HI! I am so excited to be included in this website! I actually didn't know there was a place for us to get together and really talk about things we like, issues we have, and the "real deal' concerning our own preferences. Kudos to the webmasters/sitemasters! I can't wait to "meet" some of you; this is a totally new experience for me. VERY new to the site, but will be checking VERY often, now that I've gotten a chance to see some of the threads here...interesting. I'm looking forward to this being SUCH a good place to express feelings/ideas!! Much love to all; will holla soon!
THANKS!! Thanks everyone, for making me feel so welcome!! I feel like I have a new "family"! It's really hard to talk to people here (I'm from southern MS, and live in FL currently) about issues that I have and things that are going on in my mind. I don't want it to sound like we (Southerners) are "behind the times"--we're not (...well, we're TRYING...); it's just that I really only have a few friends who are in interracial relationships, and we just don't talk that often. It's hard to talk, get advice; really BOND with friends who just don't know where you're coming from, you know? It's nice to know that I have somewhere (even if it's only 'cyberspace') to get questions out, answered, and honestly. THANK YOU, WHITEWOMENBLACKMEN.COM!! You're what I've been looking for! Cheers!! Will be back soon!! --Ginni
jump right in ginni....wonderful group of people and some great issues and eyecandy to keep you coming back for more...!!!!