Random Conversation 2.0

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bookworm616, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    :-( , it is tough, but you know what, you’re not alone (if you’re referring to yourself)

    One wonderful thing about evolving is that mental illness no longer has the stigmatisation that it used to. i.e. mental illness meant you’re crazy and belonged in an asylum.

    It’s out there in the open now and it’s let know that’s it’s as vital to take care of as your outer body.

    Sadly mental illness is on the rise due to our current conditions, but we take one day at a time..

    To some extent we’re all mentally ill, whether it’s short term or long term or whether it’s a medically diagnosed condition, we’re all going through something you know… mental illness runs in my family and I have a close family member with skizophrenia. When you educate yourself on people in general you gain a deep understanding and compassion for the person standing in front of you.

    I get into arguments with close ties (they ain’t never seen soft white underbelly) because they see drug addicts and alcoholics as disgusting or whatever and say ‘oh they knew what the effects of drugs and alcohol would have on them’ and while I believe that to an extent I also know they’re a product of their environment and life consequences. Loved and supported kids with stability in their lives dont generally turn into drug addicts or alcoholics as adults, they use substances to mask their pain. The same goes for mental illness some people are just ignorant and see shit at a surface level and steer clear because they don’t care for understanding, you can’t always choose the cards you’re dealt.
  2. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    A lot of people with mental illness also develop addictions trying to self-medicate. Why i get frustrated with people who are just addicts because of a willingness to use and beg to feed their addictions, I am aware of this other segment who are using to survive any way they can.
  3. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Red door for me. You don't know what hell you could unleash by going back in time and "fixing" your mistakes. You'll just make new and exciting (!) ones and who knows how your life will turn out when you get back.

    I'd rather have the 10 million knowing I earned that shit with all of the hell I went through in my life. LOL.
  4. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    But then again, who knows what I would be missing out on had I not made all those mistakes? Nevertheless, i think I will stick with the Blue Door. Lol
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Interesting. Yeah, true, it's still illegal federally, and yes he could get that delivered to him in any city.

    I remember when I was coming to America for good, my brother casually mentioned at the airport that he put a little gift in my luggage. I asked him what it was --. he said, a big fat joint.

    I froze, did he realize I'm going to the United States and he put weed in my luggage?!. We fished it out, went out to the airport parking lot and smoked it, Oh boy, he had really stuffed this one with potent head, I was so fukkin high from it, that I ended up in the ladies room bent over the wash basin, telling my best friend I can't get on that plane!

    Meanwhile, my parents were upstairs at departure wondering where the hell I was, when I should have been sitting with them.
    I was then stopped by the flight crew during boarding, l panicked, only to tell me my carry on would have to be checked in as it was too large. Remember, lm stoned off my face and paranoid as hell.

    When that plane finally took off I gripped my arm-rest and I think I let out a long yell.
  6. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you were able to get it out of your luggage, because would have been serious, especially if it was post-9/11. If I ever flew high, that would be the best fucking sleep of my LIFE!
  7. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Oh wow! Glad your brother made mention and y'all were able to get it out before it was too late. Although potet.... imagine it took off some of the edge/anxiety?

    Was telling somone recently about I've never been a pot smoker, but that I've had many, many a contact high. That was the rule back in the day riding the subway late (especially the last car) in NYC. They'd almost always have at least 2-3 joints burning and passing them around. I was a good way rto get high for free, lol. If somone spotted a transit cop coming... they'd simply stomp out the joints until the cop left.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Ha, that's so NY. :D:cool:
    I haven't smoked pot since 2003. 'Im too old for that stuff now. I'd only take it in medicinal form or that CBD oil?
    Besides, the weed out now isn't even real original herb, it's all GMO and ultra potent.
  9. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    I used to have a friend of mine who was a chef, and before she got out of the business I asked her to make me a special batch that was twice as potent. I ate half the brownie at first, and then the other half about 30 minutes later.

    Y'all ever taken a trip to Mars on the back of a flying rhinoceros? Because I have! I was literally able to smell colors and taste sounds lol. She was awesome.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member


    That last part was hi-larious!! :D:cool:
  11. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    And the best part? Every song I listened to that night was the greatest song I had ever heard in my life lol.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Don't forget any movie watched, too! LOL!
  13. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    The biggest mistakes I ever made in my life was when my ex and I took some edibles together. They were extremely potent and I legitimately had a panic attack, which wasn't helped by the muscle relaxer that I forgot that I had taken earlier. Once I came back down, I spent the rest of the night laughing hysterically at everything. I didn't stop laughing until lunch the next afternoon before she left. Damn, that was a fun night lol.
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Hahahaha, you sound like an awesome person to get high with - you'd never know how you would react! :D:D

    But thats what's so much fun about a weed high. Of course the panic attack part was no fun, but mostly, it's a great short-term fun escape from reality.

    One thing I did immediately noticed when I came to America, was how different getting high behaviors were(are).

    In Australia, when we'd get high, we didn't hide it and we'd have so much damn fun with it, but in America, people get way too serious about their high. They will get high and then try to act like they're not high... so it's almost stifling their high, you know? lol. :cool:
  15. AdrianneN

    AdrianneN New Member

    Friends saying I still look good for my age at 43.
  16. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

    I get that too :)
  17. AdrianneN

    AdrianneN New Member

    Learned it from my mom,she is 67 and looks like when she was in her 30s
  18. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    Man I wish I could have been there!!! That’s too funny!!!! What about the euphoric sex, where you feel like your resting on a cloud and legitimately becoming one!! Those were the days lol.
  19. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    I got as high as a kite without a puff at Wutangs concert, worst part was the biggest stoner was a no show. It blew my mind how much weed smoke was in the air with police presence, I swear every American artist that comes here gets away with it lol. But watch an Australian artist smoke a big fat spliff on stage and get arrested for 9 years haha
  20. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    That has never been me. When I have been drunk in the past I have tried to be slick about it, but when I have been high, I've always been at home or with maybe two or three other people and they were high as kites, too. We were all just high together. That shit was awesome.

    Weirdly enough, all the times that I have tried to have sex when high didn't work out the way that I expected it to lol. I mean, fucking is still better than not fucking, but weed never made me horny at all. It made my ex go crazy, so I had zero problems with that.

    Now vodka or tequila, on the other hand...whoo buddy. I never got whiskey dick lol. After a few drinks, it was go time!

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