Why do people hate soccer moms so much?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by NCBradin, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    This should be interesting thread to talking about. Upon my curiosity, I couldn’t understand why people hate soccer moms with the passion, because they’re saying that soccer moms is ruining everything like tv, video games. From what I heard, soccer moms wants to banning a certain games, that causes lots of people to pissed off to no end.

    I want to know what’s the deal with people hating soccer moms so much. I know they’re the responsible for censoring everything on the tv, fearing that it could bring the nightmares to kids.

    Also they’re saying that soccer moms is the disgrace of the humane society in the human history. Are they the disgrace to the humane society? Just want to know why they’re doing this.
  2. Chandarah

    Chandarah New Member

    Because they are swing voters.....
  3. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lippy is a soccer mom...you hurt my feelers:smt010
  4. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    I didn't mean to hurt your feeling, lipstick. It's just that I want to know why people didn't like soccer moms. I trust that you're very good soccer mom who raise her children the best way that you can!

    Just want to know why, that's all.
  5. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    They envy soccer moms because they are usually strong, traditional women who lean a little conservative, they are for the most part organized, discipline women who can afford to drive SUV’s, they usually keep them selves attractive because among other things: they have to attend the events of their athletic children .......that’s no reason to hate them...but it is sure a challenge to try and seduce them....soccer moms are as hot as they come!
  6. CanadianNiceGrl

    CanadianNiceGrl Active Member

    Don't feel badly I'm a soccer mom too that llives my life in the summer on the sidelines of a soccer field...so I guess I'm hated also!
  7. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Where's JordanC @?
  8. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    You rang? :smt081
  9. actionjackson3

    actionjackson3 New Member

    Probably my favorite kind of moms
  10. LA

    LA Well-Known Member


    Ms. Lovely soccer mom.
  11. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    uhm.... I know what's soccer (football, right?) and I know what's a mom (mother, right?)... bu tI have no idea what is a soccer mom... other that a mom who plays soccer... LOL
  12. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Who is the "they" in this conversation?

    "they’re saying that soccer moms is ruining everything

    they’re saying that soccer moms is the disgrace of the humane society"

    Regardless of who "they" are, I propose what "they" have to say is valueless.
  13. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    They aren't a disgrace, but they damn sure are annoying as hell. Keep that violent and sexual shit off the TV in your house by blocking the channel n' shit. Saying shit like "GTA killed my kid", or "Naruto killed my 10 year old son, who somehow thought it was a good idea to have his friends bury himself under a foot of sand" is just annoying. RIP to the kid, but come on.

    Banning games is bullshit. They shouldn't allow that in their house in the first place. And just because an irresponsible clerk sells something like a rated M game to a kid shouldn't make it alright for the angry soccer moms to fail the fun for everyone and have it banned for the people who know not to kill people with a car, or bury your friend under a foot of sand.

    Mothers Against Drunk Driving, I support.
    Mother Against Fun, I don't.

    Don't fail the fun for millions just because you don't want your kid to be corrupted.
  14. demattha

    demattha New Member

    Hockey Moms are worse...
  15. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Here you go TS....

    The phrase soccer mom generally refers to a married middle-class woman who lives in the suburbs and has school age children.[2] She is sometimes portrayed in the media as busy or overburdened and driving a minivan.[2][3] She is also portrayed as putting the interests of her family, and most importantly her children, ahead of her own.[2]

    The phrase soccer mom derives from the literal, specific description of a mother who transports and watches her children play soccer.[3] It was also used in names of organizations of mothers who raised money to support their children's soccer teams.[3] The first reference to the phrase soccer mom in the US national media has been traced to 1982.

    The term began to take on its demographic meaning in 1995 during an election for Denver city council, when Susan B. Casey ran with the slogan "A Soccer Mom for City Council."[5] Casey, who had a PhD and managed presidential election campaigns, used the slogan as a way of assuring voters they could trust her to be "just like them,"[3] denoting herself as "everyneighbor."[5] The phrase addressed anxiety about women's achievements, and the stereotype that smart, accomplished women were not able to manage professional careers and still show love for their family.[3] Casey won the election with 51% of the vote.[6]
    The term came into widespread use near the time of the 1996 Republican National Convention.[5]
  16. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    thank-god for susan casey! i am not married...i don't live in the suburbs...i think vans are ugly...i do drive a small suv...i am not conservative at all...i balance work w/travel...home...yard...family, fundraising for the school and soccer! lippy is the non traditional soccer mom...the kids love to ride with me because i play cool music...i do make them wear their seatbelts!

    to address what ajax said i would have to agree that my more conservative counter parts sometimes look startled when i inform them that before i handed my son his new phone with video and picture taking abilities that i actually had the sexting chat with him...before i let him play adult games on his playstation we talk about how these games are fantasy and that people don't come back to life...we talk about alot of unpopular topics that alot of parents never want to believe their child is involved in...it's like the craigslist murderer being a 2nd year medical student...he was involved in gambling and many different sexual fetishes...i would venture to say he showed early signs of this behavior and his parents just ignored it...

    sometimes it's not fun being a parent...there are times when i have to really think about how to approach delicate subjects...i agree with ajax that playing the blame game when things don't go the way you hoped...parents today have to really be up on more than just soccer:smt023
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2009
  17. CanadianNiceGrl

    CanadianNiceGrl Active Member

    BAH! First soccer moms and NOW!! hockey moms?!?! I give up I'm pure evil lol
  18. fromrussiawithlove

    fromrussiawithlove New Member

    Has anyone actually said that they were a disgrace to human society? That's extreme.
    We don't really have 'soccer moms' here but I'm guessing the reason why some people dislike them is for the reasons that Ajax said. Attempting to shift the blame from their child's bad behaviour onto games and music and trying to get things banned. It's just annoying to everyone else.
    If you think your child is mature enough to play 18 rated games, then I think doing what Lipstick said is right - talk to them. If you don't think that they're mature enough and will confuse a video game with real life (really?) then don't let your kid have the game.
  19. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I :smt049 soccer moms and hockey moms.
  20. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    NCB,I had met some soccer moms at the hotel on Election night 08. They supported Obama which is all good. Two of the three are hot,took some pix too.

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