often than not with bm.
  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I've been thinking a lot about all the hostility & bitterness that is usually the source of negative thinking & behavior. I think a lot of it boils down to human nature.

    Negativity usually stems from a place of pain, frustration, anger & disillusionment in life. As humans we all deal with it at times. When humans are in pain, we sometimes have a hard time dealing with it. When there is no healthy outlet, we either hold it in until we explode or we lash out & blame it on circumstances or other people. When we continue on this negative path, it rubs off on those around us & becomes the norm. This is a cycle that needs to be broken.

    When there's so much focus on what we don't have (love, money, etc.), we lose sight of what we do have. People tend to approach life with an "If only..." attitude; thinking someone or something else is preventing us from achieving happiness. This is a sad thing because it prevents us from living life to its fullest & from being free.

    It's not easy, but I believe the best approach too those who try to tear us down in effort to build themselves up, is not to react. People can only hurt us when we give them the power to do so. Don't give away that power. Even when what others do & say & believe about us hurts, we can't let it overtake us. When we lash out in return, we are displaying the same negative attitude that will NEVER make things better. Love & positivity produces more love & positivity.

    We need to stick together. "United we stand, Divided we fall."
  10. whikle

    whikle Well-Known Member

  11. Trey1540

    Trey1540 New Member

    What that bitch can do is diss these nuts in her mutherfuckin mouth. Angry black bitches like her don't realize how much harm they cause the black female gender. Black men like myself (who genuinely prefer white women) don't give a fuck about black women, who they date, or what they have to say. Most of these articles are usually directed toward black men like myself. What hookers like this fail to realize is that they can't get to me with their racist insults. Only thing that they're doing is giving the black men who actually want them a reason not to fuck with them.
  12. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    I appreciate your remarks. I do not pretend to fully understand women in general of any color. But I think it is fair to mention that women can be very complex. For example the author states she is"... married to a Black man—dark-skinned, 100 percent cocoa. To me, there is nothing more physically beautiful on this earth. Notice I said physically." is her love & appreciation for her husband primarily physical then? Notice she talks up the attributes of white men but, says nothing of the character of her own husband. That kind of 'love & appreciation' is not sufficient for a healthy relationship.

    I could not marry or seriously date a woman that did not have generally positive views of BM. I would not risk having a son that would have to endure a mother like that, it would not be right or fair (I see the remnants of it daily).

    I was 35 years old (three years ago) when I heard for the first time in my life a black woman tell a black man she loved him. I am not talking mother/son, sister/brother, love songs etc., I am talking wife to husband, girlfriend to boyfriend romantic love. I actually spoke openly with the BW (she was a secretary at work speaking to her black husband on the phone) about the 'incident'. It lead to some interesting conversations between us you can imagine. She tried to excuse the fact, but I could tell she was not able to offer justification for it. We knew each other very well, she knew I had dated both BW and WW. Even though I was never 'in love' with any of the BW I dated I did have love for them, when I told two of them I loved them neither of them responded in turn. In fairness both had difficult relations with men and I understood their caution, even after months of dating.

    If some of these BW would just cool it, they could see that there are many good BM that still prefer them for whatever reason. But every time they open their mouths and spew out this hatred one more 'good BM' realizes that the world is big and that there are women who will open their hearts and will receive him for the man he really is.

    I have said it before so I know everyone is tired of me saying but, if it wan't for the WW that been in my life I would have never known what it is like to be loved. Many BW made a choice not to love or respect me because I am a BM, but a handful of WW made a choice to love and respect me because I am a MAN.
  13. Devorn

    Devorn Member

    I think you owe your mom an apology.
  14. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Amen. I am glad a female on here mentioned this instead of me lol.;)

    A lot of it has to do with self entitlement issues. A lot of American women have big time self entitlement issues. They think they DESERVE a McDreamy doctor type of husband that makes big bank. They DESERVE the finer things in life. They DESERVE 3 beautiful children, a huge house in the suburbs and a Benz. They DESERVE the moon, the stars and everything else.

    Hate to break it to some females, but you dont deserve anything really. Neither do I or anyone else for that matter. Lucky for me, I dont have an unrealistic outlook on life and am thankful for what I got.

    Its always refreshing to meet females that DONT have these unrealistic expectations and views on things.
  15. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    The most tragic part of love & relationships is the inability some have to love others for who they are. Whether it's due to bad experiences or fear, so many people don't allow themselves to love or be loved. These people don't realize that they are choosing not to be happy.

    The most fortunate part of it though is that it clears the way for those truly open to love & happiness (sorry if i sound like Al Green). I feel blessed to know that there are good men out there to love & that will love good women in return.
    You got my love & respect, Bo!
  16. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I'm a firm believer that we are all responsible for out own happiness!

    I agree with you that too many women have unrealistic views about what a relationship consists of. I think some read too many romance novels & watch too many romantic comedies & they think that crap is real! lol Thankfully some of us are real women who want & love real men.

    I'll be honest & say that I've been guilty of saying what I felt like I deserved (happiness, love, respect), but it's not because I feel entitled. No one owes me anything; it's all on me. I have to do the work required to get those things or I can't have 'em.

    What people need to realize that when a man & a woman come together, a relationship can't thrive or survive when it's based on superficial bullshit!
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    the other variable is that some people are not mature enough to know what love is and how it works.
  18. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Sadly, this is too true. By refusing to grow up, a person is taking a good thing & throwing it away with both hands! The saddest part is that they don't realize what they're doing to themselves or the people that love them!
  19. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Oh no doubt there are a LOT of great women out there still.;) They just arent as loud as the the self entitled snotty ones haha.

    And I should of wrote my post a little better. Everyone should absolutely be respected and treated equally. There is no doubt about that. I should of made it clear inregards to my post. You shouldnt feel guilty about deserving respect and a healthy life. Everyone should have that.

    I was merely alluding to the superficial things in life (huge house, rich husband, the finest clothes etc etc). I've come across a large amount of females that think they deserve all that superfical stuff. Boy, are they in for a letdown.:smt043
  20. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    People are always disappointed when they base their desires & expectations on things other than love & respect. What's sad is when they do end up with the superficial things, they still tend to be unhappy.

    We just gotta keep hangin' in there!

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