Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Summerred

    Summerred Well-Known Member

  2. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

  3. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

  4. Summerred

    Summerred Well-Known Member

    Screenshot_20220325-221305.png Screenshot_20220325-221356.png Screenshot_20220325-221440.png Screenshot_20220325-220948.png Screenshot_20220325-220916.png Screenshot_20220325-220741.png Screenshot_20220325-220638.png
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2022
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  5. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Damn. Ginni Thomas is bat shit insane.
  6. Summerred

    Summerred Well-Known Member

    I know, sadly since she is a WW and he is a BM they will be used as another example about BM/WW being a terrible pair with all WW being compared with her trash/insane behavior and her husband will be called passive or complicit.
  7. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  8. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    And any individuals who would use those two for anti-BM/WW interracial propaganda are people no one should be giving any thought or energy to in the first place. Recognize who they are & what they are about then keep it moving unless they are directly coming at you & yours. Otherwise you're directly giving them the energy & power they need to operate when you engage or knowledge them and their ignorance. Just my 2 cents however.
  9. Summerred

    Summerred Well-Known Member

    I don't think nobody need give them energy to make them operate this way, they will do it regardless of the reaction because fit the agenda. I think i'm more mad with Ginni Thomas for being a bat shit crazy woman than people using her to push any agenda. People blind by Trump cult look brainwashed and this don't excuse her behavior and she deserved be exposed but Trump also had some latins, asians and black people in a much smaller number than white people whorshiping anything he did. It's crazy to think about it but i guess the same happen with Putin when people can't cut sanity from madness.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2022
  10. Summerred

    Summerred Well-Known Member

    I guess he maybe is thinking about retiring. I don't see Wallace getting much work in others places but compared with other people who work with Fox a least he seems a real professional.
  11. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't call it brainwashing or being blind. It's simple human nature of like minded people relating to someone with similar (fucked up) world view & opinions in a position of power. They don't see or hear anything wrong with any of the questionable things Trump has done because they agree with all of it themselves.

    Both Clarence Thomas & his wife have always been about questionable politics, so no surprise there. The real issue is with both them & other like minded folks claiming there are no conflicts of interest with his being a Supreme Court Justice & Ginni Thomas being a very vocal pro-conservative authoritarian activist.
  12. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Agreed! Take racism. Sure, the politicians will preach forever about how they're against racism etc., but they ignore their racist follower's ways. Likewise, the racist followers is fine with their blatant racism as it's part of what they want.

    Even these truckers circling the Wash DC area. In their statement they claim to be fighting for everyone, and not at all motivated by politics, race, and religion, et, they're clearly Trumpers and anti-Biden
  13. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    The fact that they claim they are all about fighting for "everyone" yet their gripes are always directed against various segments of the population is an eternal red flag. How does that work exactly?
  14. Summerred

    Summerred Well-Known Member

    Basically Ginni is a low key racist who is married with a BM. I wonder if Thomas never saw this side of her or he just ignored it because wasn't so in his face all the time.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2022
  15. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    I'm not at all suprised. Thomas simply has black skin, but in my opinion... his rulings/opinion since being a Supreme Court justice are those of someone who'd say that racism in the United States is largely in the past, and views seemingly mirror those of the worst on that side of the aisle. He sorta reminds me of the black character (Logan?) in the movie "Get Out" in that he acts exactly the way he's been programmed
  16. Summerred

    Summerred Well-Known Member

    I see it, white people can have black friends and this don't exactly make them less racist if the racism is already part of who they are. They will just put that friend or partner in a "special category" like they are their only exception. Clarence seems old enough to know the old America. There is no way he didn't see the old racism when he was younger. He probably had some bad experiences and he know that things didn't change so much. If he think that racism is a past situation he is denying the truth to be friendly with his white social circle and wife.
    A better social status can change how ppl act around him but the racism wasn't erased.
    I know that some people have black skin and faced experience with racism but they don't seem full embrace the black community as part of them, they don't have a deep conection with their roots or the black story and their mindset is more about "i need work only for myself, my personal gain" and less about fight for social justice to the community or try to fix issues.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
  17. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  18. Summerred

    Summerred Well-Known Member

  19. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

  20. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

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