Random Conversation 2.0

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bookworm616, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

  2. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Now you know I'm gonna need you to define 'ok' LOL.
  3. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    That's real sweet of you to ask, thanks though.

    I dunno, I've never ever been a debbie downer but man if I could do my life over I would. Lol. You know white people don't stick together so I'm out here alone struggling with the outta control cost of living, a teen son being influenced by thugs, a work load that's just tripled with no extra renumeration, a chocolate addiction that has me feeling like a puffer fish, a heart full of sadness that I'll be single for the rest of this expensive unfulfilling Australian life, but other than that I'm still breathing lol.

    I did set up a home gym/chill area in the garage so that's probably the highlight of my current life being able to save money on a gym membership i used once lol.

    How's things with you?


    it's a bit messy still cleaning lol
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2023
  4. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

    Well, your getting on the right track by having a gym you'll feel a lot better. Just remember to breathe, & pray. It will come.
    As for me, I'm trying to stay cool, summer arrived & it's supposed to be very hot this weekend, so I'm probably not going anywhere unless I'm on a food run.
  5. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Thank you I think so too. Going to start meditating too lol. Oh gosh yuck, summer don't remind me of what's to come lol. Do you have air con in your place?
  6. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

    Yup, The a/c makes my house winter cold.
  7. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    I always think housing is expensive here (and it is), it's nothing compared to how much it costs there. I honestly don't see how people can afford it without having a roommate or two at a time. And that's awesome that you have a home gym. It may not seem like much, but I am a glass half full kind of person so I see it as the start of something good.

    Tough times don't last, but tough people do. You got this!
  8. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Thanks hun, appreciate you.

    I just don't see it getting any better here i think we're on the brink of a recession. There's so many homeless families as a result of the unaffordability and too many ppl in this state lol. An average home to rent now is in the $500's per week and can even be in ghetto and falling apart. The asshole government scrapped the affordability housing scheme in the midst of all this housing crisis, such a caring for your pplz country. Hosting the Olympics here isn't doing a world of good to help the situation either lol.

    I think I'll build a raft and post up in someone's damn before then lol. Might even have to start hunting turkeys and fish for dinner it's that farked. Lol.

    I have to try to somehow remain sane lol so the home gym is where it's at, turning my Son's room into a recording studio and my room into a brothel is next LOL.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2023
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  9. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    Sorry to hear about your son. How do you stay cool in the garage during summer? At this point in time we have triple digits temp. and the garage is like a hot oven.
  10. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    See how cool you'll be when the utility bill arrives.
  11. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Thank you, I'm praying he can disassociate from the African thugs running amok for no damn good reason. :/

    Haha yikes that doesn't sound pleasant! Luckily for us we finally have some reprieve with it being winter here currently which is always mild of course. Lol. I'll probably pop in a portable air con although our electricity rates state wide just went up 25% lol. I don't know what the deal is with this country right now.
  12. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member


    I hear that in Queensland, that it's illegal for a person to own a rabbit unless they are a magician. Do people follow this?
  13. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    SADLY this is true. Qld is a poxy state lol. You can barely expel gas without a warrant being out for your arrest. Should be called hellsstate lol.

    It's like an $8k or something fine if you're found with a rabbit. But in NSW's you can freely own one. Sometime i think of moving there just for that reason lol. They also sell alcohol in service stations and supermarkets but in QLD they don't.
  14. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

    Anyone want to shed a tear?

  15. 2legit

    2legit Active Member

    Shapeshifter on a plane has scared the living daylight out of WW.

    16 hours ago
    Psychotic break or supernatural event. The fear in her voice was genuine. She saw or believes she saw something terrifying.

    15 hours ago
    Can someone interview her and give us more insight. Instead of Youtubing this as a joke. Let her talk.

    11 hours ago
    When something feels off, it is. We are not alone.

    16 hours ago (edited)
    In Islam they are called jinns.

    8 hours ago
    yep, 1.6 billion ppl in the world know what causes the supernatural experiences, though i really do not want to experience it either.

    5 hours ago
    @Space_Logic yes sir, they live in seas and undisturbed areas, very very rarely will they show their presence in human spaces, Also they can take form of any living being of our world.

    12 hours ago
    There was a guy who posted a video who was on the flight who gave his side of the story. He alleged that she was having a conversation with a guy in a green hoodie who was conversing back with her. The guy observing stated that she was talking to herself, as if she was hypnotized or something.. She truly was distressed after this encounter and the fear in her voice is genuine..
  16. 2legit

    2legit Active Member

    This article about the incident above was published on NY post.

    A woman aboard an American Airlines flight caused quite the scene when she was caught on camera freaking out and heading for the exit over an apparent passenger she said was “not real.”

    The bizarre, expletive-laden meltdown that went viral Monday reportedly occurred as the flight was preparing to depart Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.

    “I’m telling you, I’m getting the f–k off and there’s a reason why I’m getting the f–k off and everyone can either believe it or they can not believe it,” the woman yells as she paces to the front of the plane, according to footage of the incident circulating on TikTok.

    “I don’t give two f–ks, but I am telling you right now – that motherf–ker back there is NOT real.”

    She then points to the rear of the plane, prompting other passengers to turn around to get a glimpse of the source of her concern.

    “You can sit on this plane and you can die with them or not. I’m not going to,” the woman adds, before apparently leaving.

    The footage was first posted by a TikTok user @texaskansasnnn Sunday night, though it has since been removed from that account.

    The original poster, according to the Daily Mail, said the ordeal delayed the flight for roughly three hours as all passengers were forced to leave the plane before reboarding.
  17. 2legit

    2legit Active Member

    The airline have seated a woman next to shapeshifter/Devil after she freaked out she was removed from the flight but not the supernatural being, I wished the police and the media to come on board and show the face of the individual in question that freaked out this white woman.

  18. 2legit

    2legit Active Member

    The mysterious man in the green hoodie is the one who caused woman to lose her mind, he never spoke with her only telepathically, People are saying the man is shapeshifter and a reptilian. LOL. The WW who got off the plane was never seen again.


    Videos showing passengers having meltdowns on a plane are a dime a dozen these days, but the most recent meltdown to go mega-viral has a startling and bizarre twist. The video shows a woman frantically trying to get off a plane because she has seen a passenger in the back of the aircraft who she seemed to think was "not real." Now, a search is on to find her and figure out what went down on that plane.

    The video shows a woman warning people of another passenger on the flight who she claims is "not real."

    Part of what makes the Tiktok video so bizarre is the woman appears to be perfectly normal — she's well dressed, speaking clearly and doesn't seem to fit any of the stereotypes that would normally make this kind of video so easy to dismiss. And the intensity and obvious fear with which she speaks makes one thing clear — whatever it is she thinks she saw, it was very real to her.

    "I'm getting the fu-k off," the woman is heard saying emphatically as she storms up the aisle way of the plane, "and there's a reason why I'm getting the fu-k off, and everyone can either believe it or they cannot believe it. I don't give two sh-ts."

    Visibly upset, her voice then constricts as if she is on the verge of tears as she points to the back of the plane. "But I am telling you right now that motherfu-ker back there is not real." She then issues a sobering warning to everyone on the plane, who sit watching her in a daze. "You can sit on this plane and you can die with them or not. I'm not going to."

    Of course, the internet has erupted into mockery and jokes, most of which center on the premise that the woman must have been suffering from an episode of mental illness. But others are convinced there's more to the story, and they're desperate to track the woman down.

    Some witnesses have reported that the woman was intoxicated at the time of her meltdown.

    They claim that it was a flight attendant she accused of being 'not real.' [Man in green hoodie is not flight attendant see how people are lying]

    Intoxication is, of course, the first thing most of us would assume when hearing news of a video in which a woman has a plane meltdown because she seems to have seen some sort of apparition on the plane. We've all seen Kristen Wiig's infamous booze-fueled hallucination of a "colonial woman" on the wing of a plane in "Bridesmaids," after all.

    And according to a woman who says she heard from someone who witnessed the incident, alcohol definitely played a role.[the woman have seen supernatural entity all these unknown people who want dismiss what she saw are idiots with an agenda..... does the woman appear drunk or is she stumbling?]

    TikToker @shenia_rose says the passenger told her the woman in the video "was seen drinking before she got on board" and that after her AirPod fell out of her ear, she began accusing her seatmate of stealing them.

    A flight attendant quickly intervened, trying to calm her down — and that's when "she starts flipping out and saying that the flight attendant is not real," Rose said.

    Not everyone believes what happened is so simple as @shenia_rose reports, however. TikToker and medium @kellythemagicalmedium posts that the woman might have psychic abilities and may well have seen "something in the back [of the plane] that nobody else can see."

    Kelly says she genuinely believes "she did see something," and theorizes that the alcohol the woman is known to have drank might have heightened her awareness. "When you drink, it is called spirits," she said, "therefore, when you drink, you are more susceptible to seeing apparitions of spirit" a phenomenon Kelly says she herself has experienced while drinking at events like weddings.

    Photo: @kellythemagicalmedium

    Kelly went on to say she believes that what the woman saw was "dark energy," so her fear is understandable. "I'd have to obviously speak to her to see exactly what she saw," Kelly says, but warns that "we live amongst these creatures every single day....so I want to confirm, yes, she did see

    something and it was not of this world."

    Other passengers on the plane have come forward claiming the man the woman was referring to may have been a 'reptilian.'
    Since the original video, many follow-up videos have been posted reportedly showing the man the woman was referring to. One video, in particular, shows a man in a green hoodie that viewers have accused of being a reptilian and "blinking sideways."


  19. 2legit

    2legit Active Member

    She looks like the type who likes the brothers.

  20. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

    For anyone that is dealing with the excessive hot weather, stay cool

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