Inactive Members on the forum.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by live_life, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. live_life

    live_life New Member

    Today I took a look down the member list and couldnt help but notice that the forum has alot of new members. Most new members have zero posts and I assume all the do is read or are still testing the waters with the occasion "I've been around for a while now but have only decided to post."

    These people almost seem to be asking for permission to post.

    It shouldnt be like that. We have had the oddest to the most helpful of folk up here and it isnt wrong if you fall somewhere in between. Its called being average and average aint never hurt no one.

    The more active all the dormant users are, the less diversity (note choice of word as well), the less input and the less everything we have. Am sure there are thousands of us up in here. And no doubt all our keyboards are still working.

    It would also be great if those without such basic info as location went a filled in the gaps. Webmaster... Cant this be a required field?
  2. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I agree it would be great to hear/read from EVERYONE. We all have something to say and regardless whether someone agrees or disagrees with the opinions displayed here it would be cool to have them posting as well
  3. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    For a variety of reason people want to absorb what's here first before being a contributor. Many will decide this is not the place for them and move on. Also as with any new thing in a persons life, folks get less interested and move on after a low number of posts, it is what it is. If they're interested they'll post if not.....

    Personally I forgot how I stumbled onto this site but I read the boards for about two months before I started to post and I am not a frequent poster as it is, my preference is to read what others have to say...
  4. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

    That issue will be resolved with the new script I plan on implementing.

    The personals and forums will function as one with the same login.

    I've changed jobs twice over the last few months so I haven't had much time to work on it.

    I have some time off from Fri throughTues, and so I'll certainly be working on it early next week.
  5. sarahgirl

    sarahgirl New Member

    I haven't been here as often as I would like. I've been busy lately but when I do check in I often just read what people have written.

    And I think there may be many inactive users because I think your name has to be accepted when you are registered. I wasn't sure I had a profile until I checked a little while later. But as mentioned there are others who feel that maybe they do not belong. But you do, speak up! :)
  6. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    I've been browsing the forums for about a month now, and I'm not really sure why I've been hesitant to post. I guess that I was trying to get a feel for the people on here. Everyone seems really cool and open-minded for the most part. Maybe this thread was just the push that I needed to start posting. lol Thanks!!! :D
  7. u2orjustme

    u2orjustme New Member

    I know I read for a while before I even registered.

    I would definitely fall into odd. lol

    *goes back to the newbie seats while the old heads continue discussions*
  8. eternalniteman

    eternalniteman New Member

    Is this seat taken? :)
    I like to read and slightly comment myself. I guess I dont have alot to say?
  9. u2orjustme

    u2orjustme New Member

    Kats on this board have covered almost every square mile of IR relationships that anyone could think of and more. If you have a question about something, it's more than likely been covered at one point or another on threads of the past. Rather than be redundant, that's how I came across a lot of info. Most people would just come in a start blabbing something that's been covered a thousand times. And if you've read about it once, you've pretty much read it a thousand times, so the fresh face or perspective on certain issues isn't always as fresh as you think. Not to lay the load on anybody's shoulders. This is the way of all forums. That's why I layed low for so long. This place was like an IR library..... That's really no excuse to not register and post. And I'm not trying to give excuses. I'm just being honest. :wink:
  10. live_life

    live_life New Member

    This surely is a library. However, like any other library out there if new additions stop then it will eventually become shakespearian.

    I have only been around for a few months and I caught myself slipping into observer mode and quickly decided to post. Its so easy to go read years of posts to the point where you know when X got married, when A got divorced when Z had a baby. It can easily become something of a soap opera where you come watch and follow and anticipate and all that. But it isnt. Its a forum.

    People choose to join. You dont have to join to be here. Joining means I wanna be a part of this.

    Alot has been covered. Alot has also been deleted. We have post your pic 3.0 going now. Not everone saw the past and not everyone wants to see the same photos. In fact that thread should be running at 10.0 right now.

    Thats my point with this one.

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