"He's with a white woman, he's fair game"

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Intriguedone, Oct 9, 2007.

  1. AfroLove

    AfroLove Restricted

    If I am not attracted to a woman and she hits on me (to the extent that some WW do), she's just annoying me, I consider it to be harassment. It's not just that though, they have a tendency to force their way into your business, it's difficult for me to explain. I can remember several times in high school and recently when White women (or 'girls', back then) would insult me, talk behind my back, call me a 'nigger', mock my heritage etc. and then talk about having sex with me or how they thought I was handsome. There were these middle aged women on the GO train a few weeks ago who kept sending me subliminal messages about my penis, hair, skin, it was weird as hell, afterwards, when they thought I was out of range, they said "poor kid, he's probably going to go home and cry to his mom about those two old chicks who were talking about him on the train" (in case you're wondering if it was all in my head). White people have a tendency to assume I'm 'safe' and 'one of them' becuse I'm quiet and it annoys the hell out of me.

    I'm a stranger to them and they're overly personal with me. They should stop assuming that I'm color blind and that I identify with them. Stop casually putting your hands on me or baby- talking me when I don't know you, while we're at it.

    I think you are undermining the extent to which they invade my personal space.

    I have no 'attitude' when I'm around White women or White people in general. My personality shuts down and I become whoever they want me to be.

    People put on different faces depending on the circumstances they find themselves in or who they're interacting with. I've lived in Ontario and Michigan and a great number of White women are this way.

    And I, you. I'm not really going to bash someone's head into the sidewalk, I've no desire to harm any one.

    There was no anger in that statement.
  2. madscientist

    madscientist New Member

    Well, I'm sorry about you experiencing racism from those white women. But other than that racism, I still don't feel you on this at all. I'd be happy as hell if I was getting that type of attention from white women. Maybe I don't know the extent to which they invade your personal space. But what you are describing (correct me if I'm wrong), if what the majority of females (of all races) go through on a daily basis. Every single day, even the mediocre looking woman might have several men hit on her, bother her in every single way to get into her pants. Considering this fact, I doubt that many women (of any race) will be sympathetic. Of course, it might be different where you are, given that you are in Toronto, which might be the interracial relationship capital of the world, while I'm in St. Louis. Most guys would kill to have that type of attention (minus the racist remarks, of course). Maybe we should trade places.

    Think about this. Maybe those women are that way because they actually like you. And instead of waiting for you to make the move, they have taken it upon themselves to make the first move towards you. Maybe YOU don't like this, but I'll bet that the vast majority of men do.


    Good to hear that.
  3. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Im not gonna dissect your experience ... I was just trying to put a spin on it. Analgy(sp?): If I say that all men are jerks, I will try to look at myself and what I can change within me to make that change. If I change something within me, then maybe, I get a different result... I cant very well change all men:) and there will still be misogenysts.

    Weird, rude people come in all colors, and no, it is not ok for someone to invade your space or disrespect you. It is horrifying that there are so many ignoran racist/bigots out there that subject people to that sort of behavior. I hear stories that really baffles me sometimes.

    Sounds like your city is not a place I would enjoy at all... or Michigan apparently:) I do maybe naively so, believe, that LA is much better when it comes to that. I might not be the correct person to do that judgement.

    I never thought you really would bash someones head in and I have enjoyed our discussions on here.... so lets just move on the the regular scheduled program.
  4. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    This guy is just making up shit.

    I feel threatened because white women won't leave me alone!

    Whatever bitch.
  5. WW ONLY

    WW ONLY Restricted

  6. Athena

    Athena New Member

    This is exactly what I was thinking as I read AL's response. Where I am currently living I am harassed everyday to the point where I've had to complain to the authorities about it (one specific person got really bad) and usually walk well out of my way to avoid where the worst offenders congregate even though it's the direct route to my destination.

    I am not suggesting I'm all that and a bag of chips but to get whistled, hissed ("pssssst"), hey baby, gorgeous, sexy hey, psst and that BS everyday is exhausting and extremely annoying. Then add on the freaks that follow you in their cars, cut you off with their cars when you are walking, or just follow you around, ask where you live, I'm coming over to visit you, I love you.... etc etc etc. I hate it!!!!! Like AL I just want them to leave me the F alone!

    In other words, welcome to the world that women live in.
  7. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :confused:I'm completely baffled by AL's contribution to this thread. I'm baffled by his presence. While I personally have no issue with those 'outside the family' visiting, AL is on the verge of being classified as a Troll.

    Let's get this thread back on track and away from the 'subliminal I-don't-like-WW-yet-I'm-intrigued-by-interracial-relations' direction it's going in.

    Hey Schnookums (FlyingGeek), why don't you lead-off......:cool:
  8. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    YOU called??
    Where do we start?
    Feet? mothers milk? The big O??
    or all three thrown into one.. conditioner and all!!!
  9. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I am not sure if you're asking if I'd somehow approach him? Or just look at him with more interest? I am always happy to see IR couples! I'd not approach him because of his female companion.

    When I am attracted to someone, I let them know. I don't throw myself at them in a sophomoric attempt to get in their pants but I'll chat with them, throw a huge smile, look at them far too long.... You know the usual. I'm not the master of subtlety. lol
  10. Athena

    Athena New Member

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA not very creative on his part. lol

    I think BMJ might have a few incarnations on the boards right now.
  11. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :pAhhh, there's my Schnookums...you may proceed in any fashion you find pleasing...I'm sure I will not object....more pics is a start...I'm sure the fellas would concur!!
  12. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I do the exact same thing..
    I dont think the mans preferences has ever crossed my mind.. at that stage.. I guess I figgure that will solve itself sort of speak. a bm being w a ww doesnt change anything.

    I mean in that case, one could extract that to approacing bm or wm for that matter:..
    "is he into blonds, brunettes, tall, skinny, thick etc". I think it simply would be exhasuting thinking like that.

    If he is NOT attracted to me for some physical attribute (skincolor or otherwise) I possess (or dont possess) then I guess I ll find out soon enough.
  13. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :cool:Hey luv - I guess I'm asking if his stock rises after seeing he shops a diverse market. I'm sure you're far too debonair to approach him in such a scenario.

    However, does he become more desirable...are you more likely to make eye-contact, say hi, etc....?
  14. beautiful02

    beautiful02 New Member

    I'm calling my people in Compton right now. :smt071
  15. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Why are you here? You need to get help. That is not a normal reaction.
  16. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    yes, intrigue...if lippy sees YOU with a ww...she will know you are fair game...ask when you are cutting her loose...and then moving into her spot

    (is that what you were hoping to hear baby?)
  17. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :prayer:....from the Debonair Diva herself.....let's cut the middleman and you can just move into that spot...not now...but right now!!!!
  18. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    Hello everyone. it's been awhile since i have been on! But i just wanted to say the exact opposite has happened to me intriguedone- i have been on a date before with a bm and have been asked out when i have gone to the restroom by another bm. i also notice i do get lots more attention from bm when on a date with a bm, that normally i would not get. Guess it works both ways. :D
  19. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    she's with a black man, she's fair game:D
  20. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :pHey Sugabop Honeybun, long-tim no-see!! I'm glad you added that because it confirms what I've thought all along.

    I can personally tell you that a WW's stock does rise when a brutha sees she's 'part of the family'. Although it was rude, I'm not surprised that homeboy tried to scoop you up on the way to the ladies room.

    A lot of it is attributed to the fact that black folks in general are often suspicious of white folks...we expect bias...but when we see you're down for the mother-land....IT'S ON AND POPPIN'!!!;-)

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