Nice stuff, bosoxlady. It is pretty cool how some of these guys start out as what one might consider vandals and then become respected artists in demand.
Here's a few grafittis from the area I live in: This 1 may look simple but it amazed me to see that those kids of such a young age came together to make a grafitti for the play ground in their block. Spielplatz= playground
Thank you I am still figuring whether I can find photos of the grafittis in my former high school. My high school is very supportive for all kinds of talents and arts and they recognize grafitti as art which is pretty cool I think
It looks like I need to go there and take some.Online I didnt find any photos of them. Every year around graduation 1 older graffiti is removed and a new one added.I think altogether there's always at least 5 different ones on 5 different walls. I will go there and take photos
OOOOOOOHHHHHHH...this is quickly turning into my favourite thread! Thanks again Sir Nose for starting it!
Wow BY those are very cool. I always feel guilty for liking grafitti since it's illegal but some of the talent it takes to do it is amazing.
In some cases it is not illegal Jordan. I saw some young guys painting these in Oeiras, Portugal. I asked if they could paint my white family van and they offered me their business card.
A lotta cities now have legal walls where you're allowed to "vandalise" in order to prevent it from happening in other areas.
Yes, you're right LS. Here's one that was not in a zone like you described, but who could resist painting on such a large, blank wall (lisbon):
Two more from the same Portuguese town, Oeiras. One on the walkway down to the beach is nice. The other, in a neighborhood about a mile back, not so much:
About one year ago, right before I left Europe, I took the bus from Rota, Spain to Valencia. When I got to the bus station in Valencia, I was told that it was a short walk to the train station. It turned out to be about a mile or more, but it was a nice walk, taking me past the tracks (and more grafitti): This artist gets around Valencia it seems (we saw this fish in a picture from a post above)