Evolved: My Interracial Adoption Comic

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by babybro, Jun 30, 2010.

  1. babybro

    babybro New Member

    I think you all are the perfect audience for my upcoming free web comic. I was adopted by a caucasian family, and I notice until The Blind Side, you rarely seen this exhibit of family shown at all within the media, like movies, books, comics,
    television shows, and etc. So I decided to create a web comic called Evolved.
    Think of it as a mixture between The Blind Side and Heroes (while it was good lol.) However there is a couple of key differences between my book and the examples given above.

    1) The comic actually focuses on an extremely close pair of siblings. Two sisters and one biracial little brother whose adopted. If you notice, like IR adoption, you rarely see close siblings within a movie on tv show. Often they are distant or even opponents to the protagonist. So I wanted to create this really close
    triad of siblings

    2) One of the main characters and one of the siblings, Cara, is unlike pretty
    much anything seen IMO. Often you have two different types of women displayed within the media, the strong independent type, and the caring, nurturing type. But rarely is there a combination of the two. Cara is that combination. She's very protective, I mean literally risking life and limb to save those she care about, especially her siblings. She's hot tempered, passionate,
    and will clean your clock if you talk about her friends or family the wrong way. (She's also as strong as superman so her threats are very serious.) But she would just as quickly give Angel (her little brother) a hug when he's having a
    bad day.

    Overall, a decent amount of people have stated my comic is unlike anything they've seen, and so I'm proud to bring a unique experience to the comic book field. I'm currently actually working on the comic as we speak, but we do have a print called Kindred, dedicated to Cara and Angel. You can actually purchase the print as we have it on two of the best quality paper we can find, matte fine art paper and high quality gloss paper. Here is what my art and the print looks like.


    If you guys are interested in purchasing the print, you can just go to www.snowstormcomics.com to purchase it.

    Our webcomics is going to be totally free so we're just going to upload the comic there. And if you guys have any question regarding the comic, feel free to ask. I'll give away as much as I can without giving away too much spoilers haha. I think you all will love it.
  2. chicity

    chicity New Member

    I love webcomics!

    Your art is beautiful. Thanks for posting!
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I wanted to let you post first Cap. I knew you'd love this lol
  4. chicity

    chicity New Member

    LOL, I totally do. I even gave him rep :D
  5. babybro

    babybro New Member

    Oh wow! LOL, Thank you so much. I'm so happy that you like web comics! I wanted to make it free so that everyone can enjoy it. I'm more interested in people liking my characters than how much money I make, which I guess is kinda bad in some ways seeing as I am a business haha. Let me know if you want to see more art. I have a few sketches I can post to, even though they aren't finish products but merely exercises.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Guess I gotta follow the Captain's lead. Rep added
  7. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Looks good. ;)
  8. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

  9. babybro

    babybro New Member

    Wow! Thank you guys! I appreciate it so much! Thank you so much as well for the rep. I don't really understand how the rep thing works but I'm sure I'll figure it out lol.

    Anyway, here is just some recent sketches I did featuring Cara.



    The last one was me working on emotions, after all, people have emotions and such it's important to capture happiness, sadness, and the like in a visual art form.
  10. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Very very nice!

    If you ever bring it to cartoon form, I'm open to do a voice...lol
  11. babybro

    babybro New Member

    I would love to bring this into a cartoon, the only problem is that my comic doesn't fit along the classic cookie cutter storyline that's often seen within the media. Siblings love each other instead of constant bickering like seeing on tv,
    a highly diverse cast which excludes most major networks but NBC LOL, and there is also some heavy duty topics that are tossed within the comic so the entire thing might not be suitable for children.

    For example....SPOILERS

    In the later issues, the main villain (think of him as a mixture between lex luthor and charles xavier, but black) mind controls Cara and makes her choke Angel viciously, who is her little brother to get Angel to actually fight back. This leads to a whole slew of problems but one direction that will be explored is Cara believing she was raped, as she had no control over her body.

    So we'll see, keep the fingers cross lol.
  12. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Actually, the web comics I follow all use the web versions to promote and market their print versions.

    Just like letting people browse in the store. Even if you've read the whole comic in the store, you're likely to still buy the book. And, even if you don't, you're liable to then go and tell all your friends about the book, and they'll want to buy it. The same thing works for web comics.

    It's also great for comicons, because when a segment of the crowd recognizes your title and comes over, it draws in new potential readers.

    So, wise move in going the webcomic route. I hope it brings you much success!


    I'm totally not reading past the spoiler warning of your last post, because I'm really looking forward to following your storyline.
  13. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    It's nice when things aren't the norm though. Look at Boondocks and all those other cartoons that go against the grain. I think it's nice when things can break barriers and show a different perspective on something.

    Well, I wish you luck with it and remember my offer...lol
  14. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    I'd like to discuss a few things with you about *do not* allow *anyone* to water this down...or say it's "unsaleable"..

    Also, about NBC.....Yours Truly happens to have a certain Peacock-And-World-Globe company as his bosses now..

    And *they*....unlike a certain 'World's Largest Entertainment Company' that I was with for 7 years...ARE open to my product...with *no questions asked!*

    And it just *might* be where *you* will find a home, too..

    More on that later.

    Last edited: Jul 6, 2010
  15. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Listen to AnMDBCartoon, he's the real deal.
  16. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    Nice, good to see when art/self expression flourishs.
  17. babybro

    babybro New Member

    Oh wow, are you serious? When you mean they are open to your product, does that mean they are going to do stuff with it? Is it too secret to where it can't be revealed here?
  18. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    "Can't be revealed"....here or *anywhere* for that matter (not just yet, anyway) is all a matter of keeping a deathgrip on yer "Intellectual Property".

    On that note, I *do* hope ya have some copyright lawyers & such assisting you in this endeavour.

    And, to quote "Battlestar Galactica"...all *shall* be revealed by Yours Truly....SOON!

    Stay Tooned!:D

  19. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

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