Webbie, what's up with only allowing 3 lines in a signature? I can understand limiting signatures because they can be really long, but come on. Only 3 lines? Can't we get a few more lines? Please?? Say 7 lines?? Give us a little breathing room in the signature section? :smt045 Please?? Pretty please with a cherry on top?
Yea a while ago I found a nice quote but I would have needed 5 lines(estimated) to make it my signature..
At least I'm not the only one! My signature right now, which comes out to one line, won't let me add anything else to it, because it's exactly 3 lines in the edit section of the signature. WTF?? LOL.
Uhmm why can you only have 3 lines? is it a new thing because I'm clearly taking up alot of space, well more than 3, with the smilie it makes 5.
I think it was longer at one time until people started complaining about some real obnoxious signatures. You have to remember that your sig is repeated in all of your posts.
I understand that. I'm just asking for a little more breathing room in that signature box. That box is rather small, it would be nice if we were allowed a few more lines. As you can see, my signature takes up most of all 3 lines in the signature edit box, and only one line in the actual signature. Plus, my signature is only 120 characters. You're allowed more characters on Twitter.