White women that love black men, but are not "woke"

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by GAmomlisa, Jul 23, 2017.

  1. Rollx007

    Rollx007 Well-Known Member

    I disagree with it being because of different ethnicities or cultures, it's the same outside America, even more diverse outside America.

    Those family values are not so different in each culture, we all value the same traditional and basic demands in a family.
  2. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Good observations. I have seen different conceptions of family and expectations from a marriage both among the different ethnic groups within my own family and in the marriage and relationships I have been in.
  3. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    I may also add that black immigrants come from societies where they either are the majority or whites are a minority. Therefore, they are not bombarded daily with innuendos about their "inferiorities". The exception may be those who came Spanish speaking societies. Those of you from NYC could chime in here
  4. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    In Latino communities, there’s just as strong an anti-African and anti-indigenous sentiment as in the US, but most of the population has at least some African and/or Native American ancestry. Most of these individuals don’t identify as indigenous or black, however. In Latin communities, people who identify as either are usually 100% from that community, culturally as well as physically. People who are a product of those groups AND a European are usually addressed as being mixed or European despite their appearance.
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  5. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    Thanks for confirming my thinking. You probably heard the recent news about the Los Angeles city council. And people are acting shocked. Those 3 council members were just saying the quiet part out loud.
  6. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Previous posts aside, I think the remarks from the Mexican-American/Chicano elected officials and labor leader are indicative of more garden variety US-style bigotry than any of the many cultural biases present in Latin America. Nothing they said had any of the hallmarks of Latin society bigotry, but sounded like Chicanos echoing Archie Bunker, including the anti-gay slurs and remarks directed at Armenians, et al.
  7. Emanuel Hall

    Emanuel Hall New Member

  8. jdmficial

    jdmficial New Member

    Interesting. Do you have friends/know any other conservative women that date black men?

    most of the women I have been with (in college) were conservative. This wasn’t something that was known (at the time). It was found out after. Usually through opinions/posts through social media. Plus me being unapologetically black, that wasn’t a turn off for them. In fact something they liked (but moreso that is the passion I have behind it, rather than the specific political opinion). I have never had issues, if anything the conservative chicks and I have gotten along more well than any other women.
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  9. jen14

    jen14 Active Member

    Personally, I don't identify as liberal or conservative, more of a centrist and there are ideas that I agree or disagree from both sides.. but yea, I do know of a few conservative white women that I know date or have dated black men. I don't find it shocking tbh, if anything I find it weird that someone's political views would determine who they are attracted to (I understand that these days it would probably be better if both partners are on the same page lol)
  10. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    It seems a bit shocking that the brothers who date white conservative women whose beliefs supports Black subservience.
  11. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    They also put down the Black Mexican population.
  12. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    True. Duly noted. Anti-black racism in the Latino community rarely includes biases against white groups (Armenians, etc). They just seemed like regular US garden variety bigots.

    As for the conservative ww discussion, I guess it depends on which type of conservative. I don’t see a conflict with a low taxes, pro religion ww dating a bm, but it is harder for me to imagine a Marjorie Taylor Greene type of conservative dating a bm. Not saying it’s impossible, it just incongruous with the rest of her philosophy.
  13. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    I wonder how peaceful a relationship would be between a Make America Great Again (MAGA) white woman and a Black Lives Matter black man. Good material for a movie, perhaps.
  14. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Tumultuous, to say the least.
  15. Jamaal360

    Jamaal360 New Member

    Oh, Baby, I loooove this topic that you have brought up! What a heck of a question, because as a black man that has dated a majority of white women I have experienced a large amount of racism, still, in NC where I live and have felt alone under those circumstances. My significant other (s) have never addressed those issues. Thank you for bringing this to the light of a discussion ♥️
  16. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I wonder how the makeup sex would be after disagreements lol.
  17. Makena

    Makena Member

    I definitely am not woke by any stretch of the imagination but I do think everyone should be treated with the kindness, compassion and respect that they deserve, regardless of their race or background.

    That is just the right thing and this world would be so much nicer if we all led with kindness
  18. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    If only others shared your view, eventually things would improve. I think things will get better, however. Progress comes slowly, but it does come.

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