Attraction to Black Men = Perversion?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by whikle, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. Solaki2200

    Solaki2200 New Member

    Hello dear, how are you doing today?
  2. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I’m amazed at the persistence of this question. Apparently, little progress has been made.
  3. prince odum

    prince odum New Member

    There should not be any feeling of perversion here. Truth is that Most Black guys (especially of African Origin, grow up learning to treat their women well. Yeah we may be endowed with big di*k but that is not all, we really know how to treat the woman well, given the resources, we see ourselves as kings and our women as queens
  4. Mickey B

    Mickey B New Member

    Totally agree with you absolutely !
  5. Mickey B

    Mickey B New Member

    Very well Said ......from your Personal Experience & Great Maturity as a White Woman !
  6. Mickey B

    Mickey B New Member

    Tamstrong ...... I CONCUR with you 100% .....;)
  7. KingAesop

    KingAesop Active Member

    Yes, it came at me from other people as well. I’ve been told that I’ve been white-washed. I’ve been called a traitor. They’ve said I only like white women because they’re submissive and slutty, which isn’t universally true and could apply to any woman of any color. I’ve had people gradually shy away from me over time once it became public. I was bummed about it at first, but I grew to appreciate it. It’s always good to identify where the ignorance and hate is coming from. It makes it easier to avoid it and have a happier life. We are all human for Christ’s sake. I don’t see a problem with it.
  8. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Yup! That an "you date WW because you can't deal with a strong BW", you're disrespecting your mother and all other BW. They're full of sh*t, and seriously narrow minded.
  9. KingAesop

    KingAesop Active Member

    So true. It sucks too because it comes from people you would’ve never known held those sentiments. You learn who your real friends and family are when you date interracially, especially when white and black people date each other.
  10. KingAesop

    KingAesop Active Member

    I’m really active on Twitter, and the surge of racist post have gotten out of hand. One poster was criticizing Bill Gates’ daughter for dating a black man. They were making the usual stereotypical generalizations talking about she would’ve ended up being a single mother, she’s gonna get a black eye, so on and so on. I’m not gonna lie, it kinda got to me a little bit the way they were carrying on in the comment thread. There was one comment that bit the cake though. This white dude said that interracial relationships were unnatural and that you don’t see rhinos and hippos mating in nature, nor do you see zebras and giraffes mating, so why is it ok for black men and white woman to mate. I was fuming. The nerve of someone comparing different skin colors to different species of animals considering we are the SAME species. We can mate because we have the same genetic genome structure. Some people are ignorant as f**k and remain complicit because it suites their personal agenda. It’s hard to raise kids in a world where people think like this. Crazy.
  11. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    The ignorance and lack of understanding of science among racists is mind-boggling. If ethnic groups were different species, they would produce sterile offspring or be unable to mate at all. I agree 100% with you about the sharp spike in racism on Twitter, in particular, and online generally.
  12. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    Bear this in mind that lesser people can only feel good about themselves by saying negative things about others. That type can be found in every race/ethnicity.
  13. KingAesop

    KingAesop Active Member

    The crazy part about all of this is that it’s being supported and reinforced by powerful people. It’s almost as if they are purposely stirring the pot. If people can’t see this, we are doomed. If this agenda is allowed to succeed, years from now we will look back and realize what an egregious error this was, but by then it will be too late. I really hope this doesn’t happen.
  14. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    The powerful people do this to remain on top. It`s called divide and conquer. One of the theories for the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr is that he was planning to include poor whites into the movement. These whites historically were told by the not so poor whites that even though they were poor they were better than the poor blacks.
  15. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I recently found a post of exactly the type many of us forum members have pointed out in this thread and other conversations. While I respect these folks' right to their own particular brand of kink, I don't think their "white couple seeking black bull" tastes and our very real love relationships have anything to do with each other.
  16. Hie i kinda of understand you,having travelled and stayed in Europe for a while,I kind of realised that those not exposed much to us black people hve some kind of prejudice.However I found ladies exposed to us African or black men kind of understand us better
  17. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I have had African-American women and Latinas ridicule or otherwise scorn me for being involved with a white woman, mostly when I was younger or when in non-professional settings. The mocking was usually based on one of the perceived stereotypes about whitr women: 1) white women are weak and you choose her because you (I) are too weak to handle a “strong woman of color” ; 2) you lack self-love and respect for your ethnic group and lastly 3) you like white women because they allow all sorts of “nasty” acts that non-white women won’t tolerate.

    i just don’t put much stock in their views and do what I want, but it’s annoying to be judged inaccurately by people who don’t know you, and yet often have some (not total) ability to shape social perception of who you are. Their views are not absolute and don’t hold total sway, but they can be an annoyance in certain settings. That being said, this was much more likely to happen in the late 80s/90s than today.
  18. jmoney42

    jmoney42 Active Member

    The latter part always irks me the most in terms of “slutty” or “easy”. No WW aren’t any easier than any other women. IMO & in my experience they tend to be more direct. First 2-3 GF’s I had made it BRUTALLY apparent they liked me. One even laid her head on my shoulder the first time I really ever talked to her. Probably not conveying this properly lol but I hope what I’m saying makes some kind of sense. There was no guesswork involved which as a straightforward person, and more importantly an adult, was a breath of fresh air.
  19. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Any difference in sexual tastes in my experience has been more a function of personal philosophy and approach to sexuality, not due to any lack of morality.
  20. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Well if it isn't Shakespeare 2.0 haha, you have a way with words @orejon4
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