There's always another option even when everything goes wrong.There's always some sunshine after the rain. Most times when someone in your environment tries to commit suicide you couldn't see it coming,neither did anyone else. It's very important to talk about things that have you in deep sorrow.The person you tell could maybe help or offer advice.If not it's still relieving(I hope this is the right word) to get things off your chest
I agree with Be-you-tiful, there are always other options. I have had the great misfortune of being on scenes after suicides and the person left behind MANY many devastated people. I can't share the full depth of my thoughts on it here because I am pretty certain I will offend all but one person on the forum.
I remember,a sentence, I was reading in a report about a woman, who wanted to make suicide. (fortunatly she survived) " At the moment i was flying out of the window, I knew, that is the only insoluble problem I have"
There were a couple of points in my life where I was in a deep depression and considered it. But, I never even got so far as to figure out how I would do it. I just willed myself back. I would never consider it today. I have way too much to live for now. And if I ever found myself that low again, I would get help immediately. Something I didn't do way back when.
My sister tried to commit suicide twice.After the 1st try her teacher in middle school took her aside,talked to her and that day she was taken to a childrens home where she lived for about 2 years. Now just a month ago she gave birth to an adorable baby girl. I'm glad I both times found her before it was too late. When I was 12(well violent step dad) I was at the point where I wanted to jump from a bridge.I was too scared.I am glad I didn't jump I've experienced a whole bunch of great things and have learned to deal with pain,anger and disappointment
when I get old, it might be a solution. don´t want to depend on other people, I wan´t to be free, so whenever it would be the case, that I cannot live in my own home und the condiotoins I like to have, I will leave this world.
Me too (tried it twice, that is). I was suicidal a month or so ago for a while, so I went onto some medication. I'm glad you're still around. By the way, I googled suicide the last time I felt suicidal. It said two useful things: - try waiting a day, and then a week before you commit suicide. You will probably feel different after you have waited. - feeling 'suicidal' isn't anything more or less than the position you find yourself in when the pain you are in is stronger than the resources you have to cope with it.
january 31, 1988 one of my best friends committed suicide...she came home for the weekend and stayed at her parents happened on a sunday...normally when she came home for the weekend we would go out on saturday night...saturday came and went...sunday i was working at polo and reached for the phone late morning to call her at her mom's house...a customer approached me before i finished dialing...and i put the phone back down...i got so busy at work that i never got the opportunity to call her again that day... monday morning i received a call from my brother telling me that paula had committed suicide...i was know paula was to love her...she was a natural blonde with gorgeous blue eyes...she had a smile and laugh that would light up a room...i loved how when she laughed she would throw her head back... that sunday after her mom left for work paula went out to the garage...started her car...went to sleep...died... i still carry in my wallet this little post-it size note from her that is a lucky penny for your name's sake...thanks for being such a great friend...she taped a penny on the paper and i have carried it in my wallet now for over 20 years... losing paula made me realize that what you see on the outside doesn't always reflect what turmoil is brewing on the inside...i never knew she was unhappy...i remember the day as if it was yesterday...the day i picked up the phone but was never able to complete the call...