Movies with BM/WW Couples

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Your YouTube clip is the best clue at your disposal actually.

    It's from a movie called "The Staying Night", which has an admittedly flimsy IMDb page. No it's not Connelly although there is a strong resemblance.

    Here's another link.

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  2. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

  3. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member


    With both Beckett and Naked Singularity having black male leads with the white female love interest it was refreshing to see roles be reversed(again) in some major movies. I'm sure you all have noticed that most of the movies we post here either have the white female lead with the black love interest or it's between two supporting characters. Although it's great to see white female leads with the black love interest sometimes filmmakers, critics or/and the media will ignore the black guy and his importance to the story.
  4. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    In three seconds lol . . . it was not obvious to you???
  5. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    That it wasn't her? No because like I said she favored her alot and I didn't bother to do a side by side which could've told me but I was busy at the time so I asked here instead.
  6. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking it was Jennifer Connelly lol. Like you I just briefly glanced at thr video. Damn . . . I am overdue for my eye exam lol
  7. BabyFatman

    BabyFatman Member

    There's also a movie that came out a few months ago called Violation that has BMWF couple. But it's a very weird messed up movie.

    Last edited: Sep 1, 2021
  8. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    The Voyeurs starts streaming on Amazon Prime tomorrow but its been reviewed and details have come out about the plot well mostly about the nudity in the movie but I degress.

    First the good news since it is an erotic thriller those of you hoping to see Sydney in a state of undress are in luck

    Now the bad news
    If you were hoping for a good portrayal of an IR Couple go on past this movie, if you are into erotic thrillers then you might be interested.
    Thomas (Justice) and Pippa (Sydney) are a young couple looking forward to their future together,
    Thomas is the good guy, loves his girl, has a good job all the good stuff which = boring. Pippa has him make a promise that before they have kids they will be the exciting couple and Thomas agrees. She tries to keep the excitement going going out and buying sexy lingerie but before she has a chance to show it off Thomas is fast asleep.

    They eventually find excitement in spying on a couple in the neighboring building in Seb and Julia. The couple (Seb and Julia) are like rabbits going at it all the time which Pipppa (Sydney) enjoys it excites her so much that she convinces Thomas to step up their spy game first with a pair of binoculars, after which they spy on the couple and during this particular session Pippa decides to have Thomas describe what he is seeing all the while she is giving him a handjob, she wants Thomas to do the same for her while she looks through the binoculars and describes what she is seeing but alas our boy Thomas could not contain his excitement and finishes rather quickly.
    Pippa of course is frustrated and again convinces Thomas that they need to step up their spy game this time they sneak into Seb and Julia's apartment during a Halloween party and plant a microphone so they can hear.

    The spying continues but Thomas is getting very uncomfortable while Pippa is growing more and more obsessed. One day while Julia is out of town Pippa notices that Seb(who is a photographer with a home studio) has another women over and she is modeling for him, thing quickly escalate as Seb and his model start getting down. This often happens when Julia is out of town. One day out of the blue Julia shows up at Pippa's office (she is an ophthalmologist) she gets an eye exam and hits it off with Pippa they become fast friends, with Julia inviting her to spend the day at a spa. Pippa now friends with Julia is torn she wants to tell Julia whats going on with all the other women but then that would expose what she has been doing. Thomas on the other hand wants nothing to do with it anymore and doesnt think she should get involved causing further strain in their relationship. Pippa sinks further into the obsession though and starts fantasizing about being one of Seb's "models".

    Pippa decides she has to tell Julia what is going on, but Julia is murdered. Pippa doesn't know if she is the cause of her death or who did it but suspects Seb. She decides to try to follow him. She ends up at the local bar where is having a drink, he notices her and sits with her she is conflicted on one hand she is afraid of him but on the other she lusts for him, they talk have a few drinks and he convinces her to come back to his place for a photoshoot
    One things leads to another and next thing you know Seb is going down on her and before long Pippa is on top riding him
    (Dark Curry was right Justice ended up getting cucked).

    Now this is all I have been able to find out This all happens in the first 80 mins the movies is about 2 hours, and the last 40 minutes is all thrill but according to the reviews it does not adhere to the cliche where Pippa is sorry for what she has done and goes back and lives her happy but boring life with Thomas there is a mind blowing twist at the end I have not seen the movie yet though
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2021
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  9. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    U should have posted this shudder flick in my thread ;) Thanks for the recommendation!!! Damn my shudder subscription just expired lol.
  10. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    It kind of slaps now that we know Justice is . . . well you know. Couldn't Tristan Wilds have excelled if cast?
  11. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

    My thoughts exactly lol
  12. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah it seems like this was one of these fantasy films for white guys who don't like IR relationships between bm & ww. And I say that because this formula isn't new which is why I was able to catch on to it. There are some other movies and TV shows that had this same formula where:

    the white girlfriend of the black guy cheats with a white guy(It's always a white guy)
    and the love and erotic scenes are made with the white guys they cheat on.
    The black guy is the angry and/or emotional type with asexual tendecies.

    It's a cuck formula. I can't remember the name of those other movies and tv shows with the same formula but they have been put here so we know this is on purpose because it is the SAME thing just a different way of doing it. lol. They never switch the roles up and they always go with bm and a wm.
  13. LucasBanner

    LucasBanner Member

    It is weird that being cucked is kind of a white guy thing but anytime there is an interracial love triangle with BM/WM/WW the black guy is always the one being cucked.
  14. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    Yeah we all have seen the signs to know how those stories go lol.
  15. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Because these IR love stories that go awry like this in film at times be written by racist who don't like IR between black men & white men and they expressed that through their art. They don't like seeing white men get cucked in those lifestyles and in porn so they use their art to turn the tables so to speak.
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  16. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    So I actually watched the whole movie and

    the last 40 minutes do have a bunch of twists and turns. So it turns out that Thomas had left Pippa because she was getting to involved in decided to return to reconcile with Pippa but unfortunately it was the same night Pippa was sleeping with Seb notice how the gif in my first post changes the pov. Thomas saw everything through the binoculars and is devastated.

    Pippa wakes up in Seb’s place the next morning she finds he is gone so she goes back to her place she walks in to find Thomas having seen everything the night before he hanged himself. Pippa is devastated. A little time passes realizing the mistakes she has made Pippa wants to put things behind her and goes to see Seb. He is hosting the opening of a new exhibition at his and Julia’s art gallery. Titled “the voyeurs” Pippa and Thomas were the subjects of the show . Turns out that the people Pippa and Thomas were renting from were Julia and Seb they knew they were watching the whole time and were putting on a show. The apartment was filled with hidden cameras. As “julia” turns up alive turns out her name is actually Margot.

    Horrified at the new info and blaming Seb and Margot for Thomas’ death Pippa decides to move out of the apartment for good as she is packing up she notices a number of dead birds on the terrace. Turns out the birds had been poisoned after drinking some chlorophyll water this is important because Thomas would as drink that water every night. With this information Pippa deduced that Thomas did not kill himself but was murdered and the night that she was sleeping Seb Julia staged it to look like a suicide.

    Pippa confronts the two with her suspicions a chase ensue ending up back at her office as they have her cornered the two pass out. Turns out that Pippa had not stopped watching the two she had sent them a bottle of wine laced with sleeping pills. As the wake they find themselves strapped to the doctors chairs. Pippa wants to teach them a lesson and uses the equipment in the office to burn couple’s pupils out blinding them. Years later we see that a pair of guys now living in the apartment as they look across the way we see an older Seb and Julia their eyes still burned.
  17. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

    Sydney Sweeney sexy as hell but enough is enough, I am not watching a movie where a black man is seen as a lesser option or just flat out collateral damage.
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  18. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    This sounds like that night she slept with Seb and what happened to Thomas was unnecessary parts to add to the story.

    But as I said you still have some in Hollywood that find different ways to do the black guy dirty in the IR and sneak a white guy into their relationship somehow. But it always makes the black guy to the audience look better than the rest. Because everyone really got what they deserve from Pippa to Seb and Julia. Thomas didn't deserved what they all did to him. They tried to make Pippa look good in the end but it was her curiousity that Killed the cat. She may have not cheated but she obviously was headed in that direction and WANTED to sleep with Seb you could tell that in the trailer which is why I knew something was going to happen with her and Seb.

    In the end another movie that did the bm/ww IR dirty so thanks for the heads up.
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  19. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    The more things change... Frustrating to the max. This is the 21st freaking century and you think there is more than a peck on the cheek.
  20. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I like Sydney Sweeney but now all three of her IR on screen have been screwed up terribly. Like wtf. lol. One of the very few up and coming white actresses that have more than one IR onscreen and none of them are any good. This is the opposite of Margot Robbie. It needs fixed. lol.
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