ScienceDaily (Aug. 12, 2009) — Men are far more interested in casual sex than women. While men need to be exceptionally attractive to tempt women to consider casual sex, men are far less choosy. These findings1 by Dr Achim Schützwohl, from the Department of Psychology at Brunel University in the UK, and his team are published online in Springer's journal Human Nature. The research shows that men are more likely than women to report having had casual sex and they express a greater desire for it than do women. It is also thought that women but not men raise their standards of attractiveness for a casual sex partner. Dr Schützwohl and his colleagues looked at the influence of an imagined requestor's physical attractiveness on men's and women's willingness to accept three distinct offers: go out, go to their apartment and go to bed with them. A total of 427 male and 433 female students from the US, Germany and Italy answered a questionnaire. They were asked to imagine being approached by a member of the opposite sex, described as either "slightly unattractive", "moderately attractive" or "exceptionally attractive". They then rated how likely they would be to accept each of the three offers. The authors found that the requestor's looks affected men and women differently. Across all three levels of requestor attractiveness, men were more likely to go out, go to their apartment and go to bed with them than were women. German men were less likely to go out with the requestor and go to their apartment than American and Italian men. Italian men were more likely to go to bed with the requestor than were American men. German men were even less likely than American men to go to bed with the requestor. These differences highlight cultural differences in sexual morals and preferences. For each of the three offers, men were more likely to accept when the hypothetical woman was moderately or exceptionally attractive than when she was slightly unattractive, but whether she was moderately or exceptionally attractive made no difference. Women however placed more importance on the requestor's good looks. They were more likely to accept the apartment and bed requests from an exceptionally attractive man than from either a moderately attractive or slightly unattractive man. The authors conclude: "While men are not entirely insensitive to their requestor's attractiveness, women have higher standards and are more likely to engage in casual sex with an exceptionally attractive man than with a less attractive man."
The trouble with academics is that they take huge amounts of time and money to arrive at conclusions that are glaringly obvious to anyone outside ivory towers. I could have told Doc Schueztwohl exactly the same, in about 20 seconds flat, from my very own experiences. Women generally don't want casual sex unless the man is in the upper 10% in the handsomeness scale (I know the scale doesn't exist but it oughtta!!), and even then, he must still win her trust. Men simply want sex - with any woman who is of comparable age and attractiveness to himself. They have very few other conditions, just as long as she's not a bunny-boiler. I've often wondered what would happen if, by some genetic mutation, women became as physically strong as men. I suspect they would pursue casual sex with the same, or nearly the same enthusiasm as men.
It is absolutly normal that a woman is much more carefully than a man. Especially during the age, when she can get pregnant very fast (18-30yrs). She takes the whole risk. That´s many times the factor why women in this age cannot enjoy sex the same as men or older women like me. Trust, women are mostly not as strong as men. And women are four times more victims of sexual attcks than men. So the message is easy. I was wondering, because trust is really everything. And if trust is all, I am not interested in physical exceptionally attractivness anymore..
yes, it´s the movie about that affair with a psychopath, she killed the animal of the family...and so on.With Michael Douglas and Glenn Close.. ok I understand
That's "exceptional physical attractiveness"...but as I've said once, your English is fantastic for a non-native speaker! Perhaps I shouldn't go making corrections to other peoples posts when I had to correct my own one above... Christine, how about a language thread in which we sharpen each others English/German skills?? My German is nowhere near as good as your English, but I think we could both benefit. Was sagst Du?
For sure, we can do it. Here are several german speaking people, native and non-native speaker..but I have to say a Thank you to these people here.. it helped me a lot to hear them talking about other topics than that ones I was used to before. Especially Archman always challenged me.. whenever I was reading his posts I had to use the dictionary for half of the words he was using and so I learnt a lot of new words.. Which topic?
A very good about Quantum string theory as applied to proto-star clusters?? I have a couple of ideas; What we each like/dislike about our respective nationalities; As above, but for BM/WW. Either should provide a lot of food for discussion, however feel free to suggest (an)other(s) if you prefer.
All ideas are quite nice, or we call it just "English-German Partnership" and the Name of topic isn´t interesting, just what happens or what comes in your mind. The posts have to be written then in English and German, so that all can understand..
Cool, I'll get it started in this subforum. Ach, Uebrigens....wie heissen 'posts' und 'threads' im deutsch?