Here's another video from the darkmalex guy from youtube. He really hits the nail on the head defending black men and white women. And interracial dating. [youtube]qh4SpkjB-NE[/youtube]
There are just as many BM who hold the same double standards about Black women dating interracially (but not seeing anything wrong with dating White women) so, even though I didn't finish it, what's the point of this video?
I would imagine this applies to everyone. Possibly, there are some that are so concerned on what others say, are letting such comments run their lives. For those that let others dictate who they date, they have no one to blame but themselves. Based on my analysis, when a girl finds a guy attractive, they will use the race card as means of leverage to try to make the bloke feel guilty if the guy is dating a girl with a different hue other than himself. Men are no exception to rule for they cast remarks as well. However, if the girl does not find the guy attractive, it does not matter who the guy dates. This applies if the roles were reversed as well. Some guys/girls will always be considered attractive to girls/guys that not only differ in complexion, but ethnicity as well. If the guy or girl does not fall in the typical (or should I a stereotypical) category that society labels a “insert any race here” person, there is a greater chance, the guy or girl in question, will not be considered attractive within his or her own race, from the opposite sex’s point of view. Looks are always the dominating factor when someone finds another person attractive. However, personality can/will override physical features at times. If a girl or guy finds a guy or girl physically and mentally attractive, they will feel betrayed if that person is dating a “insert any race here” girl/guy. Bear in mind, there are lots of people that have a low self-esteem of them selves and are looking for someone to lift their spirits. I am still curious for the ones who cry foul, came to the conclusion that they would have been chosen even if the person they found attractive were dating someone within their own race. Those who choose the race card, generally have more things in store that will conflict with a guy/girl who dates all types of girls/guys since they are not open-minded. I would not be surprised if that same person crying foul about interracial dating, would not think of some other means of negativity to cast upon the person they found attractive. Cheers!
I think the brother made a lot of great points. Black women are the biggest hypocrites I've ever seen when it comes to interracial dating.