Random Conversation 2.0

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bookworm616, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Thanks Soul, appreciate it.
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Hope you are fully recovered to celebrate the new year. May 2023 be good for you in Oz. I can imagine a homeboy and his Aussie love celebrating 2023 somewhere in Oz.
  3. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    That’s very kind of you Soul - thank you! Right back at you. Hope 2023 is a prosperous, happy and successful year for you and your family.

    Sadly there will be no celebrating for me not fully recovered, but nearly there. No doubt my eyes will meet the tops of my eyelids come 8pm lol.

    Yes, no doubt there’s at least one lucky Australian, bbl carrying barbie doll over here doing unspeakable things with their American chocolate lol! Glory be to God lol!
  4. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear. Upon your recovery make sure to celebrate with your boys with full energy. I look forward of your happiness and more responses to the threads soon.
  5. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

    When I was going to elementary school I always hated Christmas ending & New Year beginning. I also hated Mondays. I didn't like going to school, since it meant back to school work. That changed when I went to High School & back to my Martial Arts training, now I look forward to both. New Year New Start I'm still shy in some social settings but I'm working on that. Hopefully I'll make a little more progress this year. Happy New Year
  6. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Happy New Year CA and everyone else. Thanks for sharing that insight into your life. It’s great to hear things changed for you in High School and by doing Martial Arts. Good on you for aiming to push yourself a little bit more this this year. :)
  7. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Happy new year. In 2023 may all your pain be Champaign.
  8. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    I live somewhere south of Lucerne.
  9. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    Same to you and everyone else! That’s the best way to put it, can’t add anything to that.
  10. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Happy New Year to you and everyone else at the forum! I hope this year is the best yet for us all. Salud!
  11. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    D7D19724-0A3B-4127-83EB-17746B0F0378.jpeg I really do not understand the psychology behind these memes. From what I’ve seen, mostly posted by older people.

    you come on a website that charges you nothing and then act like they are trying to curtail your God given rights? If I invite you to my home, serve you free refreshments you don’t have the right to complain about what’s in my cupboard.
  12. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Anyone else working late tonight?
  13. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Working until 10pm tonight. Anyone else?
  14. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

  15. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Hmmm now what is your choice of occupation again? Lol
  16. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Hahaha my son yelled out to me mum it’s in your bathroom haha I said well get it haha in the end I had to get it lmao.
  17. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    • Informative Informative x 3
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  18. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

    Thought some people would find this cute. I was 16 when I First started.

  19. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Did you go?
  20. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

    I think I put too much butter on my rice today

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