What do you find attractive in a white woman?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by 100%African, Dec 6, 2005.

  1. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Just go out there and be yourself. And as odd as it might seem on this board, focus less on her being white and more on her just being a woman that you would like to get to know better at some point.
  2. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

  3. lledsmar

    lledsmar Banned

    Thank you for that advice....I'll try that...
  4. lledsmar

    lledsmar Banned

    This is ssn attractive woman...not just because she's white....sexy, confident, sensual...

    Attached Files:

  5. Ronniejr

    Ronniejr Member

    Biased asf but everything. The beautiful pale or tan skin long beautiful hair. Blue or green eyes. The devotion, the passion, the caring nature. Just white women are wonderful I love em so much I only see myself with a beautiful white wife blonde,red,brunette. Dont matter as long as she loves n respects me like the man I am.
  6. lledsmar

    lledsmar Banned

    Well stated
  7. jmoney42

    jmoney42 Active Member

    Reviving another old thread but this post is 100% me. Very upfront about interest even if it isn’t directly walking up and starting a convo, they just make it known. Most importantly I’ve never felt like I couldn’t be 100% me. I’m a BIG sports junkie and know that has been and can be seen as a turnoff. However the ones I’ve encountered for the most part even if they aren’t into sports will let me ramble lol and feel heard. Sometimes even get a :rolleyes:. Idk make me feel like my opinions, interests and feelings matter when to most of the world it doesn’t

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