Negros are foolish

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by shion, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Standing up clapping:smt038
  2. scott1618

    scott1618 Active Member

    To be blunt and some this up -

    1.Alot of this comes from the extreme insecurities that alot(not all) of black women have. Even if they have a "baller" themselves some still feel its a smack in the face if a white women has a black man too.

    2.Instead of just seeing a happy couple her perception is distorted and she sees the black man as saying "see how much better than you black women I am?" and she see the white woman as saying "take that, got a rich one this time". She takes it as a personal insult.

    3.Anytime someone is extremely insecure their eye in which they view life is always slightly distorted because they see everything as a means of having to protect their damaged ego first.

    4.Her disproportionate insecurities show when she makes the comment that "most black football players have white wives" when in reality this is far from true. Its just that when she does see these IR couples it stings and since she has her insecurity sunglasses on it makes it apear like it is happening "most of the time" to her. Over 90% of black men still marry black women.

    5. Some people in this thread have mentioned how she is an attractive lady so they are not sure why she even cares- external beauty is not necessarily a reflection of security or self esteem.
  3. jaylon

    jaylon Member

  4. havoc

    havoc New Member

    Perhaps it's just a bad picture, but I don't find this woman to be overwhelmingly beautiful.
  5. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    What business is it of her's who someone marries? Maybe her book would sell better if she pitched it to racists.She's whining about who someone marries. She's probably mad because she married her husband for his money and ended up with nothing. So she has to write this book.

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