Quick question for black guys.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Adolescent09, May 7, 2010.

  1. Adolescent09

    Adolescent09 New Member

    Come out of the closet and talk to me already. Don't dodge me, don't hide from me, answer my questions and wait to read the replies. Stop running like a cat in heat.
  2. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    The 17 year product of a interracial liaison
    and the show me your White girlfriend thread are both disturbing, especially if he's telling the truth. Most likely, it's a racist White male or highly disturbed Black woman. Either way, coming to our community with questions about the nature or legitimacy of our coupling with the pretext of some greater intellectual quest still smacks of debased trolling. If things hold true to form with Adolescent, he should spend time on his mothers day gift to his White mom who raised him by herself after his Black dad split...... unless he doesn't love his White mother? :smt043
    Last edited: May 7, 2010
  3. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    And another one....
  4. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  5. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Of course you expected it. Your expectations are based on your previous knowledge. Anyone intelligent enough to ask the questions you did already can formulate the answers, again, based on whatever knowledge you are already bringing to the table. The pretense of you asking innocuous open-minded questions for some final exam was seen through, easily.

    Don't unwind now. You want to make actual arguments for your exam.

    Are you asking questions or looking for someone to counter your non existent argument? Unless the questions were merely a prelude to form some faux argument based on how we answered your leading questions.

    Save lines like this for your creative writing workshops. They don't strengthen arguments.

    and what is it that I truly feel? Why don't you ask me? or do you already know what to expect?

    I don't want to interracial date! I don't want White women anymore than I want red meat or a fur coat. I don't go around screaming how I like red meat or fur coats. I just do... ...cause....you know they taste and feel good and it just feels natural for me to like these things. The defiers like PETA and "veganazis" want to tell me it's wrong to like what seems natural, and of course I don't need these things, but life would certainly be less fulfilling without them. I don't have a problem with these people, the only reason I scream at them is because they attack me and those like me and tell us how to live.....

    Who's pining for acceptance? I eats my red meats on my leopard skin and fucks my white womenz without the need for approval. Leave me alone and stop staring at us before I kick your ass!!!!! is not pining for acceptance.......Don't get it twisted, your thoughts or your nose.

    Don't wait too long, I'm sure that exam is soon. You are more than capable to figure out those questions on your own though. Black men saying whatever the hell they want about Black women also falls under the category of saying good things. Why don't you say some good things about Black men and see where it gets you. :smt043
  6. chicity

    chicity New Member

    You didn't ask innocuous open-minded questions. You asked leading race-baiting bullshit, because you're a bullshit simple minded racist. You're not even a very good one. Shit, you're not even amusing.

    Why not work harder at your trolling, give us something new once in awhile?

    You claim you're getting info about this from your Sociology Professor, which, having taken Sociology myself, makes your Sociology Professor sound like shit because there's nothing in there that would fit in a Sociology class. Maybe a bullshit racial stereotype class would be more fitting for your Professor's skillset and your own personal issues.

    Oh, and when you get to Bullshit Racial Stereotypes 101, bring with you this time the knowledge that Women of all races are outdoing Men of all races in college, too. I realize that will make it harder for you to successfully build more and more bullshit to heap upon Black Men, but university classes should be challenging in general or you're wasting your time.

    Good luck becoming a better educated, more well rounded, bullshit racist. Remember to reach for the stars!!!
  7. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Wow, all that and you're gross too. Your college advisors must be so proud.
  8. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Don't you know it's illogical for Black men to find White women more attractive than Black women? Black women are scholars, successful, sophisticated, independent, educated, wealthy and they are crawling out of a bookstore and library near you...... :smt081
  9. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Stop asking us to speak for all Black men.

    Is that your greatest fear? that the Black man you are with wants a White woman or the PhD light skin woman who crawled out of a library. :smt043

    Why is a Black man saying he prefers White women to Black women an admission? Who are they covering up for? Of course you know the answers to all of this. You know that some do and some don't and you have an idea why they do or don't.

    let's see, not dealing and coping with the hassle of Black women vs the litany of racial insults and abuse from White men? That's like asking if I would rather have Health insurance over struck by lightning insurance. Seriously (cause that was a joke), why are you asking us to make generalizations about Black men with these leading, either or questions? Is that what you think we do, make generalizations about groups of people? :smt077 We do and don't like any other group (sound familiar) and sometimes people get called on it, especially if they mask it as scholarly.
    Last edited: May 7, 2010
  10. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I'm not talking to you as I have nothing to say. You have but to look at the title of your thread to figure out why.
  11. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    She probably thinks you are a Black man. This poster has the nerve to ask for a dignified response after they posted two of the most debasing threads on this site. I wonder if these types will ever realize life is too short to spend time questioning other people's love.
    Last edited: May 7, 2010
  12. Espy

    Espy New Member

    It's just typical troll BS. Post some crap, then feign offense when it's recognized as such, then insist on dignified responses in an attempt to lend more legitimacy to the crap. You'd think they could come up with something new once in a while, apparently originality is not an option for trolls.
  13. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Predictable but then again there's some people on this board you can set your watch by as well. :D
  14. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  15. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Exactly Espy!

  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It goes against my better judgment to reply to this post but the academic in me is willing to indulge your horse shit briefly.
    (1) Do black men sometimes try to cover up their aversion for women of their own race because they are embarrassed/shy to admit they prefer white women or other light-skinned women?

    I believe people in general have an aversion to speaking about their preferences if it's outside the scope of what's currently popular or considered normal especially when you know there will some type of social stigma for openly admitting what you like. I for one as a bm didn't verbally speak about about my preference for ww until I was out of high school because I knew that bw in my social circle would make a big deal about it, but here in lies the hypocrisy because when wm have a preference for Asian women or any other race they aren't called out for covering up. Same thing for bw who only like to date wm or hm and talk about having a pretty baby with "good hair" nothing is ever spoken about their aversions or self hate.
    Why is skin complexion under such scrutiny? When a man prefers blondes to brunettes or tall women to short women or chunky women to skinny women there is no talk of aversion or embarassment. Why is skin the litmus test for how a relationship will fare?

    (2) Are black men willing to settle down with a gorgeous bw who is educated and well-off without having to deal with the societal hastle of coping with and IR relationship. Or are they more willing to settle down with a gorgeous ww who is educated and well-off, while having to deal with a litany of racial insults and abuse from white male counterparts?

    Here you make a plethora of assumptions:

    1. You assume that being in a IR relationship in 2010 is like what would have been like 50 years ago. Even we take social pleasantries out of the picture no company wants to be sued for dumb shit like that, no one wants to get fired for a racial insult that will blemish their professional career for years to come so I doubt that's a real problem.

    2. You assume that IR dating is a monolithic experience, like there is a one size fits all approach to all of this and the truth is that it's far more complex than simply just being a bm and ww. You have to ask how does education level and socio-economic environment play out in these scenarios and is it only something experienced or more heavily experienced amongst bm and ww coupling? But I'm sure you know this since you're studying sociology.

    3. Even the way you ask the question shows a clear bias to bm dating ww instead of bw. The question shows that you think love or even coupling is like shopping for new shoes. That men are just going to the white girl emporium instead of black rite. Did it ever occur to you that two people might actually like each other and be attracted to each other based on something far more important than just skin complexion.

    I know that you wrote this thread to start arguements and unfortunately you've exceeded but if you decide to continue participating on this site please take the time to realize everyone here is a lot more than just a bm and a ww. Just like I'm sure you're more than a race baiting child, I'm sure you don't hate anyone or wish harm on us but seriously let us do us. Let us enjoy the site without you trying to make a mockery of it.
    You don't have to understand it but you do have to respect it.
  17. Sir Nose

    Sir Nose New Member

    Garbage in, garbage out.
  18. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Good post Andrea, you gave her more than she deserved. I would rep you if I could.

    You asking or demanding respect......See this is the Pandora's box. This poster believes we and BM like us are disrespectful to Black women.

    This poster is not honest enough to speak plainly about who are they are and what they have to say. Instead of just speaking their mind, she asks questions that will lead to the argument she wants and is prepared to have. As ESPY said, she's crying foul now that we don't want to play along.
    Last edited: May 8, 2010
  19. bonsaiiKITTEN

    bonsaiiKITTEN New Member

    I've never met one like that.

    Depends on the guy and the woman.

    The end.
  20. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    The OP is trying (and failing miserably I might add) to suggest that anyone involved with IR will face a "litany" of insults and abuse. They are trying to further this negative perception of IR relationships with the hope that it discourages BM and WW from getting together, it's pathetic and transparent.

    While we all know dating IR can sometimes bring unique social challenges, somehow in our 19 years together my wife and I have never suffered insults and abuse from WM or anybody else for that matter, but that is not what the OP wants to hear because he is so frightened of and desperate to
    paint IR relationships in the worst light possible.

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