Black women trying to "seduce" black males with wh

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Dec 19, 2007.

  1. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Yeah, I've had this loads of have to just laugh, really. Doing anything else would make you seem insecure in yourself. If anyone hits on someone I'm with (whatever colour), it does make them look like a bit of a joke!
  2. mllrtme324

    mllrtme324 New Member

    i have experienced this several times actually...but it is true...if i'm with a black man and a bw or ww thinks he's attractive a ww is likely to do the same. but back on drives me crazy. its like, i dont even care about color but have enough damn respect for another WOMAN!

    this topic gets to me every time with the whole "all the WW are taking all our good BM"
    obviously these woman are insecure about something to think that THEY can't get the same man.
  3. beauty

    beauty New Member

    nothing wrong with your english. but to comment on your blackgirls are jealous comment, that is an error. you would be suprised. many don't concern themselves as more and more of them are crossing over and dating IR anyway.

  4. beauty

    beauty New Member

    Re: Black women trying to "seduce" black males wit

    no way would i flirt with a man that is with his woman, black, white or otherwise. if you saw a blackwoman alone would you speak to her? probably not. i speak and greet everyone i come across with a smile; if it's not returned; so be it. blackmen tend not to speak when spoken to by blackwomen. living in california i see this all the time. so now unless they speak; i don't acknowledge or respond any longer. why should i? if you are being rude to me without real cause or reason, then why brother? life is better anyway. i can only be responsible for my actions. if im hated or disliked for being a blackwoman, that is not my problem and i don't entertain it whatsoever.

  5. beauty

    beauty New Member

    hi mistressB,

    this actually goes both ways also. i was out with my sweetheart and there a couple of whitegirls staring at us and i overheard them say as they walked past us for me not to get comfortable with him and that he only wants a roll in the haywith me. he heard them too and responded saying. this is my wife to be so it will be more than the roll. they looked stunned and jetted off. people no matter what color don't want you until you are with someone else.

  6. beauty

    beauty New Member

    blackmen do this crap also, i speak from experience. whenever i am out with my fiance, im met with nasty looks by blackmen. i don't pay it any mind at all, im like this since whitewomen are plentiful and blackwomen are scorned, why care about whom i am with. if i can collect a dollar for each time i have been called a 'sellout' i'd be worth BILLIONS. my parents have always told me to go where the love is. so if a blackman does not want me, then so be it. another man's trash is another one's treasure. so am i insecure about blackmen being with white or other non blackwomen? not at all. it is MY happiness that counts to me. not another man's perference.

  7. beauty

    beauty New Member

    what are you talking about? aggressive white females don't scare me and are not my concern. to be honest with you, that was not my thought about what they maybe thinking anyway. i don't care what any whitefemale thinks about me or my dating perferences. and i never gave a damn about theirs. so sounds like you're a shit starter. i thought you men here had enough intelligence to answer a simple question. but i guess not. so the HYPOCRITE here is you! especially since i have NEVER questioned why whitewomen and blackmen date in the first place. you sound angry or something. sounds like you're mad because i dont and have never cared...dont get that shit at all.

  8. DI

    DI New Member

    I m not really surprised...I know, some of black women dont care about that and they are not jalouse. abd thats cool! I think, its correct! coz IR dating is everybody's business, not of all the race!
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    black women..the ones I meet anyway, go nuts when I tell them that I am "also" interested in white women....

    "stay black, brotha" is something that comes to my mind often....


    as if one day, i'm going to wake up with a different skin color, because I did the dirty with a white girl.
  10. IknowU

    IknowU New Member

    Where are you from sweety??Russia??I heard that U guys are crazy about black men??Is that for real?Btw U are pretty?
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    check the pics thread.. if you're talking about DI, everyone should know that she has pics up..including one of her more "infamous" ones, where it looks like she's taking a puff from a pipe...

    i'm not the one to speculate on such issues...but..... :p
  12. DI

    DI New Member

    yea, i m from Russia. I ve never heard that we are crazy about black there are some girls like me, who like them, but not too many to be honest... :D
  13. DI

    DI New Member

    absolutely right, u r not the one to speculate on it. and whats wrong with the hooka btw?
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    only two "hookas" that i know are the ones come real cheap, with fishnet stockings and take all of your money the morning after, and the ones that make you do weird things and see weird images :twisted:
  15. DI

    DI New Member

    smth wrong is with ur 2 hookas. lol coz mine is fine! I dont see any weird images and dont do any weird things! and it doesnt take all my money, maybe coz I have some more than to pay for a hooka?... :D and my hooka is without weed btw :D
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    I'm not a don't have to cover up the truth


    but honestly...i can't say i remember seeing something like that before...all sorts of thoughts were rolling around my head...glad you cleared it up tho...
  17. DI

    DI New Member

    even if u re not a cop, I dont smock weed! lol I dont smock at all, I mean, even cigarettes! only hookah with fruit smth (dont know how its called in english :lol: )
    u should try it then! its a good shit! lol
  18. phillysoffercal

    phillysoffercal New Member

    Smock is an old fashioned term for a dress. When I was renting one of my rooms, a Polish woman asked me if SMOCKING was allowed. What on earth is SMOCKING? For goodness sake!
  19. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    You understood the lady, so what's your problem? Her English is probably way better than your Russian anyway.
  20. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Phylly this is for you, check it out... I think I know which of the Schmucks you are....

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